Chapter 36

Don't bother about any mistakes, I edited it with heavy eyes 😅 gosh I want to sleep now.

After a few hours, Aunty Bella came downstairs and glanced at the housekeeper in the living room. "Did you serve the guest his food?" she asked.

The housekeeper quickly stood up, "I forgot, madam."

Aunty Bella looked at her in disbelief, "But you didn't forget about your own meal Min, did you?"

The housekeeper hurried towards the kitchen as Aunty Bella made her way to the guest room. Opening the door, she saw Zhan sitting on the carpet.

She stepped inside, and Zhan looked up at her. "I'm sorry, that lazy girl didn't bring you any food. I was upstairs and had no idea," she said.

Zhan simply smiled and said nothing. Aunty Bella asked, "Why didn't you come to the living room and watch some TV?"

Quietly, Zhan replied, "It's nothing."

Aunty Bella didn't push the conversation further. Just then, the housekeeper entered with the food, placing it in front of Zhan. Aunty Bella looked at the housekeeper and said, "Get him some more lemonade."

Quickly, Zhan interjected, "No, this is enough, Aunty."

Aunty Bella responded, "Alright, then serve yourself and eat," before leaving the room.

Meanwhile, YiBo was outside in the courtyard, enjoying some fresh air with Nia. It was clear from their demeanor that they had missed each other. They even ate their meal outside...together, and after Nia poured him some non-alcoholic champagne, he smiled at her and said, "Thank you."

She smiled back. "Go on, I'm listening."

YiBo raised his eyebrows slightly, "What else is there to say?"

"Aren't you telling me about your stay in Beijing? You haven't finished," she teased.

He smiled, rubbing his head. "Well, all the people in the household were very nice. I think that's the most important part."

Nia asked, "And that lady I saw you with earlier, who is she?"

YiBo hesitated, then said, "Lu Jie. She's the daughter of the house owner."

"Oh, and which school does she attend?" Nia asked.

YiBo widened his eyes. "She's older than me. She's married now in Guangzhou."

"Oh, I see. But you know, your family still doesn't know where you were all that time. Fen and Xia always asked me about you. They were curious if I knew where you were."

YiBo smiled again without replying, so Nia took a sip of her drink and continued, "Everything happens for a reason, right? Maybe fate brought you to Beijing to reconnect with that family. You won't forget their kindness."

He nodded. "That's true."

"And you mean they still don't know who you really are, even now that you're back in Shanghai?" she asked.

He shook his head. "No, they don't."

"They're going to be shocked when they find out," she smiled. "But what made you decide to stay with them? You didn't know them, and it's not like you couldn't afford to stay somewhere else in Beijing. You could've rented a place or even stayed at a hotel. I know you weren't getting any money from your father, but still, you never ran out of cash. Your Mom sent you money, Aunty Bella, Grandma—even though she wasn't in the country..."

YiBo smiled and quietly added, "And even you."

Nia playfully glared at him. "Don't include me in that. What's mine is yours."

She propped her chin on her hand. "So how did you even know about them? And why did you decide to stay with them?"

YiBo stared at her for a moment, then said, "I'll tell you some other time, Nia."

"Why?" she asked.

"I don't want to talk about it right now."

She tilted her head gently. "But did you know them before?"

He shook his head. "I said I'll tell you later."

"Okay. But you should at least have your Mom speak to them on the phone. They deserve to know you appreciate them," Nia suggested.

"I will," YiBo agreed.

Softly, she asked, "But why did you keep telling me you were in the U.S.?"

"Because I knew if you found out I was in Beijing, you'd come looking for me. That's why, when we met at the shopping mall, I told you my flight was leaving in a few hours—to stop you from expecting to meet up with me."

Nia just smiled at him.

Around 4 p.m., they finally went inside the house. Nia went upstairs, while YiBo stayed in the living room. He hadn't even been there for five minutes when Zhan emerged, holding food containers that the housekeeper had brought earlier. Since Zhan didn't look at YiBo again after their brief eye contact, he assumed he'd find the housekeeper in the living room and turned back toward his room when he didn't.

Just then, YiBo's Mom came downstairs with Nia's mom and Aunty Bella. She said, "Ai Bo, you'll drop them off on your way home. I told their driver not to come because we'll all leave together now."

YiBo stood up, "Okay."

Lily walked over to Aunty Bella, who was on a call, and said quietly, "Let's say goodbye to that boy. I think he'll leave straight from here after collecting what he needs."

Aunty Bella made her way to Zhan's room, with Lily following close behind. Opening the door, they found him lying on the floor. Aunty Bella ended her call and said, "Why are you lying on the floor when there's a bed?"

Zhan sat up but said nothing. Lily, smiling, said, "I guess he's just not used to the house yet."

Still smiling, she asked, "What's your name?"

Zhan slowly lifted his head and said, "Zhan."

Aunty Bella glanced at her sister, who said, "Well, Zhan, when are they giving you your admission letter?"

At that moment, Zhan finally lifted his head to look at YiBo's Mom. She asked, "When did they say?" In a soft voice, he replied, "I don't know either." She continued, "Well, what did they tell you yesterday at school?" He looked down and said, "They told him, not me." She exchanged a glance with Aunty Bella, then added, "Alright, he said you'll get it before the end of the week. If I come back before you leave, I'll see you again. If not, I'll make sure to send my greetings through Ai Bo. Okay?"

Unable to hold back, YiBo's Mom stepped closer and cupped his face. Before Zhan realized what she was about to do, he felt the warmth of her lips on his forehead, and slowly, the warmth spread. She said softly, "Send my regards to your mother."

Zhan simply nodded, and she said, "Alright, see you later." In a quiet tone, Zhan responded, "Thank you." As he said this, he began taking off the jacket he was wearing, saying, "Here, take this." But she shook her head and said, "No, it's yours now, Zhan, wear it." Zhan paused for a moment, then said, "Thank you."

With a smile, she said, "We're off now." She turned and left the room, with Aunty Bella following her and closing the door behind them. YiBo was the only one waiting in the living room. Nia and her mother were already outside in the compound. His Mom glanced at him and asked, "Where are they?" He replied, "They're outside." She said, "Let's go." He turned to Aunty Bella and said, "I left my phone charging. I'll come back to get it later." His Mom interjected, "Why bother? Just take your phone with you, and charge it when we get home."

Aunty Bella laughed, "Didn't you see how wide my eyes got when I was watching him?" YiBo smiled, scratching his head, and said, "Yeah, I noticed." He moved towards the phone, and his Mom headed out of the living room. Turning to Aunty Bella, YiBo said, "Maybe I should just leave it, we weren't done talking anyway."

Aunty Bella replied, "Go drop them off and come back. Is there anything you need when you return?" YiBo shook his head, "No, just some coffee would be nice." She smiled, "Alright then, see you when you get back, son." With that, YiBo quickly left the living room and headed to the parking space.


Around 5 PM, Zhan emerged from the living room. Aunty Bella, who was sitting there with her youngest son, Owen, who had just returned from school, looked up and asked, "Oh, you're out." Zhan, fiddling with his fingers, responded, "Yes, is there any work to be done, Aunty?"

Aunty Bella smiled, "No, Zhan, Min is almost done with the cooking. Why don't you come over and sit down?" Zhan moved closer to the living room but sat on the floor. Aunty Bella said, "Why don't you sit on the couch?" Zhan shook his head, "No, this is fine." Owen, watching him, asked, "Mom, is he our guest?" Aunty Bella smiled, "Yes, dear. Come down and greet him." Owen slid off his mother's lap and bow a little, "Good evening."

Zhan smiled at him, recognizing the little boy, as he was the same age as his nephew Lei, and said, "How are you?" Owen returned to his mother's lap, answering, "Fine."

It was past 7 PM when YiBo finally came back inside. Aunty Bella, seeing him, said, "You're late." He entered the living room, placing a bag down, and replied, "Yes, Aunty, good evening." She responded, "Evening, welcome. Is this his bag?" He nodded, "Yes, it is." He picked up his phone and sat down. Aunty Bella looked at Zhan and said, "Take it to your room." Zhan got up, avoiding eye contact with YiBo, and carried the bag to the room without a word.

Aunty Bella asked YiBo, "Do you want some food or just coffee?" He replied, "I already had some coffee at home, Aunty." She nodded, "Alright. Lily Jie said you're traveling soon, when are you leaving?" After a brief pause, YiBo answered, "In a couple of days, once I'm done preparing." She said, "Okay." YiBo checked his phone and noticed several missed calls from Zhuo. He had even called yesterday. Dialing the number, YiBo put the phone to his ear. When Zhuo answered, they exchanged greetings, and Zhuo asked, "You haven't sent it yet, Lee."

YiBo rubbed his head and replied, "Don't worry, Master, if it's necessary, I'll send it to you." Zhuo insisted, "Yes, but still, just send it." Lee chuckled, "Alright then, thanks for everything." Zhuo asked, "Everyone's doing well?"

YiBo responded, "Yes." Zhuo continued, "Where exactly are you staying in Qibao? I want to visit, maybe over the weekend." YiBo replied, "Okay, I'll ask." Then Zhuo asked, "Where's Zhan? Is he nearby?" YiBo said, "Hold on, I'll give him the phone."

YiBo stood up, giving a look to Aunty Bella as if to say, "I'll be right back," and went to Zhan's room. He found him lying on the bed and handed him the phone. Zhan sat up, looking at the iPhone YiBo was offering, and as soon as he saw the screen, he recognized Zhuo's name. He brought the phone to his ear and softly said, "Zhuo ge."

On the other end, Zhuo asked, "How are you doing, little brother?" At once, tears welled up in Zhan's eyes, and he wiped them away quickly, trying to steady his voice as he replied, "I'm fine."

Zhuo paused for a moment, then lowered his voice, "Why are you crying? Is something bothering you?" Zhan couldn't bring himself to respond, so Zhuo called out again, "Zhan?" In a shaky voice, Zhan said, "Yes." YiBo stood silently, watching him. Zhuo sighed, "I hate it when you cry, Zhan. That's why I don't often ask him to give you the phone. Your crying really bothers me."

Quietly, Zhan replied, "I'll stop, Gege." Zhuo continued, "Good boy. Don't worry, everything will pass. Everything has a beginning and an end. So just be free and get along with your husband."

Softly, Zhan responded, "Okay, Gege." Zhuo asked, "You still don't have an ATM card, do you?" Zhan nodded, as if Zhuo could see him. Zhuo called out, "Hello?" Zhan replied, "Yes, I don't have one." Zhuo said, "Alright, I'll come by on Saturday. I already told Lee."

Zhan asked, "Where are you coming, Gege?" Zhuo replied, "To see you, of course. Be a good boy, always. It's only right that a family member comes to check on you." Zhan remained silent, not saying anything further. Zhuo then said, "Give the phone back to him." Zhan handed the phone to YiBo without looking him in the eyes. YiBo watched him for a moment but didn't take the phone, and Zhan avoided his gaze. When YiBo realized Zhan wouldn't hand it over directly, because he set the phone on the side of the bed and turned away, lying down with his back facing YiBo.

YiBo rubbed his chin thoughtfully, picked up the phone, and quietly left the room, locking the door behind him.

Around 9:30, Aunty Bella opened the door to Zhan's room. She found him sitting on the floor, leaning his head against the bed. Aunty Bella asked, "Won't you eat any more food?" Zhan shook his head and replied, "No, Aunty, thank you." Aunty Bella nodded, "Alright then. Your clothes have been brought, so take a shower and rest. Here's a towel. Use it because the bathroom towel hasn't been washed." Zhan approached her and took the towel she handed him, saying, "Thank you." Aunty Bella smiled and said, "I'm going to my room now. Goodnight." Zhan responded, "Goodnight, see you in the morning." She closed the door behind her as she left.

Zhan placed the towel beside the bed and looked over at the bag YiBo had brought with him. He crouched beside it, unzipped it slowly, and checked inside. It contained another set of clothes—everything he'd need for a few days. After zipping it back up, he stood and walked away from it.

Even though Zhan felt safe in Aunty Bella's house, sleep eluded him once again that night. For almost four days, he hadn't been able to sleep properly. Whenever he did manage to sleep, he'd wake up in a panic within minutes. Was he traumatized? He had never felt such longing for his mother as he did now. Her last words haunted his mind and heart. He could remember every single thing she had said to him on that last day at home, and now he wished he could hear more.

The conversation he'd had earlier with Zhuo Ge only added to his restlessness. Despite that, he still couldn't sleep. His eyes were heavy, but sleep wouldn't come.

Finally, he got up, switched on the light, and noticed it was 2 a.m. He gathered his strength and dragged himself to the bathroom. For almost an hour and a half, Zhan remained awake, sitting on the floor with his head resting against the bed. Then, tears began to stream down his face. Out loud, he prayed that whoever had made that video of him would be exposed. He cried so deeply that he didn't even hear when the door opened.

Aunty Bella stood at the doorway, watching him. It was her routine to check on the children in the house if she woke up in the middle of the night or early morning. She'd check even if there was a guest staying, which had become second nature to her.

Zhan was so immersed in his sorrow that he didn't notice her until she gently closed the door. The sound startled him, and he quickly turned around. His heart sank when he saw her standing there, and he hurriedly wiped his tears. Aunty Bella walked over, sat on the edge of the bed, and in a soft voice said, "It's okay, dear. You've prayed, and your prayer will not be in vain. In a way you don't expect, whoever did this to you will be revealed."

Tears continued to fall from Zhan's eyes, and he couldn't say anything. Feeling deeply for him, Aunty Bella continued, "Stop crying. But why did you trust your friends enough to be half-naked around them?"

Zhan shook his head, his voice trembling as he said, "Aunty, I've never done that, even at home. And I don't even stay in the hostel—I just go there for exams. When I first moved to the hostel during the first semester of L-2, I was never without a vest and boxers."

Aunty Bella looked at him in surprise. "Then where was this video taken?"

Zhan spread his hands, saying, "I don't know either. I saw it the same way everyone else did."

Aunty Bella was baffled, staring at him in disbelief. "I don't understand. You don't know where the video was taken?"

Zhan burst into tears and said, "I swear, Aunty, I have no idea how this happened, and I don't even know where it was filmed."

Aunty Bella, shocked, remained silent for a while. Then she said, "So it's not you in the video?"

Zhan wiped his tears and replied, "It is me, Aunty, but I don't know how it happened. I was wearing my boxers."

This whole situation left Aunty Bella utterly confused. After a moment, she asked, "And it wasn't at the hostel?"

Zhan shook his head. "No, it wasn't there."

Aunty Bella asked again, "And it wasn't at your house?"

Zhan shook his head once more. "No, it wasn't at my house."

Aunty Bella sighed in disbelief. "Unbelievable. Are you sure you've never been anywhere else, even with friends, where something like this could have happened?"

Zhan remained silent for a while. Aunty Bella said, "You're quiet." Zhan swallowed hard, but he was scared to tell Aunty Bella that he sometimes went to hotels and guest lodges with his friends. She asked, "So you go with them?" In a low voice, he replied, "I follow my friends wherever they go sometimes."

Aunty Bella then asked, "So they were the ones who did this to you? Tell me the truth, do you take anything?" Zhan quickly looked up at her, confused, and asked, "Like what, Aunty?" She clarified, "Substances, drugs. Be honest with me, don't lie. I'll test you myself since I'm a nurse, and I'll find out."

Tears welled up in Zhan's eyes as he shook his head, saying, "I swear, Aunty, I don't take anything, I promise you. You can test me if you want." Aunty Bella asked, "What about your friends?" Zhan then began to innocently list all the substances his friends, including Zan Jin, used. Aunty Bella listened, shocked, as she saw no sign of lying from him... he was telling the truth. She finally asked, "And at home, do they know you're hanging out with these friends and going wherever they go?"

Zhan shook his head. "Only Aunty Bing knows. She knows all of them."

Aunty Bella was stunned and asked, "And she didn't stop you from being around them?" Zhan replied, "No, she told me to keep them close because I wouldn't find friends like them, as they care about me. She also helps me sneak back in at night without anyone else knowing. If the living room door is locked, she opens it for me."

Aunty Bella was deeply shocked by what Zhan was saying. She felt sweat forming on her forehead and asked, "What about your mother?" Zhan shook his head slowly. "She doesn't know. Aunty Bing is her sister, and after her husband died when I was young, she moved in with us. Since my parents saw that she loved me, they didn't mind her staying, and they weren't concerned that she didn't remarry. I grew up with her more than I did with my own mom. There's a distance between me and my mother compared to Aunty Bing."

Aunty Bella asked, "Who told you to move into your aunt's part of the house?" Zhan replied, "No one, she brought me there when I was young and I stayed with her as I grew older."

Aunty Bella asked, "And when she opens the door for you at night, what does she tell you?" Zhan answered, "She just tells me to hurry inside so no one sees me." Aunty Bella couldn't hold back her tears anymore, feeling a deep fear over what some women were capable of. She covered her face with her hands, feeling overwhelmed. Finally, she asked, "Does she have children?"

Zhan nodded slightly, "She has one son, my age. His name is Zhang. We look a lot alike, from our faces to our body structures. We both take after our mothers in appearance. But he doesn't stay with us often, only during school holidays since he's in boarding school."

Aunty Bella asked, "And when he's home, does she also open the door for him at night?" Zhan quickly shook his head, "No, he doesn't go out, and he doesn't have friends."

Aunty Bella called out, "Zhan." He looked up at her.

She asked, "How many siblings do you have with your mother?" Zhan replied, "There are three of us. I'm the youngest."

Aunty Bella, heartbroken, shook her head. "And who do you think loves you most in that house? Who does everything for you?"

Zhan lowered his head and quietly said, "Aunty Bing."

"Who is Aunty Bing again?" she asked.

"My aunt," Zhan replied.

Filled with frustration, Aunty Bella shook her head. "She has ruined your life, she's wronged you, and she's wronged your mother. This is her way of showing jealousy? What she did to you is unforgivable. Instead of dealing with her jealousy directly with your mother, she's taken it out on you. And no doubt, she's involved in the video scandal. Zhan, who in your life would support you in doing bad things, watching you mess up, and then protect you so that no one else finds out or scolds you?"

"Who would encourage you to keep bad company, claiming you won't find better friends, and then follow them everywhere they go? Why doesn't her own son have friends or sneak out at night?"

Zhan stared at Aunty Bella in silence, his eyes wide open. She said, "Don't just sit there quietly, open your mouth and give me an answer right now!"

For the first time in his life, Zhan started to think deeply. He had never considered these things before, never thought about the reasons behind Aunty Bing's actions. No one had ever laid it out for him like this, not even Aunty An, who tried to distance him from Aunty Bing but never explained why. Everything he did with Aunty Bing had been in secret, and only she knew the full extent of his actions.

Aunty Bella didn't interrupt Zhan as he drifted into his thoughts. Watching his face, she could see that he was slowly beginning to comprehend everything she had said. Only one thing came to Zhan's mind now... the lie he told his family, claiming he was staying at the hostel.

Only Aunty Bing knew the truth, since he had called her from the U.S. to tell her. For more than three months, he had stayed in Zan Jin's apartment, and no one else had known....

What do you think about that vedio, any guses? 🤨
