Chapter 71: Something feels off.

Moonlight farming district


Kaijuu Ryu

I'm waiting for Milly to come by my room.

I asked her to come by and wear something sexy.

I can't wait to see what her idea of 'sexy' is.

I'm already shirtless, luckily as a man it doesn't take much to get ready for passion.

Roka kicked me out of my own lab, I'm not allowed to see her until 'she' wants to see me.

How crazy is that?

When I tried to object, Felmina and Milly assured me that, this is for the best, and if I don't comply, they'll both stop talking to me.

That's harsh.

I just don't get what women are thinking sometimes.

*knock knock

She's here!

I haven't been this excited in a long time.

"Come in"

The door opens.

Milly comes in, she's wearing a 1 piece standard Japanese school swimsuit.



I wasn't expecting this.

I quickly get up

"I-i'm here."

Shit, she's blushing.

I can barely control myself.

Deeeep breaths Ryu, you got this.

I take her by the shoulders and turn her around.

If I keep looking at her blushing face, I'll seriously lose control of myself.

I embrace her from behind.

She melts right into me.

"What are you going to do to me?"

Her voice is soft and weak.


I can't take it anymore.

I pick her up princess carry style and walk toward the bed, as slow as I can muster.

She puts her arms around my neck.

My face is getting hot.

I gently lay her down, crawl over her, and start kissing her.

She begins unstrapping the top of the swimsuit. I stop her.

"Keep it on."

I command.

She put the straps back.

I gently caress her body and move my hand downtown.

I pull the swimsuit aside and enter her using my fingers.

She gasps.

I play with her for a bit, as she starts moaning.


I stop kissing her neck and look at her.

Her face is flushed, she's panting softly

She extends her hand and puts it behind my neck.

She looks me dead in the eye.

"I want you inside me."

You don't need to ask me twice.

I unbutton my pants and take them off.

My erection jolts free.

I see her face fill with lust, as she licks her lips.

This isn't the Milly I know.


This new side of her, I like it.


I enter her, as soon as I do, she lets out a hungry moan.

"Oh my god Ryu, you're so big."

Damnit, who the hell told her what to say.

She's really pushing my buttons.

I start to move.

Pretty soon her nails rake down my back.

She surrenders to the passion and starts moaning once more.

It's too damn sexy.

I start moving faster.

Her body starts twitching underneath me.

"Don't stop!"

Her words hoarse and serious as she stares at me.

Her back arches as she orgasms.

She rides the waves of pleasure, I keep pounding until her body settles down a bit.

"I'm almost there."

I confess as I chase my own release.

She smiles, then sits up and put both her arms around my neck for support.


I start to feel it.

She's using her legs that she wrapped around my waist to meet my every thrust.


Fuck it feels good to be a gangsta.

I release my seed inside her.



Afterwards she's laying on my chest tracing idle patterns using her finger.


I look down at her.


"Tell me something about you, nobody else knows. Something about your life, in your old world".

I stroke her head gently.

"Didn't you read me, at the Magna Carta in Vincent?"

"I did, but I can only see your memories from this world."

She looks at me with pleading eyes.

"I see... well, let's see here."

I close my eyes to think, as I remember my old life.

I ask.

"Do you know what a cashier is?"

She put her hand, flat on my chest as she looks up at me.

"It's what you call those people who help you in stores."

I nod.

"In my old world I used to be a cashier, working 12 hour shifts, at a 24 hour convenience store. When I was younger I was a delinquent, who had a short temper. If I had stayed in school, I could have gotten a better job, but I dropped out early."

She nods along.

"I lived alone and never had a girlfriend, I did once get a blowjob though."

I look down at her as she starts blushing.

As I continue talking the oddest sense of deja vu suddenly hits me.

I feel like something's off.

I feel kind off disconnected from my body somehow.

Disconnected from my actions.

It's hard to explain.

I feel like something's coming.

Despite this I keep talking like nothing's wrong.

The disconnect intensifies as I feel like a observer more and more.

When Roka bursts into the room in the next moment I feel a deep sense of foreboding.

I look at her in surprise, but I feel like I already know and at the same time don't know what she's about to say.

This is an awful feeling.

She's out of breath, panting.

"Ryu this came for you, it's an emergency."

I look at the already opened letter in her hand.

I get up and put my pants on.

Then I walk over.

"What is it?"

She holds the letter up as she answers

"It's about Rebecca... she's missing."

Who the hell is Rebecca?

As I start to think this, I feel like I'm standing outside my own body even I'm looking through my own eyes.

Whatever's controlling my body grabs the letter and starts reading it.


To Lord Kaijuu Ryu-sama

Rebecca Silversnake has not arrived in Vincent.

We request your cooperation in locating her. Her arrival in Vincent is overdue by 2 weeks at the date of composing this letter.

By the time you recieve this, it will be 1 month at the least.

Thank you in advance


Sent by order of The Emperor.


Do I know this 'Rebecca' person?

While I am thinking this my body starts moving on it's own again.

As something'smovingme, I start to feel the disconnect growing.

My body moves, but my soul stays stationary. My consciousness is now fully outside my body. Am I being possessed.

Did whatever took over my body cast me out? What is this?

My vision starts fading the further my soul gets from my physical body.

I start to feel as If, what I'm witnessing is a dream.

It all fades to black.

Just before I completely disconnect I hear my physical self order the Kaijuu Tardigrade bears to assemble.



"He's waking up. Felmina help!?"

Some woman close to me shrieks.

"Milly hold him down! Roka cover his eyes!"

I hear someone's rushed footsteps coming toward me, then I feel someone covering my eyes as another mounts me.

Must be her knees on my arms.

I panic as I try to get away.

I can't move.

I try turning my body.

They quickly pin me down again.

I feel the force of whomever's holding my eyes closed increase.

Then I hear a gentle voice in my ear.

"Darling, please don't resist..."

It's Felmina's voice.

I try to speak.

My voice refuses to work as I try to say

'Who's there? What's going on? What is this?


How do I know your really Felmina? Let me go so I can see you!!'

I frantically try to move again.

I start lifting the one mounting me.

That shriek from before kind of sounded like Milly.

If this really is Milly mountingme, she must have her gravity suit on to at least 5 times gravity.

That's how heavy she feels.

The next moment I feel someone kiss me passionately.


It sure tastes like Felmina.

Is this a trick? Why am I not allowed to see them.

She stops the kiss.

"Milly, what's he trying to say?"

Milly's voice answers.

"We really are your wives, we can't let you see us. Please, you have to believe us. "

Her voice is pleading frantically.

I feel her leaning forward and feel something above my head.

Then I feel a cold yet warm something fall on my face.

It starts running down.

It feels wet...

Is this?....

a tear?

I feel one more fall onto my cheek.

My body relaxes.

'Tell me something only you would know'

I try to talk once more.

Nothing but air, It's like someone stole the sound from my voice.

"Felmina, protocol shared memory!"

Milly's voice still quivering with a hint of worry.

"Ok... Ryu, on our first night together, on the cruise, when I revealed my tail. You hugged me from behind saying you don't care, then you told me you loved me."

I hear her voice breaking with worry as she recalls.

"Roka, do it."

I hear Roka's voice.

"We bumped heads in our wedding interview, and, when I bit my tongue, you looked away trying to whistle."

I hear Milly's voice next.

"As for me."

I interrupt her by thinking.

'I believe you. Only you can read people's thoughts.'

My body relaxes.

"We did it, we can let go now."

As she dismounts me, Roka slowly starts loosening her grip.

Milly continues.

"We can't explain right now. We just need you to trust us. Once we send you back, just go with the flow, even if things don't make sense right now. Once we're back here again. We'll explain, I promise."

I feel one hand on my chest, and two hands, one on either side of my forehead.

"Once we begin, you'll feel like you're falling, I know it's a horrible, helpless feeling but don't fight it. Soon you'll be back...


With Milly's hand on my chest I feel her shift her weight.

"Where was he again Roka?"

Milly asks.

What the hell is this? what am I hearing. None of this makes any sense.

One of the hands lifts off my forehead.

I hear someone picking something up above me. Then I hear someone paging through a book or something.

A soft dull thud.

"He should be around here."

It's Roka's voice.

Milly lets go of my chest and touches my face as she asks.

"What's the last thing you remember."

'We were just finished having sex when Roka came in and showed me the letter.'

I think, so that she can read my thoughts.

"Ok, we're going to send you back a few moments before Roka comes into the room. Whatever you do, keep going with the flow as If Rebecca, is a very important person to you. And whatever you do. Don't doubt yourself."

I feel her gently kiss me.

"Let's begin."

I feel her put her hand back on my chest.

Then I hear a book slam closed above me.

Soon after another hand on my forehead.




I feel myself falling.

I open my eyes.

I'm above the Mansion.

I'm falling toward it really fast.

It's nighttime.

For some unknown reason, I am completely calm despite falling.

I don't feel any panic as I quickly approach the Mansion from above.

It's like I instinctually knowing I can't be hurt.


I fell into my room right into my body.

My soul looks at the door before my body does.

My vision goes black until my body turns it's head to match my soul.

Roka enters once more as the same exact scene plays out.

I decide to trust their words, even If I don't understand right now.


I'm standing in front of the assembled bears. Commanding them to search every nook and cranny for clues, as to this Rebecca person's whereabouts.


I try not to think thoughts that make me feel that disconnect.

After a few days, I get kind of used to 'going with the flow'.

It starts bothering me less and less, as I fool myself into believing she's very important to me.



I am sitting down in the audience room when Gregory comes in.

I look up.

"Sir, I believe I've found something."

"What is it?"