Darius Vs Velkar and Feris

Darius stood firm, eyes gleaming with unwavering resolve as he faced the two formidable opponents before him—Velkar Malachor, the fearsome leader of the Malachor Clan, and Elder Feris of Necrovauld Academy. The odds were against him, but Darius was no stranger to impossible battles.

His hammer, gripped tightly in his hand, pulsed with molten energy, its glow intensified by Ember Infusion. His armor shimmered with the same fiery heat, the red-hot glow making him look like a walking inferno, every step he took scorching the ground beneath him.

Across the battlefield, Velkar and Feris exchanged knowing looks, their eyes gleaming with malice. They stood side by side, their confidence palpable. Velkar's lips curled into a cold smirk. "You've had a good run, Darius. But this is where it ends."