Chapter 35

YiBo didn't say a word to his mom, but he just stared at her, feeling a sudden chill wash over his entire body. His mom turned and left the room, heading to the living room. YiBo slowly sat down on the couch, feeling his head throbbing with confusion. He held his head, thinking of where to even begin. Where would he start now?

The weight of his mom's worry was even heavier than his own, but eventually, she couldn't stay in her space any longer. She couldn't imagine YiBo leaving home again for the second time because of this issue. She knew his father better than anyone—this time, his father wouldn't take it lightly. Feeling overwhelmed, she stood up and left the living room.

Zhan was still sitting in the living room. Though YiBo's mom hadn't looked at him, hearing his quiet sobs made her unable to leave, even though she had already opened the door. She gently closed it and turned to look at him, then walked toward him slowly. "Can you hear me? Stop crying. That's enough now. Your breakfast is ready, so get up and eat."

Zhan couldn't say a word, continuing to cry. At that moment, his aunt's words echoed in his mind, and it seemed like this was just the beginning of what she had warned him about.

YiBo's mom forced herself to say, "Come with me to the living room and eat your breakfast. And stop that crying, alright?" She then carried his food to the other living room and set it down. When she came back, she looked at him and said, "You're still crying? Come on, let's go to the living room."

Only then did Zhan manage to stand up, though he was still struggling to stop his sobbing. She held his hand and led him to the other room, sat him down, and said, "Eat now." Zhan just sat there, feeling so heavy-hearted and starting to believe that he was useless. She left the room and went to her guest room, filled with worry.

YiBo finally stood up after hearing Zhan's crying from the living room since his mom had left her bedroom door open. He sat down on the couch next to where Zhan was sitting. For a moment, he couldn't speak. After a few seconds, he quietly said, "It's okay, and..." He paused. Then he added, "I'm sorry." Zhan was sobbing, his head in his hands. YiBo asked, "Didn't you hear what I said?"

Zhan finally looked up at him, his red, tear-filled eyes locking with YiBo's. YiBo couldn't keep eye contact, so he looked down and said, "I'm sorry. Now, eat your breakfast." Slowly, Zhan's sobs began to subside, though he still felt an intense ache in his heart.

YiBo stood up, walked over to him without looking directly, and poured tea into a cup. He prepared it for Zhan and placed it beside him. Zhan continued wiping away the stubborn tears as he watched him. YiBo heard the door to the other living room open. He picked up the tea and said, "Come on, let's go inside and have your breakfast."

Zhan quickly stood up and followed him into his mom's bedroom. YiBo set down the tea and left to get the rest of the food. His mom entered the room, and when she saw Zhan wasn't there, she let out a sigh of relief. YiBo returned, carrying the food, and hurried into the bedroom after hearing the voices of their guests. His mom sat down in the living room as Fang Ling arrived and sat beside her. Wang Yu soon followed, sitting down as well. Fang said, "So, YiBo came home yesterday, and no one told us? It's like some big secret, and now he won't even come greet us?"

His mom replied, "He didn't come back early yesterday." Fang said, "Well, even if it wasn't early, we should've all known. We're not upset about something good happening. Earlier, Fen was telling me he was back, and I said that's how it should be."

Wang Yu, who was tapping her foot, asked, "Where is he now?" His mom got up and headed for her bedroom. Fang and Wang Yu exchanged glances, rolling their eyes in unison. When his mom entered the room, she saw YiBo sitting beside Zhan, who was slowly sipping tea with shaky hands. Seeing his mom, YiBo stood up, kneeling slightly before Zhan. His mom said, "Go out and greet the guests."

YiBo frowned and said, "Greet who?" His mom pleaded, "Please, just go say hello. It won't take long." YiBo shook his head and said, "No, I'm sorry, Mom, I'm not going out." His mom couldn't respond for a moment, just looking at him. YiBo returned to the couch and sat down. "Why should I greet them? We didn't said goodbye to each other when I left, so why greet them now that I'm back? I'm sorry, Mom, I'm not leaving this room."

His mom just kept staring at him. Finally, she said, "You could at least stand at the door. Aren't you worried about what people will say?" YiBo replied, "No, I'm not worried, Mom. I'm not moving an inch from here. As for Aunt Yu, I was ready for her when I returned. She better not dare cross my path."

His mom, feeling defeated, couldn't argue with him anymore. In the end, YiBo got up and went into the bathroom. Slowly, his mom left the room, returned to the living room, and forced a smile. "He's getting ready. Once he's done, he'll come greet you all," she said. Aunt Yu raised her hand and quickly cut her off, saying, "No need to defend him, Felicia. We're not important enough for him to greet us, are we? Who are we?"

Aunt Yu stood up, looking at Fang. "Come on, let's go," she said. Fang Ling stood up, and the two of them headed for the door, leaving his mom watching them as they left. She let out another sigh of relief and sat down. Finally, she got up, left the living room, and returned shortly with YiBo's things. She entered her bedroom, placed them by the bed, and looked at Zhan. "Go to the bathroom and take a shower now."

YiBo sat quietly, watching his mom. Zhan stood up and went into the bathroom. His mom left the room. YiBo followed her and sat next to her on the couch, speaking softly, "Please, listen to me, Mom." His mom replied, "What do you want me to hear, Ai Bo?" He gathered his courage to speak, but before he could say a word, the door opened, and they both turned. Fen entered, looking at YiBo and said, "Dad is calling for you."

YiBo stayed silent, staring at her. His mom swallowed hard, looked at Fen, and said, "He'll be there soon." Fen left, and his mom looked at him with concern. "You should go and see what your dad wants." YiBo couldn't say anything. Finally, he stood up and left. He walked slowly to his dad's room, knocked on the door, and only entered when he heard a response.

His dad was standing, clearly ready to leave. YiBo glanced at Aunt Yu and sat down on the floor. "I'm here, sir," he said quietly. His dad pointed toward Aunt Yu and asked, "Who is she to me?" YiBo remained silent. Calmly, his dad repeated, "I asked you a question."

YiBo looked up and said, "She's your sister." His dad nodded, "Good. You know that, yet you returned home and didn't go to greet her or Fang?" YiBo said nothing. Aunt Yu chimed in, "No, brother, it's not his fault. His mother told him not to. She's the one preventing him from greeting us, as if we don't deserve it. We even went to her side of the house to see him, but the boy refused to come out. His mother defended him as if it was nothing. Fang even started crying, saying it was an insult, and you know I don't tolerate nonsense. That's why I came to you now—this boy, who's young enough to be my son? How many times did I plead with you to let him return home, and now he repays me like this?"

His dad stayed silent, pacing around his large living room. YiBo shot her a side glance. Then his dad turned to him and said, "Apologize to her. Then go to their side and greet them, and tell them you're back." YiBo gave a brief look and said, "I'm sorry." With that, he stood up and left the room. His dad watched him go, and Aunt Yu, with her mouth hanging open, followed him with her eyes. She turned to her brother, about to speak, but he said, "Go ahead, Yu. I'll talk to him later when I return."

Aunt Yu stared at him in disbelief before leaving the room, as though she was about to burst with frustration. YiBo headed straight back to his mom's side of the house. His mom was standing, watching Zhan, who was spraying perfume on his hand. She asked him, "Didn't you bring a jacket?" Zhan shook his head. Anyone looking at him would feel sorry... he looked like he wasn't in his right mind.

YiBo stood at the doorway, silently watching his mom, unsure of what to say. His whole body felt weak, not knowing what she had in mind. His mom picked up a light jacket and handed it to Zhan, saying, "Put this on." Zhan hesitated for a moment, then gently took the jacket and replied, "Thank you," as he put it on.

YiBo stood by the door, just staring at his mom, speechless. He didn't know what to say, and his body felt weak, unsure of what she was planning. Mom grabbed a small handbag, threw it over her shoulder, and looked at Zhan, saying, "Let's go." Zhan walked toward the door, passing by YiBo on his way out. As Mom reached the door, YiBo stepped aside to make way for her. She handed him the car keys and said, "Let's go." YiBo gathered his courage and asked, "Where, Mom?"

She simply responded, "Are you going to take the keys or not?" YiBo hesitantly reached out and took them. She left the living room, with Zhan following closely behind her. They walked through the compound without encountering anyone, as if the house were empty. Zhan couldn't help but admire the beauty and size of the place. YiBo, meanwhile, walked slowly toward his mom's car, lost in thought and unsure of what to make of the situation.

His Mom was exchanging greetings with the security staff around the house, while Zhan stole glances at them, intrigued. She opened the back seat and looked at Zhan, saying, "Get in." Zhan climbed into the car carefully, and she followed, locking the doors behind her. After a few minutes, YiBo started the car and drove out of the compound once the large gate was opened for them.

YiBo drove slowly until they were out of the neighborhood. It was only then that he glanced at his mom through the rearview mirror and, in a quiet voice, asked, "Where are we going, Mom?" She replied, "Take me to Isabella's house." YiBo sighed quietly with relief and directed the car toward his aunt's home.

Zhan kept looking out the window, admiring the beautiful neighborhoods they passed, but it was clear that something was bothering him. When they reached Aunt Bella's estate, it wasn't long before they arrived at her house. YiBo honked the horn, and after the gate was opened, he drove in and parked the car. His Mom stepped out and looked at Zhan, saying, "Get out."

Zhan obediently got out and followed her toward the house. Aunt Bella greeted YiBo with excitement, hugging him tightly. "Is that my handsome nephew I see?" she exclaimed.

YiBo smiled and greeted her in return. She responded warmly, but as she looked him up and down, her smile faded a bit. "Welcome, son," she said with a more serious tone. YiBo just smiled politely. Aunt Bella held his hand and led him into the living room, respectfully greeting his mom. Smiling, she said, "You've lost weight, sister. I hope we part ways soon with all the troubles behind us."

Mom smiled, while Zhan observed Aunt Bella closely, noting her half-caste features. She was as fair-skinned as YiBo's mom.

Aunt Bella finally noticed Zhan and said, "Welcome, young man. Come in and sit." Zhan bowed slightly and sat down carefully, greeting Aunt Bella. She responded and sat beside her sister. Moments later, a maid arrived with refreshments, filling the table with water, juice, and fruit. Aunt Bella couldn't stop smiling at YiBo, clearly happy to see him.

After a while, she looked at Lily (Yibo's mom) and asked, "How's the family, Jie?"

Lily replied, "Tell your maid to take the guest to the room and offer him breakfast. I noticed he didn't eat much back at home."

Aunt Bella turned to Zhan and said, "Oh, alright, let me call her." She dialed the maid's number, and soon the maid appeared. "I'm here, ma'am," she said.

Aunt Bella instructed her, "Take our guest to the guest room and serve him breakfast."

The maid nodded and gestured for Zhan to follow her. Aunt Bella smiled at Zhan and said, "Go ahead, young man."

Zhan stood up slowly and followed the maid to a different part of the house. Once they were gone, Lily turned to YiBo and said, "Until the admission letter is ready, he'll stay here. It could take a week or more."

YiBo just stared at her, unsure of what to say. Aunt Bella, curious, asked, "Who is he, Jie?"

Lily replied, "He came with YiBo."

Aunt Bella looked at YiBo and asked, "Who is he?"

YiBo, lowering his voice, responded, "The son of the family I stayed with in Beijing."

"Oh," Aunt Bella said, "Is he here for school?" He nodded. "His father must really trust you to let you bring him all the way here," Aunt Bella remarked. YiBo said nothing.

Lily changed the subject, asking, "When are you guys leaving? You've been quiet about it."

Aunt Bella sighed and said, "Oh, my husband wants to settle everything there before we join him. Probably in two weeks."

Lily nodded.

Gathering his courage, YiBo softly said, "Mom, about that video… it was his friends at school who filmed it without him knowing and posted it on social media. The case is in court now, and his father sued them all. That's why he's transferring him to a new school here. Since I was already coming, he asked if I could bring him along." YiBo trailed off, feeling like nothing he said made any sense.

Lily, however, calmly replied, "Did I say anything, Ai Bo? He'll stay here until his business is settled, and then he'll go back home. Isn't that fine?"

Aunt Bella, who had been watching them, asked, "What's going on?"

Lily sighed and briefly explained what had happened that morning with the kids. Aunt Bella's mouth dropped open in shock. After a moment, she turned to YiBo and, in a hushed voice, asked, "Are you saying that boy is the one whose video went viral weeks ago?"

YiBo remained silent.

Aunt Bella shook her head in disbelief, clearly disturbed. "He has ruined his reputation, tarnishing his image in the eyes of the world. It's a stain that will be hard to erase, especially when it comes time for marriage. He'll come to regret this if he hasn't already, particularly if he has enemies. How could he sit there, wearing nothing but his undergarments, laughing on video? It's disgraceful."

YiBo just stared at her without saying a word. Aunty Bella held her chin in concern and said, "I don't like this at all. A child without self-discipline doesn't impress me. If he had any, this would never have happened. The day I saw that video, I stayed up all night praying for protection for all families. It was horrible, and there isn't a corner where that video didn't spread. If you hadn't mentioned it, I wouldn't have recognized him. Honestly, if it were up to me, his father should marry him off now instead of sending him back to school in another city. If he acted this way in Beijing, what do you think will happen when he meets the people around here? Quiet as he is, it's clear there's a lot going on in his mind. By the way, how do you know his father?"

YiBo lowered his eyes to the ground while Lily continued to watch him. Aunty Bella said, "Why are you silent?" He looked up slowly and said, "When I first arrived in Beijing, I had no one. That man took me in like I was his own son. He fed me, sheltered me, without knowing who I was. His mother is a kind woman, and because of her, I stayed with them as long as I did. I felt like she was my own mother or like you and my Mom at home. His siblings were always respectful, and they treated me like family. I never felt like an outsider. The thing is, I never told them who I really am. I went there as a nobody. They still don't know who I am, except for the boy now. Yet, they treated me with such kindness in these difficult times. I know I can never repay their generosity. When his father asked me to bring him here to collect his admission letter because of a mistake he made, how could I refuse?"

Aunty Bella let out a deep breath and said, "Well, of course, you couldn't refuse. But what we're trying to avoid here is the talk of the town." Lily turned to Aunty Bella and said, "That's exactly it, dear. That's what I'm afraid of. I brought him here until he finishes what he came for and returns home. Aside from us, who know the full story, who else knows anything about this boy's family? No one. Even if people heard, they'd think it's a lie. That's why I'm avoiding any talk. When they came in earlier, it was pure gossip that brought them here. They only wanted to see the boy. As for him, he's ruined his reputation, and now, wherever he goes, he'll be recognized. I just hope he finds a woman who can overlook his past and marry him, saving him both in this world and the next. Honestly, his father should marry him off and let him continue his studies from his house. That would be more respectable. He'll face ridicule wherever he goes now."

YiBo just kept watching them quietly. Aunty Bella added, "From what I can see, this is clearly the influence of bad friends, combined with the impulsiveness of youth. That's why we need to keep an even closer eye on our children." Lily's phone rang. She answered and after exchanging pleasantries, she said, "Oh, I'm at Isabella's house. Are you coming over?" she smiled and said, "Great, just come here if you're on your way. He's here too." She hung up the phone, and Aunty Bella asked, "Who was that?"

She replied, "It's Mia." Aunty Bella said, "Oh, she's feeling better now?" Lily nodded, "Yes, she's much better. She even visited me at home three days ago." Aunty Bella stood up and said, "Let me go tell the maid to prepare something for her before she arrives."

With that, she left the living room. Lily turned to YiBo and asked, "Are you still planning on leaving today, Ai Bo?" YiBo, while scrolling on his phone, replied, "When I'm ready, Mom."

Aunty Bella briefly stopped by the kitchen to help the maid with the preparations, and when everything was set, she left it to the maid and returned to the living room. She didn't find them there, but as she was about to head upstairs, she decided to check the guest room where Zhan was staying earlier. She opened the door and found Zhan sitting on the floor, resting his head against the bed.

Seeing the untouched breakfast, Aunty Bella asked, "You haven't had breakfast?" Zhan quietly replied, "I'm full." Aunty Bella responded, "Well, come to the living room and watch something. The kids messed up the channels in here, so we need to fix them." Zhan didn't say anything, but when Aunty Bella turned to leave, he slowly stood up and followed her to the living room.

He sat back down on the floor, while Aunty Bella went upstairs to join Mom.

YiBo was lying on the couch as his Mom was telling him about everything that happened while he was away. Aunty Bella had just sat down when Lily's phone rang again. After answering, she said, "You've arrived? Okay, I'll have the door opened." Ending the call, she turned to Aunty Bella and asked, "Did you lock the living room door, Isabella?"

Aunty Bella quickly looked at YiBo and said, "Doctor, could you open the door? I just locked it before coming up." YiBo stood up and left the living room, heading downstairs. Zhan, who was sitting quietly and staring at the TV without really watching, barely noticed as YiBo passed by to open the door.

YiBo respectfully greeted his Mom's friend and welcomed her with a smile. "Welcome back, Aunt." She replied warmly, "Thank you, YiBo. It's good to see you." Smiling, YiBo said, "They're upstairs." He stepped aside as she entered the living room, and then picked up the remote to lower the volume on the TV. Zhan greeted her softly, and she responded with a warm smile before heading upstairs.

Just then, YiBo turned around and saw Nia leaning against the living room door, watching him with a bright smile. He widened his eyes in surprise, but before he could say anything, she rushed over and hugged him tightly, closing her eyes as she said, "I've missed you so much."

Zhan, noticing the scene, looked up at them, while YiBo stood stiff, completely caught off guard.

Realizing that Zhan was there, Nia quickly let go of YiBo and stepped back, smiling awkwardly at Zhan. "Hello, sorry for just barging in like that," she said. Zhan glanced at her from head to toe before turning his head away without saying anything.

YiBo opened his palms in surprise and asked, "But why didn't you tell me you were coming?" Nia tilted her head playfully, smiling at him. "It was supposed to be a surprise," she said. YiBo just stared at her, not knowing what to say. Her eyes filled with tears as she softly said, "I've missed you so much..."

YiBo looked at her with a concerned expression and said, "Come on, enough of that, dear."

At that moment, Zhan stood up and quietly left the living room, heading back to the guest room. Nia watched him go before turning to YiBo and asking, "Who is he? Do you think he's upset with the way I came in? I was just overwhelmed." YiBo shrugged and said, "No, it's just how you see it."

Nia smiled and said, "Alright, I hope he's not mad. Where's Aunt?" YiBo pointed upstairs, and she said, "Let me go greet her."

As she left, YiBo watched her go, his thoughts racing...
