The Cute Kendo Girls (2/2)

[Sometime Later — Chashu Ramen House]

{Aya Murayama}

"One sake!"


It was quite hectic today, mostly because there was a soccer match ongoing and everyone was dead focused on the match —yelling and laughing along.

"Soju for me!"

"A big bowl of Tonkotsu Ramen for me!"

"Shoyu for me!"

But overall, business was booming.

And that meant a bonus for me!

"Coming right up!"

Rushing around with multiple ramen placed over a tray in my right hand, and another tray with drinks on the other —I swirled around the cracks to deliver their orders to their tables.

The pay was good and it helped me make some amount for myself without having to rely on my parents. But sometimes, I wished I had some nursing skills or a family member willing to give a less tiresome job like Katase's aunt.

But hey, I cannot complain much.

Considering the owner pays higher bonuses than what Katase gets at the clinic. 

"Err… Is there any seat available?"

Hearing the question, I quickly placed the soba on the table to the right before rushing to greet the man.

Helping the people find tables was also part of my job, and so even before I could look at the man, I had already spotted an empty seat near the corner.

Yep, I was good at my job.

"Good Evening, si—"



Just like I was stunned looking at the guy that just entered, he too was taken aback as he looked at me.



I was too taken aback that I forgot to put honorifics against his name. No matter if even by a year, he was still my senior and at this place, he was a customer and I was a worker.

"You are… Murayama?" He recalled my name, and I am surprised that he remembered it. "I didn't know you worked around here."

And never did I expect him to visit this part of the town.

"Another glass of Soju!"

"Sake for me!"

I wanted to say something, but the customers kept calling and I had to go to them.

"You don't have to worry." He smiled, "You seem busy, I will find a seat for myself. Go and give them their drinks."

I screwed up my impression, didn't I?

"I… I am sorry." I gave him the politest standing bow I could give, "You can take the empty seat to the left corner."

"Appreciate the help." 

He walked towards the seat with a smile on his face. He didn't make a ruckus like some people that get angry at being shown less attention.

But it made sense.

He was one of the nicer seniors we have at school, and while we have not interacted much, I still know enough about him.

And because of that, I didn't want to keep him waiting much either. There were a lot of customers to go through, and working here for quite some time helped me move past those orders pretty fast and finally gave me the chance to get back to him.

"I am so sorry, but there are so many customers today that it took me quite some time to even get to you." 

He chuckled hearing that, cheerful despite the long wait he had to make.

"It's fine." He was understanding and I knew that even before today. "It's because the food and service is good that you have so many customers. Be proud of it."

I could only smile hearing that, a little flustered from the praise.

"Anyhow, what would you suggest?" He looked past the menu and directly at me. "I would trust the staff more than my gut choice."

"O-Oh." Was he always this good with words? I haven't even heard him talk this much before, but it did feel good.

I didn't dislike it, instead it felt good to have people praise you.

"Then I would suggest Tonkotsu Ramen." I immediately pointed at the sign hung opposite to him on the wooden wall. "With extra toppings!"

He turned his head around and read where my finger pointed, "Chashu?"

"Mhm!" I agreed instantly, "Our restaurant's speciality is pork, so I would definitely suggest extra chashu."

He thought about it for a second, but nodded nonetheless. "Then I would have a Tonkotsu Ramen with extra Chashu, but please make the portion small."

"Any reason why?" As I got curious, he answered.

"I had to come this side for an urgent reason and I just called my mom to let her know about it a minute ago." 

Oh, now that I think about it… He lives on the opposite side, doesn't he?

"And she already made food, so I will have to eat once I go back too." 

Well… I could understand his situation.

"Alright then." I accepted the request. "As you wish, Mr. Customer."

He laughed hearing that as I dashed back towards the kitchen counter.

We don't usually do different portion sizes other than the already listed ones, but this was an exception.

And well, it was Reo Takeda. 

One of the sweetest seniors.

Of course he wasn't the most good-looking like Kiba or the richest, or even the most popular.

But he was the nicest and kindest. 

He was always willing to help whenever someone asked, cleaning up even after his classmates' messes. Despite the difficulty of the tests, he consistently passed them while most others struggled.

It didn't require a person to have the best looks, marks or wealth. Being like Reo was more than enough to be a role model.

And well, I look up to him. When every other person at this school, from Kiba to the seniors like Akeno Himejima and Rias Gremory feel like unreachable people —Reo feels like someone you can connect with, reach and become similar to.

That is why everyone only had good things to say about Reo Takeda.

Well, maybe except for the perverted trio, but there were very good reasons for that.

Reo was the one responsible for catching them and handing them to the student council so many times. And I cannot thank him enough for stopping those jerks when they went to peek at us girls while changing.

And so I had requested his Tonkotsu made extra flavourful with enough aromatics and big pieces of chashu, less noodles as he requested but definitely with enough pork to make up for the lesser portion.

I wonder if he would notice?


What the…

"Smaller noodle portion as you requested!" She certainly seemed enthusiastic. 

Wish I was the same.

"This is small?" I felt my eyebrows twitching as I looked at the massive pieces of chashu laid next to the noodles. 

"Mhm." Murayama nodded enthusiastically, "Since you asked for a small portion, I gave you extra toppings."

It's extra alright!

I could see more pork slices compared to noodles. But I couldn't complain. If I would have asked for this much pork at any other restaurant, they would have charged me my entire wallet.

And here I got it for free.

"Thank you."

I couldn't get angry at this, especially since she most likely gave this much of chashu because she knows me.

"You can take a break Aya!" 

As I took my first sip of the broth, I heard an old man wearing the shop's initials on his chef hat shout.

"Maya is here, you can rest for some time!"

"Thank you, uncle Nohara!"

Everyone was loud in this restaurant, and they had to be loud as there was so much noise from the customers that you couldn't hear a word if you stood just a meter away.

"Looks like you finally got a break." I said as I saw the crowd lowering as well. By no means was it empty, but there were now at least four seats free. 

And Murayama —whose name I realized to be Aya for the first time— sighed. 

"Mhm," she nodded as she pulled an empty chair towards her. "Finally."

I took a big portion of chashu inside my mouth and my eyes widened immediately as I did so.

"I hope you like it." She smiled seeing my expression and I could only look at her baffled. 

"How is it so good?" 

She chuckled at that, "Uncle Nohara's hands are magical. Anything he cooks, even the smallest thing, turns out delicious."

I could see and taste that!

And because of that, and also because of being hungry, I chowed down on the noodles like a savage, making the girl in front of me laugh.

And I can't lie, she looked cute with a smile.

"Slow down, the food is not running away." She said but only I knew how hungry I was.

"It's just that good."

My mind had gone blank for a moment, only focused on the food before me as I devoured it.

"But I don't think I have seen you come to this side of the town often." Her words finally got my senses back. "So, what's the rare occasion?"

"Well I found an injured cat on my way." I almost forgot about it. I should go to the clinic soon. "And it was bleeding so I had to bring it to the clinic next to this restaurant. The one near my house is closed today, so this was the only option."

"Oh," her expression softened. "Is the cat hurt badly?"

"It has some deep cuts on its feet, but Katase said that the kitty would be fine."

This instantly made Murayama stare at me, "Oh you met Katase? Oh wait." She chuckled just as she said that, "Of course you met her. She is working part time there."

"Mhm." I nodded, "but I didn't expect you two friends to be working so close by."

"Money is required by everyone, so we are doing what we can to earn some pocket money for ourselves." She grinned, "And this flawless skin doesn't come cheap."

This certainly made me chuckle, "You are funny."

However, she puffed her cheeks in a rather cutesy manner as I said that.

"So you don't think I have good skin?" She said in a teasing voice, and I had to play along.

"Oh, you do have flawless skin. I just thought you got that without doing anything."

This made her roll her eyes, "Oh, us girls aren't as lucky as you boys. We don't get flawless skin with just water."

As we joked around, I realized that my bowl of ramen was finally empty.

"Well, that was a good meal." I placed the chopsticks horizontally on the table with the tip to the left as I pushed myself back on the chair. "Thank you."

"You should thank Uncle Nohara instead. I just brought the food to you." She seemed comfortable talking to me, which was always nice. It felt good when people felt comfortable around you.

"Then thank you for bringing the food and thank you for giving so many slices of chashu." 

"Don't mention it." She shook her head, "So are you heading to the clinic now?"

"I am." I mean, I had to. "And once again, thank you so much."

I got up, and took out my wallet. 

"When does your shift end?"

"I can leave whenever." She said, "My shift ended when the other girl came over. I was just helping around because the crowd was a little too large."

This gave her an idea.

"And since I too am leaving, why don't we go together?" She suggested. "I will get to meet Katase and take a look at your kitty, while you will have company walking back."


That wasn't a bad idea.

"I would love that." 

Putting the money on the table, I gave her a strong nod.


Just as I thought of walking comfortably back, I got a certain voice ringing in my head that made the word comfortable vanish in thin air.

{Quest Created!}

{Quest: Tame the Devilish Kitten!}

{Reward: Magical Physique}

There… is trouble at the clinic, isn't it?


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