Chapter 4 Entering Oakfast City

"Imperial family?" Tommy wondered out loud before he shrugged and threw the dagger into his item box.

He gave the site of the fight one last look before he turned and left, heading off towards the city.


After Tommy left the naked woman walked out of the forest while keeping a watchful eye.

"Fuck, that was close." The woman muttered before heading for the carriage.

As she looked inside she frowned as she remembered what had happened before saying.

"Shit, they better have been telling the truth about wiping my memories of what I had to do with that fat bastard."

Shaking her head to try and rid herself of these thoughts, she lowered it towards the cubby hole only to find it open and the chest missing.

"FUCK!" She yelled in panic as she withdrew her head and began to search for the chest.

After a moment she spotted it lying open on the floor.

"No!" She said in panic before rushing over to the chest only to find it empty.

She slumped down on her knees with a defeated look before mumbling.

"I went through all that only for the dagger to be taken."

After a moment of loss, determination shone in her eyes before she growled.

"That strangely dressed bastard must have taken it, that's the only solution."

"He was heading towards the city, I need to follow him and find an opportunity to take it back from him by any means necessary."

As she spoke the final part there was a dark look in her eyes before she got up and went to the rear of the carriage where her spare clothes were stored in the luggage box.

She quickly got dressed before packing up anything that belonged to her, after which she set off for the city in pursuit of the strangely dressed man.


Tommy continued along the path towards the city and a few hours later he emerged from the forest to find a large medieval city standing before him not far away.

The City had tall walls that were surrounded by a moat filled with water.

Within the tall walls a large gate stood allowing people and vehicles to enter and exit as a large drawbridge stretched across the moat.

From his position Tommy could make out only a few buildings that managed to rise above the tall city walls, the biggest of which seemed to be some sort of castle in the center of the city.

As Tommy got closer to the city he started to encounter more people as several different roads joined his own coming from different directions.

He figured that he was definitely going to be stopped and questioned considering his strange clothes and the mood and dry blood that covered his body.

Because of this he placed his pistol and holster back in his Item Box before slumped his body slightly and acted as if he had a slight limp as he approached the city.

The people gave him curious glances as they spoke in hushed tones to their colleagues.

As he crossed the drawbridge and approached the large gate the guards on duty watched him carefully.

Tommy was no stranger to being scrutinized by security or bodyguards.

Back on earth he often had to pass by these people in order to get close to his targets for assassination if no shooting opportunity was available.

Tommy kept his calm and continued to approach the gate until.

"Halt." A guard suddenly said before approaching him and saying.


Tommy looked at him before adopting a scared fearful tone and saying.

"I'm sorry sir I'm afraid I have none, I was robbed by bandits as I passed through the woods."

The guard arched his eyebrow before asking.

"How did you escape? The bandits around here don't leave bodies."

Tommy nervously rubbed his palms together before saying.

"As they were about to kill me we heard the sounds of a new confrontation start, as we looked over we witnessed a carriage thunder down the road before crashing into some trees."

"A Jaguar was standing over the body of the driver that it had just killed."

"I took the opportunity while the bandits were distracted to flee into the woods."

"They gave chase but I hid and lost them."

"Unfortunately they managed to acquire all my valuables before I escaped and now I have nothing but the clothes on my back."

"Put your hands behind your head and spread your legs so that I can check your body to make sure you're speaking the truth." The guard instructed.

Tommy nodded and did as he was told before the guard checked his clothing and pockets for any belongings.

After he finished his check the guard gave the all clear to the other guards who had been watching closely in case anything happened.

After which the other guards relaxed and returned to inspecting the other people.

The guard in front of Tommy however turned back to Tommy before asking.

"These clothes are mighty fine and of good quality, where are they from?" 

"I acquired them from the Shag Dukedom on a recent visit." Tommy replied using the name of the only location he knew.

The guard frowned before asking.

"Are you from the Shag Dukedom or have any relation to them?"

Tommy shook his head before replying.

"No sir, I was only passing through at the time as I want to see more of our great land while I can."

The guard smiled and nodded before Tommy decided to add.

"Though I may have been wrong since I was focusing on escaping, I think the carriage that was attacked by a Jaguar bore the Shag Dukedoms seal."

The guard raised his eyebrows before his face turned serious again and asked.

"Are you sure?" 

"Not completely sir since I was focussing on my escape, but the seal did bear a resemblance." Tommy replied.

The guard nodded before asking.

"Where did this happen as we will need to investigate since it may pertain to a Duke's family."

"A few hours walk after you enter the forest, just follow the road." Tommy replied.

The guard nodded before he said.

"Thank you for your help and sorry about your losses, you're free to head into the city, however you will need to acquire some new identification from either the city hall or the adventurer's guild." 

After he finished speaking the guard turned and hurried away.

Tommy figured he was going to inform his superior so Tommy decided to head into the city.

He was fully aware his story would not hold up if investigated, after all he had encountered the bandits a while prior to the Jaguar incident and if the guards found them dead they would no doubt have questions.

He would just have to be careful to avoid the guards wherever possible and also acquire some identification for this new world.

(Probably best not to get my identification from the city hall since that will no doubt have guards present, instead I will head for the adventurer's guild, if this is anything like those isekai novels and anime the adventurer's guild will have its own security.)

After making it through the gate and out of sight of the gate guards Tommy stopped slouching and continued to walk normally.

Tommy looked around and he walked down the street examining what to him was ancient architecture.

While the outside of the city looked more like it was from the Middle Ages, the inside seemed more Roman.

He noticed previously as he traveled as well as here in the city however that the roads were made from stone and gravel, more in line with the old Roman roads from Earth, they even had small gullies either side to help wash away the drainage from when it rained.

Tommy also noticed that public hygiene did not seem to be much of an issue as the City contained public baths as well as toilets.

Tommy soon came to a large open square that seemed to be some sort of market since lots of stalls were set up.

Each of the market store owners was trying to shout over the other so that customers would come purchase their produce.

Tommy stopped a local passing him by on the street before asking which way to the adventurer's guild.

The local pointed Tommy in the direction to which Tommy thanked him before heading off in that direction.

As Tommy walked along the streets admiring the surroundings he was once again attracting a lot of attention because of his unusual clothing.

Tommy did not care about this and continued on his way while being fully aware that several shady characters had decided to start tailing him from the shadows and alleyways that ran alongside the main street he was on.

After a few minutes Tommy found himself outside a large five story building that had the words Adventurer's Guild' written above the door.

Tommy pushed the door open and stepped inside.