Chapter 29 : David Karkovsky

Chapter 29 : David Karkovsky

Moonlight Farming Area Community

Masters Corporation Branch Office

David Karovski's Office

I open the door. I go inside.

He's sitting behind a desk.

"I've been expecting you Lord Kaijuu Ryu-sama"

He clearly hasn't. I can see he's a bit jumpy. He keeps his cool barely.

"To what do I owe this pleasure? Did you reconsider my proposal for the hospitals in your area? Or is this a social visit?"

He came by the mansion a few days ago with the business proposals and contracts. It all went according to what the script said. 

I followed the instructions and let Felmina and Roka know what happened. It said to not do anything regarding this company for 2 weeks before he showed up. This gave me some time to get used to my new weight. My body stayed the same size, but I'm Ripped now. We told him we'd get back to him. 

This is today I showed up unannounced. The script included the name of their spy inside the town, including the ministers on his payroll. Also all potential victims of the drug epidemic.

We pulled a task force together within the 2 weeks and we are now taking direct action against them. The Task force is apprehending their employees.

"None of the above."

"Then why are you here?"

"To arrest you."

"Arrest me, whatever for?"

"Take a look"

I hand him the charges. As he's reading he's losing more blood from his face until he's white.

"Can you prove any of this?"

He slams the papers on the desk in an attempt to intimidate me. The desk cracks.

"I can prove it in due time, however I don't need to."

He gets really angry. Puts his hand on his sword.

"I wouldn't do that If I were you."

"And why not? You are a Level 27, you can't possibly mean to stop me yourself."

He draws his blade.

"Use appraise on me"


"I said use appraise on me and see if your information checks out"

His eyes refocus. his eyes are darting left and right. He starts sweating bullets.

"Are you messing with me somehow?"

His voice is weak. 

He clasps his blade with both hands and starts to shake.


I give him the most evil smile I can muster. 

I Leveled up as Instructed. I am now Level 205. I also weigh 205 Kg. but more on that later. 

For now, back to the action.

He drops his sword. and puts his hands up.

"Good Choice".

I put the wooden restraints on him and lock it. He leaves with me.

By the end of the day we arrested him and one of the spies 'Cindy' and the 13 employees. 

Management warned us to leave the other one be for now.

Later That Night

My Office

It's me, Roka and Felmina. The script folder is on the table. There are 4 Pages. One is a map of the Southlands with a red X marking a location on it. The next paper contains the plan and script to use on David in order to halt his activities over here. I followed it exactly earlier. The next paper has the names of the potential victims, the spies and their his locations, the 13 employees and the corrupt ministers. The last one has the plan and script for Nelson Masters, Including a photo of his face printed on it.

They are both sitting across from me. I'm sitting with my fingers crossed in front of my face, elbows on the desk, looking at them.

"I'm not following this script. I'm going to do this my way."

I get up.

4 Items pop into existence in front of me. First another yellow folder. 

It says 'Destroy contents after reading'. The second is a gas grenade. The third is a gas mask. The fourth is a case containing 2 injections. One has Roka written on it and the other has Felmina written on it.

I open the folder it has 2 pieces of paper inside. I read the first one. Then hand it to the both of them to read.


Roka and Felmina will be poisoned through their food in 3 weeks time. 

Here are the names of everyone involved:

David Karkovsky. (Branch Head)

Cindy Campbell. (Spy)

James Macleroy. (Spy)

Chef Ramsey who poisons Roka. 

Chef Michelin who poisons Felmina. 

Take the antidotes 2 weeks and 5 days from today. You both will survive. 

This will also provide evidence to prosecute those involved. The night you will be sick after ingesting the food. Have the plates tested from that night. Interrogate the chefs and you will find the methods and other people involved. 

Failure to do exactly this will result in either the escape of some of those involved or the unnecessary deaths of innocent people. Please do not deviate from this. 

Again we apologize for causing said events by sending the required items. We cannot explain at this time since it will influence events that may lead to disaster. Thank you for understanding.

by Management


"Is this real?"

They both look frightened.

"I'm afraid so."

"Is there maybe something else we can do."

I think a bit.

"If there was, I believe they would have said so."

I start reading the other paper.



Have them both leave before continuing.


I do as Instructed.


Have them both leave before continuing.

The butterfly effect or fallout regarding the chefs was caused by their families being threatened. Cindy and David had this plan in place incase they ever got arrested. If you followed the original script the chefs would have been caught by your agents before the incident with you being the main cause for their capture, however since deciding on your new course of action. You changed that. Your timetable moved up. you will be leaving in 1 week instead of 1 month. we provided you with the paralyzing gas to use on Nelson Masters and the gas mask is for yourself.

In the previous timeline you followed your own plan, you ordered these items from the Shadowfall kingdom. They arrived in 3 weeks and 5 days. We saved you a trip. 

Management approves your plan. Your method has a higher success rate than our own, thus we approved it.

You will leave On Thursday at 14:50 about 8 days from today. Use the items provided as you see fit. Watch out for Nelson Master's Poison blade that he keeps underneath his desk. It is vital that you incapacitate him before he can draw that blade. It will render the paralyzing gas ineffective.

Best of luck.

Remember to destroy this document.

by Management


I jot down the time and date from the letter 'Thursday 14:50'

Then I use fire magic to destroy the letter.

I'll see you in 8 days Nelson Masters.