Chapter 10: Fake Felmina

Chapter 10: Fake Felmina

The following Tuesday

I get to the site, she hasn't set up yet, the table that is, something's off.

Ah all the loose dirt she usually has piled up at lunch is nowhere to be found. Isn't that a good thing? I set up the Table and chairs. She comes floating over like her spirit starts leaving her body, she melts down into the seat.


She looks up, finally noticing me. I can see her face register.

"Ah Ryu"

She perks up, but she seems a bit testy today, better tread carefully.

"What's wrong?"

She sighs. slowly starts talking, parroting every few words she says, to show her I'm listening.

"Since this new method of yours was used it seems that now, I can't keep up with them, they tried to rectify it themselves by sending some of my crew over to the other trenches, but those mages dig even slower than me, The crews they have now using this new method has the same problem."

Ah!, damn it I created a new problem, so that's why.

I think for a bit. I look at her. She's slumped over the table looking up at me with puppydog eyes,

Ah my weakness. I close my eyes.

Ah I've got it!

"What if we shuffle the crews a bit, and have up to 3 magicians digging instead of 2, then I'll start digging in the empty trench, and I can take some of your surplus crew off your hands"

She snaps it, it feels good when she gets it immediately like that. Then slams her fist on her palm like she gets it. 

"You'll help, b-but why?"

I can see the questionmark above her head.

"Remember what you said last week"

She goes red again as soon as she remembers, I start unwrapping the lunches.

We eat. We finish.

I notice her looking over my shoulder. Two people are approaching. They get closer and it seems to be a woman with her butler.

He's holding her parasol shielding her from the sun. As they get closer, I recognize her, she's one of the girls from that time behind the king. One of the onee-chans waving at me. Then I notice she's huge, they bounce I can't seem to look away. I'm a guy alright! Don't blame me.

She notices this and smiles, it's a bewitching smile.

They arrive, we both stand up. 

She's wearing a gothic Lolita dress with pink and black, showing off her boobs. she has on thigh high boots. She has silky smooth hair, it's pure white. her skin tone is a bit more tanned, I wonder why. she has a bob style haircut, her hair goes down stopping just above her shoulders. 

"It's a pleasure to officially meet you, Sir Hero!"

She then puts her hand in front of her chest innocently, blushes while looking to the side, drawing my eyes to her chest again, damn!

"I am known as Felmina, a pleasure to make your acquaintance"

She bows. 

"I have a very serious matter to discuss with you, would it be fine?"

I'm not sure what to do, no matter what I do I keep looking at her chest.

I nod instinctively. She suddenly grabs my hand pulling it toward her smiling.

It's a cheerful smile this time.

"If you would be so kind as to have a marriage interview with me as well, for your second wife. If you are dead set on taking only one wife, please choose me instead."

She gives Roka a dirty look, then looks back at me. I'm a bit flustered.

"I know I'll be a better wife than her"

She pulls my hand up to her chest.

"Please tell me you'll consider it, Sir Hero"

I go to pull my hand away, instead I pull her closer aaaaaaand Contact.

I think my nose is bleeding.

"What do you say Sir Hero?" 

She lets go, takes a step back. Lifts her elbows up, pushing her chest out

"I know I'm better than her in that department"

I notice Roka standing next to me with her mouth open and her arm outstretched in front of her, like she wants to say something. She instead retracts her hand, closes her mouth and looks down, dismayed.

It snaps me back to reality. I take a step back close my eyes to collect myself.


This woman reminds me of what Steph did, with the touching and the coming close. This woman is using practiced seduction techniques on me. 

It's pissing me off now, when I look at Roka's face 

"Not a chance in Hell, Excuse me" 

I start marching off, I look back at Roka, she's looking at me. At least that sad depressed look on her face is gone, I feel a bit relieved. But I keep walking when I look at Felmina standing next to her.