Lucas, a human transmigrated from Earth to a fantasy world, strives to live a peaceful life with his sister despite lacking special abilities or cheats. However, the world's cruelty shatters his tranquility when his beautiful sister is taken from him, and he is framed for her death. Devastated and powerless, Lucas is forced to flee.
During his escape, Lucas grows stronger, eventually earning the feared title of the Demon God. Despite lacking inherent talent or cheats, his relentless pursuit of knowledge allows him to uncover his enemies' weaknesses, leading him to victory time and again.
One fateful day, while praying for his sister, Lucas falls into a trap and is killed. His enemies have used his sister's memory against him, igniting a fury within Lucas as he dies, his final regret being his inability to save her. In his last moments, he wishes for a second chance to act first and protect his sister.
[System Notification: Host has died a second time]
[Cheat Activation Sequence Initiated]
[Cheat Activated: Divine Mask - God Clone System Online]
Was the mc really a demon king in his past life?? Cause he seems too clueless towards many things that you wouldn't expect from someone with such a title
System is a huge Sadist. I wonder if the host MC will turn Masochistic at the end of novel 😂
Is it single FL or harem??Hope it's single FL