Chapter 3 Jaguar

As the last bandit died and his body hit the floor Tommy took another look at the sword in his hand before tossing it aside.

"While I doubt these guys will have anything of great value, they might at least have some currency." Tommy said before he started to search the bandits' corpses.

As expected they possessed nothing of value in Tommy's eyes except for a few coins.

Tommy inspected the coins as he turned them over.

[Bronze Coin: The lowest form of currency on Dealubies]

[Silver Coin: One hundred bronze coins make a silver coin.]

"Is this like one of those isekai anime I used to watch in my free time for fun?" Tommy wondered out loud before he started to follow the road again leaving the dead bodies where they were.

As he continued to follow the road through the first nothing else of interest happened until he suddenly picked up on the sound of fighting in the distance.

Tommy continued to follow the road since the sound was coming from the same direction and after a few minutes as he rounded a corner he came across the carriage with the coat of arms on the door that had passed him earlier on the road.

The guard Francis was in combat with a large Jaguar while the carriage driver was already dead on the floor.

There was a fat third man that Tommy did not recognise cowering behind a completely naked woman who was holding a dagger while watching the fight between Francis and the Jaguar closely.

(Well this is interesting.) Tommy thought as he inspected the three humans and Jaguar.

[Name: Breral Shag]

[Race: Human]

[Gender: Male]

[Age: 43]

[Condition: Overweight]

[Mana Quality: Poor]

[Occupation: Wastrel]

[Description: The younger brother of Duke Dinroc Shag, a wastrel of a man who has only survived up until now because he knows how to please his older brother.]

[Name: Shia Kiaon]

[Race: Human]

[Gender: Female]

[Age: 34]

[Condition: Healthy]

[Mana Quality: Average]

[Occupation: Maid/bodyguard]

[Description: The personal maid and bodyguard of Beral Shag, serves her master in more than one way, if you know what I mean since she is naked.]

[Name: Francis Muzun]

[Race: Human]

[Gender: Male]

[Age: 31]

[Condition: Injured]

[Mana Quality: Average]

[Occupation: Guard]

[Description: The guard assigned to protect Beral Shag as he travels to Oakfast City, would be an ok guy if he didn't look down on those beneath him.]

[Name: N/A]

[Race: Jaguar]

[Gender: Male]

[Age: 4]

[Condition: Lightly Injured]

[Mana Quality: None]

[Description: A wild Jaguar, not really much else I can put here.]

"Well, I'm fairly sure I know who is going to win this." Tommy muttered as he leaned against a tree and watched the fight.

He could tell that although Francis had trained, he was still a novice and lacked actual battle experience.

Because of this the Jaguar was slowly wearing him down and unless Francis scored a lucky hit, the Jaguar would kill him in a few minutes.

As Tommy watched the fight going on Beral was looking around in hope of finding someone to assist him or of a way to escape.

As he looked back the way they had come he saw a young man dressed in strange clothes leaning against a tree watching the fight.

"HEY YOU." Borel shouted, surprising Francis, Shia and the Jaguar causing them all to follow Beral's line of sight.

"I order you to come and assist Francis in killing this beast." Beral ordered.

Tommy however ignored him and continued to watch as the Jaguar recovered faster than Francis and took the opportunity to claw his face and in the process one of its claws caught one of Francis's eyes and ripped it out of his face.

Francis screamed in pain as he brought his hand up to cover his now bleeding face.

"Ouch that's gotta hurt." Tommy said out loud with a smirk on his face.

"Do you know who I am, you brat." Beral asked in anger and fear.

Tommy replied while continuing to watch the fight and asked.

"A fat man hiding behind a naked woman?"

Beral grit his teeth in anger before saying.

"I am the brother of Duke Dinroc Shag, if you don't assist me I will see your entire family is killed off in front of you." 

Tommy still did not turn to look at the fat man and simply replied in a calm voice.

"Except your threat carries two problems, first I have no family you can threaten me with, and second…"

At this point John finally turned to look at Beral with a nasty grin before saying.

"You won't survive here, so how can you inform your Duke brother?" 

Borel was about to angrily retort when they heard the dying screams of Francis.

As they looked over they saw that the Jaguar had its jaw clamped around Francis neck and was crushing it.

"Awww man you made me miss the best part." Tommy moaned.

As the Jaguar dropped the lifeless corpse of Francis it let out a low growl before shifting its focus between the two groups present, trying to decide which was more dangerous.

After deciding that the party that was closer and also holding a weapon towards it was more dangerous it started to slowly approach them while growling.

The naked woman tensed as she prepared to face the Jaguar.

"Bitch, protect me at all costs, your only role is to serve and die for me." Beral ordered the woman.

Tommy snickers before asking the naked woman.

"Are you seriously willing to die for this fat pig?" 

The woman shot him a look out of the corner of her eye before saying.

"Hell no." 

After which she elbowed Borel in the face causing him to release her as he howled in pain and slowly backed away from the Jaguar.

"Good call." Tommy said as the Jaguar paused for a second while looking at the retreating woman.

As the woman backed far enough away the Jaguar turned its attention to Beral and gave a low growl as it continued its approach.

Borel heard the growl and looked up to see the jaw and sharp teeth of the Jaguar just above him.

"HELLPPPPP!" Beral screamed before the Jaguar pounced on top of him and clamped its jaws around his throat.

Then with a mighty shaking of its head it snapped Beral's neck, killing him.

The Jaguar released Beral before alternating its view towards Tommy and the still retreating woman.

As the Jaguar focussed on Tommy who was casually leaning against the tree its animal instincts kicked in warning it not to challenge this individual.

As the Jaguar stared at the stranger in strange clothes, the naked woman took the opportunity to flee, she turned on her heel and fled along the road towards the city.

Tommy and the Jaguar both heard this and turned to look but neither made a move to stop her before they continued to stare at each other.

"Hey." Tommy said, causing the Jaguar's eyes to narrow before he continued.

"If you want their bodies then take them, all I care about is what's in the caravan."

The Jaguar studied Tommy for a moment more, then as if understanding him he returned back to the dead body of Beral and started to drag it into the woods.

After a moment it returned and started to drag away the corpse of Francis.

Tommy stayed where he was leaning against the tree until he could no longer hear the sound of the Jaguar dragging its meals over the earth.

"Well that was entertaining." Tommy said out loud before he approached the caravan and started to look through it.

"Awww Fuck thats nasty." Tommy said and quickly pulled his head out of the compartment.

There were suspicious white stains all over the compartment of the caravan, while the whole thing stank of sex.

"Maybe I should have killed that woman so that she never has to remember what she went through in there ever again." Tommy muttered out loud.

He took a deep breath and held it before looking inside again and taking a quick look around while trying to ignore the white stains.

There wasn't much of interest except a small cubby hole in the base of one of the seats.

Opening Tommy pulled out a small chest which he quickly brought outside before he allowed himself to breath fresh air.

He placed the chest on the ground and opened it to find a few small bags that clinked when he lifted them.

Opening one up he found some more of the coins from before plus a new gold one he inspected.

[Gold Coin: One hundred Silver coins make a Gold coin.]

He threw all the small bags of coins into his Item Box before he looked back inside the chest.

Inside he found an ornate dagger that contained a coat of arms on the hilt.

Tommy pulled the dagger from its sheath and examined it with a critical eye.


While the dagger looked fancy it was useless as a weapon as the blade was blunt.

Tommy noticed that the coat of arms was different to the one that was on the carriage door however so he decided to inspect both the carriage and the dagger out of curiosity.

[Carriage belonging to the Shag Dukedom]

[Ceremonial dagger containing the coat of arms for the Etria Imperial family.]