Chapter 21 Magical Map

"You may address me as Chel." Chelna replied.

((Oh how original.))

((We have a master spy here.))

"Very well, Miss Chel." Tommy said.

Chelna or Chel nodded in approval before saying.

"So Kele has vouched for you, however I am still a bit wary about being in the same room as a murderer like you."

"That's understandable." Tommy replied with a smile before continuing.

"However from what I can gather after my two days in this city,"

"I am far from the worst you have to worry about."

Chelna looked at Tommy before nodding with a sigh.

"You are unfortunately correct, corruption is in the bones of this city and it will not be easy to remove it."

"Rizi here has told me about the task you received from the blacksmith Erden."

Tommy gave Rizi a quick look who blushed with embarrassment.

Tommy however didn't say anything and simply returned his attention to Chelna who said.

"I am curious how you plan to pull off such a task that seems impossible."

"With your information." Tommy replied before explaining.

"Rizi has informed me about how you're very interested in the elimination of the city's criminal organizations and how you have done extensive research into them."

"I would like to hear this information so that I can formulate a plan."

"Extensive might be a bit of a stretch." Chelna replied with a chuckle before saying.

"While I have investigated them, there is only so much I can do without causing suspicion because of my unique identity."

"The best I can do is give you the identities of each of the leaders as well as where they operate."

((That's it! And after Rizi hyped her up so much?))

(It is disappointing, at least she is honest about it though.)

((Yeah honest about how crap she is at information gathering.))

((Why didn't she use her position and wealth to secretly create a spy network or something under a persona.))

(Maybe we should recommend that to her in the future.)

((Do you seriously think she could run such an operation?))

(Too early to tell and it's not something I would recommend for free.)

((True she would have to pay, maybe with her body.))

((Hey, do you think princesses in this world are like the ones on earth from old where they had to remain pure until they marry?))


"Errr Mr Smith." Chelna said nervously.

"My apologies. I was just considering what can be done with such information." Tommy replied before saying.

"While it's less than I was hoping for, it is still enough to make this work." 

"Please continue."

"Very Well" Chelna said before explaining.

"There are five major criminal organizations, each occupying, operating and controlling a different district of the city."

"The leader of the north district criminal organization is a man named Bim Bokoz who has his fingers in all the gambling establishments around the city including an illegal underground fighting arena."."

"Bror Whitflare is the man who controls the west district organization while controlling the drugs trade in the city, if it's drugs he knows about it."

"The south is ruled by a man named Kir-kin Suthuld who rules the slave trade in the city, any slave business that happens in the city he knows about."

"The final two are women and they are."

"Tai Paom of the east district, she operates out of a brothel in the red light sector, she controls any and all prostitution in the city."

" The last is Yua Huang from the central district and will be the most troublesome."

"Why will she be the most troublesome?" Tommy asked.

"Because she is a noble and lives in the noble section of the city." Chelna began explaining.

"While the guards may not care too much if you eliminate the others since it will make their life easier."

"They can't turn a blind eye to the death of a noble."

Tommy thought for a moment before asking.

"What business does she deal in?" 

"All of the above." Chelna replied before continuing.

"She coordinates with the other leaders to arrange prostitutes, drugs and slave transport into the noble sector."

"While also arranging private rooms at the many gambling establishments a noble might want to visit, especially the underground fighting arena."

"She then naturally takes a cut of the profits." 

((Not bad, better than we expected.))


"Not bad." Tommy said before adding.

"You might have a talent for this."

Chelna blushed slightly under her hood at the compliment.

"I'm assuming you know the buildings each of them operate out of?" Tommy asked.

"I do, though it won't be easy to show you without attracting suspicion." Chelna replied.

Tommy chuckled as he reached into pocket (Item Box) and withdrew his phone before saying.

"Don't worry about that, here."

Tommy placed his phone on the desk causing the two women to look at it curiously before Chelna asked.

"What's that?"

"A type of magic device." 

Tommy replied before turning it on.

The women watched in wonder as the screen lit up and an intro played which surprised them.

(Hmmm it's already down to 97% battery.)

((It's a good thing we charged it before dying.))

(Yeah, but we still need to figure out a way to charge it back up in the future.)

((Maybe that lightning magic.))


After the phone had fully started up Tommy selected the maps app and the women watched as the screen changed to show an image of large strange shapes in either dark green or dark blue.

Cutting across these shapes were white lines of different thickness.

"Why is it so dark?" Rizi asked curiously.

"Because it's night outside, here let me switch it for you."

Tommy said before pressing a button on the screen.

The girls saw the screen brighten as the dark green sections turned light green, the dark blue sections turned white and the white lines turned light blue.

The shape and position of all the shapes and lines stayed the same however.

"Fascinating." Chelna said before she seemed to notice something and said.

"Why does the big white shape in the middle have the same outline as the city on our maps?" 

"Hey, you're right?" Rizi said as she spotted it too.

Tommy chuckled before saying.

"That's because what you are looking at is a map of the city and its surrounding regions."

"Really?" Chlna asked in surprise before saying.

"But it's so compact compared to normal maps."

"Hey Tommy, what's this little pin shape?" Rizi asked curiously.

"That represents us." Tommy replied.

"What?" Both asked together.

"That pin represents where we are on the map, if we were to go outside and walk around the pin would move with us." Tommy explained.

"Really?" Rizi asked in wonder.

"How is that even possible?" Chelna asked.

"Honestly I'm not sure myself since I didn't make it." Tommy replied.

After explaining Tommy used his thumb and index finger to zoom the map in on the city."

"Wow." Rizi said with wonder.

"What." Chelna gasped in surprise.

The image had changed so that white took up a lot more of the screen while new gray lines appeared that were criss crossing.

As Tommy zoomed in more blocks of light gray started to appear in between the criss crossing lines.

"This magical device is amazing, can you get me one?"

Chelna suddenly asked before adding.

"I am willing to pay any prince."

"Oh me too me too." Rizi said happily.

Tommy rubbed his forehead before replying awkwardly.

"For now that's a bit difficult since I purchased this a long way away." 

"Aww." Rizi said with a sad look.

"A pity." Chelna said.

"Anyway let's get down to business."

Tommy said to change the subject before pointing at the phone and saying.

"So this pin is us and the light gray block is the Forest Rest."

"What? That's the forest rest?" Rizi asked in surprise.

"Yup, generally these blocks indicate buildings, look."

As Tommy finished speaking he used his finger to move the map until it showed a large gray block in the very center of the city.

"Recognize this shape?" Tommy asked in a playful tone.

Chelna studied the shape before saying.

"It looks like the shape of the castle." 

"Correct, that's the castle in the center of the city." Tommy replied.

"Incredible." Chelna gasped.

Tommy smiled before zooming the map out slightly to show the whole of the central district, after which he said.

"Since we are already looking at the central district, let's start here, using this map can you pinpoint the residence of Yua Huang?

Chelna frowned as she studied the map.

These darker gray lines look like they are in the positions of the streets.

"That's correct, they represent the streets in the city, the thicker a line is the bigger the street or road is." Tommy replied.

(Not bad, she's a quick learner.)

((Kekeke, this proves hopeful for when she has to learn how to please us in bed in the future.))


Chelna started using her finger to point at different spots on the map while mumbling to herself.

After a few minutes she finally said.
