Chapter 22 Beep Beep Beep

*AUTHOR WARNING* There are scenes in this chapter that some readers may find disturbing.

"Are you sure?" Tommy asked as he saw where Chelna was pointing?

Chelna nodded before saying.

"Yes, I recognise the location as well as the shape of the house and garden from one of the many garden parties Yua Huang hosted."

Tommy nodded before noting the location and moving the map up.

"You attended her garden parties?" Rizi asked curiously while Tommy was moving the map.

"When I had to." Chelna replied before saying.

"As a noble I may be able to avoid many of the social engagements nobles hold, however there are some that I must attend every year." 

"Ok so now the north district where Bim Bokoz resides." Tommy said.

"As far as I'm aware the other four don't have their own residence they live in like Yua." Chelna said before adding

"The best I can do is give you the location of each organization's headquarters in each district."

"That will be more than enough." Tommy said.

Chelna nodded before studying the map again and after a few minutes she said.


Tommy once again noted the location before shifting the map.

"Next is…"


Downstairs the bar was getting busy.

Jue and Tue were running around trying to serve all the customers.

"Damn why did it get so busy all of a sudden?" Jue asked while pouring drinks.

"No idea." Tue replied as she collected food from the hatch that led to the kitchen before carrying it to a table.

"Fuck." Jue suddenly said as she was preparing a mug of ale for a customer.


"What?" Tue replied.

"This keg is empty, I need to get another from the cellar." Jue called over.

"Alright, make it quick." Tue replied.

Jue nodded before she grabbed the empty keg and proceeded through a door to the side of the bar.

After a few minutes Tue came back over to the bar and noticed that Jue was still not back.

She looked around the bar but could not see her anywhere.

"Have you seen Jue?" She asked one of the regulars they were friendly with.

The regular shook his head before saying.

"She went to get another keg and has still not returned."

Tue nodded before she suddenly thought of something and snapped her head towards a dark corner.

Seeing that it was empty panic gripped her heart as she thought.

(No no no)

She dashed towards the door to the cellar and bolted through it surprising the patrons in the bar.

As she descended the stairs quickly she couldn't help but think.

(Please be wrong, please be wrong, please be skipping out on work like normal Jue.)

As she reached the bottom of the stairs she heard the begging sound of Jue's voice followed by a chuckle and then a man spoke.

"No please no, I have no interest in you." 

"Hehehe, I know but I have interest in you and tonight we will have lots of fun."

"No no, help HELPP!!!!"

(FUCK.) Tue thought as she pulled out the item Tommy gave her before pressing the button like he instructed.

Afterwards she headed towards the sound of her scared sister.

"Get off me bastard, leave me alone." Jue said.

"Hehehe, how am I supposed to pluck your delectable cherry if I can't touch you." Said the male voice.

"Like hell I would offer myself to a creepy bastard like you." Jue replied angrily.

There was silence for a moment before Tue heard the sound of a slap followed be the sound of someone falling to the floor.

"Bitch, just because I have been nice till now don't think I will take your foul mouth." The man said angrily before continuing.

"The only thing your mouth is good for is sucking on my large cock and I plan to train your mouth thoroughly tonight."

As Tue rounded a corner in the cellar she witnessed the scene of the creepy individual who always stared at Jue now standing over her body.

Jue herself was on the floor with a bloody mouth.

At seeing her sister injured Tue lost all reason for a moment as she ran up behind the creepy man before leaping on his back and trying to wrestle him away from Jue.

Seeing her sister arrive to help her, Jue stood up quickly before she attempted to help Tue.

"GET THE FUCK OFF ME." The man yelled before he kicked Jue in the stomach knocking the wind out of her so that she collapsed again before he rammed his back up against one of the shelves in the cellar that held the beer kegs.

Tue grunted with pain and her grip loosed as she fell to the floor.

The man spun around before he kicked Tue in the stomach also.

He then caught his breath before looking at Tue with a crazed look and saying.

"Originally I had no interest in you since you never smiled, however since you and Jue are so identical why waste this opportunity."

"I may as well pluck you both and have my way with both of you."

After he finished he bent down and grabbed the top of Tue's dress before ripping it away so that she was only wearing her underwear.

Tue screamed and rolled herself into a ball as she tried to hide her body from the scary disgusting man.

"Tue." Jue said weakly.

After admiring the sight and licking his lips the man turned to Jue who was struggling to rise to help her sister.

He grabbed Jue by the hair to hoist her up slightly before using his other hand to rip away her dress that was identical to Tue's.

The man admired the sight in front of him as he said.

"You both even wear the same naughty underwear, it's almost as if you were preparing for this."

"You wish." Jue said before spitting in the man's face.

The man's smirk turned into an angry frown as he used his free hand to wipe away the spit.

He then looked at Jue with mad eyes that made her tremble before saying.

"I guess I need to teach you both how to treat your betters."

After which he whipped Jue around by her hair making her slam into the same shelf as Tue before she crumpled next to her.

Jue coughed up a mouthful of blood from the impact.

"Jue." Tue said in a scared voice as she saw the blood and crawled over to check on her sister.

"Don't worry about that small amount of blood, you will both be bleeding more soon enough." The man said with a twisted smile as he leaned in over the two girls.

(Tommy help)


Beep Beep Beep

As Chelna was showing Tommy the location of the organization's headquarters in the south district the three of them heard a beeping noise.

The two women looked around confused trying to find the origin of the sound.

Tommy on the other hand frowned before he reached into his pocket and pulled out the receiver for the panic alarm.

((Oh shit here we go, that dick head is about to enter a world or pain.))

"Looks like he made his choice." 

Tommy said before picking up the phone and putting it and the receiver back into his pocket (Item Box).

Tommy then headed for the door before exiting through it.

Chelna and Rizi looked at each other in confusion before they decided to follow him.

They caught him up on the stairs going down where Rizi asked.

"Tommy what was that and where are you going."

"That bastard Puniz didn't take my advice and is attacking Jue and maybe even Tue."

"What!" Rizi said in alarm.

"Who is this Puniz and how do you know?" Chelna asked.

"No time, Rizi, please explain to Chel." 

After he finished speaking Tommy jumped the last few steps before heading for the bar.

He noticed on his descent that no one was manning the entry counter.

As he entered the bar he looked around but failed to see Jue and Tue.

He also noticed Puniz was not in his normal dark corner.

Heading up to the bar Tommy asked.

"Where are Jue and Tue."

The friendly patron from before frowned when the new stranger asked this and was about to refuse to answer when he saw Rizi arrive.

"Rizi, is he a friend of yours?" The patron asked.

"Yes, please tell us where Jue and Tue are." Rizi replied quickly.

The man pointed to the door before saying.

"Changing a keg in the cellar, Jue went first before…"

Halfway through his explanation the man noticed that the strangely dressed man, Rizi and the cloaked women all headed for the cellar.

"Oi, its staff only down there. Merino won't be happy."

The three ignored the man as Tommy kicked the door open causing a bang that alerted everyone and the three descended the stairs to the cellar.