The Only Choice, Or a Mistake?

[Morning — Student Council, Kuoh]

"Have you thought about the offer?" Sona asked, staring at me curiously. "There are a lot of benefits to joining the student council."

Skipping classes, not having to take remedials, and being allowed to appear directly for exams. This was a dream situation for most, and even for me.

"What exactly are the tasks of a student council member?" I had to ask. "I see a lot of students in the council already. What could I even do for you if I join?"

"We have members allocated for different tasks. Some handle disciplinary issues, some manage paperwork, and some assist teachers as teaching aids," she explained, rather enthusiastically I must say. "But now that Kuoh Academy is co-ed, we're receiving a lot of new applicants, and soon the school's population will increase significantly."

That is true. Recently, for some reason, the school has become extremely popular.

"And once the new students join next semester, it will be far more difficult to organize the council. It is better to scout members now and establish a proper working council rather than worry later."

However, her plan had flaws.

"We are third-year students, Sona," I said. "Even if you ask me to join now, you're clearly organizing this for the incoming students. Recruiting third-year students will only be a hassle, won't it?"

I pointed at Tsubaki. "Tsubaki, you, and I, along with a few others, are third-year students, and even if you have me join, by the time the new year starts, we would all have graduated." This didn't make much sense. "Isn't it better to have first or second-year students instead?"

"It's because of hierarchy."


This was new to me.

"Hierarchy such as?" I asked, and she took a deep breath to explain.

"There is hierarchy in everything, Reo," she said. "Even in the student council, we have hierarchy, and this hierarchy is in the form of department heads."

This was quite new to me.

"Each department, whether it handles discipline or formal work, is led by a senior—a third-year student," she continued. "If we need to fill a department head position or create a new department, we need a third-year student to lead it."

Indeed, I had noticed that no freshmen or second-years led any student council department, but I had never paid much attention to it before.

"And we want you to create a new department."

"A new department?" This was not something I was expecting. "What kind?"

"As you know, Kuoh was a girls-only school, and after it went co-ed, we received a few male students," she said, and I had to agree. I was one of those boys, after all.

"But you must have noticed that there are a few boys who are quite…"

I knew exactly who she was thinking of.

"Eccentric?" I suggested, preventing her from saying the other word she was trying so hard not to use.

"Eccentric," she nodded. "Hyoudou, Matsuda, and Motohama are examples."

These are the types of boys who give all boys a bad reputation.

"While I know not every guy is like that," she said, pointing at me, "like you, Kiba, Saji, and many others, there are still some who make it difficult for the girls to walk comfortably around campus."

Damn this perverted trio. Ruining the reputation of boys everywhere.

"So, I want you to create a department specifically to handle such eccentric guys." She looked at her female council members. "Of course, we know that this can happen with boys too, which is why I will also have a department to handle female students."

That was surprisingly fair.

"You will be responsible for keeping those three in check and also looking for prospects to lead once our studies are over." She had a pretty detailed plan for this process. "You won't be much burdened, as there are only three you need to look after for now."

I don't know about that. Those three are enough of a headache.

"And by joining the council, you will gain information about the supernatural and also share information directly with me." She finally revealed her true reason. "By joining the student council, you will be close to the supernatural side of Kuoh and have enough protection and information."

This was her goal from the start, wasn't it?

Well, this wasn't bad either. I was already an unofficial member of the Occult Research Club—and I would remain an unofficial member. By joining the council, I would be directly involved with both devil heiresses.

Which I think is a smart move.

"So, would you like to join the student council?"

The answer to that was very simple.

"Of course."

[Restricted Area, Outskirts of Kuoh Academy]

{Rias Gremory}

"Looks like your wounds have healed pretty well."

Glancing to the side, I saw him walking towards me—hands in his pockets and a pleasant smile on his face.

"Oh, Reo," I said, aware that he had come here looking for me.

"I knew I would find you here," his voice was calm. "It's far more peaceful than anywhere else in the school."

I usually preferred the quiet when I came here, away from people, to enjoy the fresh air without any other company. But I didn't mind Reo's presence. He was… quite nice to be with.

"You didn't go to class, did you?" he asked, taking a seat next to me.


I doubted I would be able to focus in class. 

He sat close, staring at the same empty space as I was.

"Sorry," I said, recalling last night.

"For what?" He turned his head towards me, a look of amusement on his face.

"For dragging you into this," I felt disappointed in myself. "For having to listen to Riser's insults."

However, while I expected him to say he didn't mind—like he always did—he instead laughed.

"Him insulting me?" he said with an amused expression. "I think he felt more insulted by my words than I did."

That… well, he did. Reo said only a few words, but they were enough to send Riser into a frenzy.

"How are you feeling, though?" he asked. "Hopefully better than before?"

"Trying to be better," I answered honestly. "But failing."

Each time I tried to calm myself, the thought of losing to Riser popped up in my head, making my body feel cold.

"Are you not allowed to have people outside your peerage fight on your behalf? Like temporary members?"

Oh, how I wish it were allowed.

"Unfortunately, not." I knew he wanted to help me, maybe even wanted to fight, but it just wasn't possible.

This made him go quiet for a bit, as he looked ahead.

He was a nice guy. He wasn't perverted like some other boys, he wasn't cocky, or pushy. He was gentle, kind, and caring. Honestly, he didn't even need to care about me. We had only known each other for a few days now, and yet he was worried about me.

"I heard about your situation from Sona," he said with a sigh. "The details, I mean."


"Sorry if I am prying too much. But, well," he sighed again, "I am worried about you."

I know.

"Thank you." It didn't matter if he could help me or not, but just him caring felt comforting enough. "Thank you for caring."

I wanted him to join my peerage, but I couldn't force him. I couldn't impose my will on him and bind him to a peerage. He wanted to remain a human, and I respected that.

Issei was an option. But his personality and the probability of his Gear being weak would only harm my chances. And I didn't have time to teach him everything about the supernatural world or about Gears.

Do I… have no other choice?

It can't be, right? I refuse to believe that I am being forced to marry a man like Riser. There has to be a way, right?

"Rias, are you alright?" He looked at me with worried eyes. "You're sweating."

I felt my body going cold. I could hear Riser's words. No! I couldn't allow it. How do I stop t—

'You are to remain a virgin until our marriage.'

Suddenly, his words rang in my ears. Something that would break off this marriage.


And that's when I felt my mind going blank, my ears warming, and my vision becoming hazy.

"What… are you doing?"

I didn't even realize. I didn't even understand. But I was right above him, pressing him to the ground, my breasts right above his face, and my breath becoming unstable.

"Please… Reo…" I had completely lost my sanity. "Please take my virginity."

If I wasn't a virgin, if I wasn't pure anymore—Riser wouldn't marry me, right? I would be free, right?

I knew this was a mistake. But I had no other choice. I could not allow myself or my peerage to be enslaved by Riser.


Just as I thought I had found a way to break free from Riser—despite knowing it was a mistake—I heard a voice and felt a chilling presence, one that even Reo reacted to.

"Looks like I am interrupting something."


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