Chapter 70: A maiden's heart. Top secret

Moonlight farming district


Sealed Panic Room


I obviously saw everything in Roka's mind.

I feel closer to her now, more so than ever before.

I can relate.

Feeling inferior to the person you love, when what initially made him fall for you, is the very thing you can't lose.

It's hard to explain, but I understand since I've felt the same as her, well not exactly the same, but similarly.

I sent Ryu off, away from the Mansion for the day. When Roka woke up, Me, her and Felmina headed to the Panic Room that was recently installed. I had Sebastian set up tea and cakes for us.

It may seem a bit excessive, however under no circumstances can we have Ryu overhear any of what's about to be said here.

I pour some tea for us.

I take a sip.

"We can never repeat what is said here today, agreed?"

They both nod. They sense the seriousness in my tone.

I turn to roka and take her hand.

Then I look at Felmina and say

"I've read Roka's memories and feelings."

I feel Roka's hand tremble under my touch.

"But It's her story to share, if she chooses to do so."

The trembling stops.

"I'll start... Ryu was partly responsible for my father's death, however, I still fell in love with him. This alone made me feel Isolated at first. But when I read Roka the other day, I realized that I am not alone. I feel inferior to the both of you. Felmina, when you and Ryu had sex on the road back to Vincent, I felt like I could never claim a place in his heart. This feeling grew more when you had sex again during my week on our honeymoon."

I look over to Roka.

"Roka, you sleep in and nothing ever happens to you, Ryu likes the fact that you do, it makes you the cutest in his eyes. I feel like, if I ever do this, he'll grow to hate me, but with you, because he revears you as a genius, his fondness of you doesn't decrease at all. I feel like, If I somehow lose my ability to read minds, I'll be discarded."

I feel tears form.

"I want to be loved."

I feel Felmina's hand on my shoulder.

"He won't discard you."

She smiles gently

"Even If you lose your ability."

I feel a bit better.

She takes her hand off.

"I feel the same, I feel inferior to the both of you too." Roka... No, I'll start with you first Milly. You have that ability that can read other people's thoughts. I mean how is anyone supposed to compete with that? That's why I fight and train so I can be usefull in combat, I want to at least be able to physically protect my family, if push ever comes to shove, since I'm stupid, Especially if I compare myself to you, Roka."

She looks right at her.

"You are a genius, you can probably manage this territory much better than I can, without breaking a sweat. I am really grateful that you are completely uninterested in that. I don't knoe what I would do if you ever wanted to take my place--"

Roka interrupts her, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"I could never replace you, You are much stronger than I am, so much so that Ryu basically abandoned me in Vincent, and took you along. And you, Milly, when I saw you for the first time, I thought he was going to leave me for you...

I'm sorry, but when I found out about your ability, my insecurity just increased.


She stays silent for a long time.

"The other day, when I snapped at you and Ryu, I've been feeling frustrated for some time. I can't have Ryu save me again. I need to solve this problem on my own.... otherwize, I feel like I'll never be his partner. His equal.


So I'd like to ask you both a favor. Keep Ryu away from the Lab, until I can solve this."

We both nod.

I see a new determination in her face.

I look at Felmina

"I'm not sure what to do..."

Roka responds.

"That's easy, You just need to train harder, and he'll never forsake you."

Felmina looks at me.

"Do you see what I mean, Milly? We can't even begin to compete with a genius."

I take a deep breath before I talk.

"Then let's make promise to each other, right now. Let's stop competing, and start helping and supporting each other instead..."


I look at them both.

"I'd like some help too, in fact. Roka, what should I do?"

She puts her chin in her hand, closing her eyes for a bit furrowing her brow.

When her eyes open, she looks right at Felmina. "Felmina, I want you to create a situation where Ryu will ask Milly to use her ability."

She looks at me.

"When he asks you, say no"

I gasp at the suggestion.

She then puts her hand on my shoulder.

"Don't worry, we've got your back, if this causes any damage to your relationship with him, we'll help you repair it."

I look at Felmina, she nods.


I agree.

Felmina looks over to Roka.

"For the situation involving the use of Milly's ability, what did you have in mind?"



The next day.

I'm sitting in the living room, when Sebastian comes over with a letter.

It's from Ryu, he's summoning me to the interrogation room.

This is it.

I get up.



"Milly, this guy is suspected of being a spy, can you confirm this for me?"

I look at Felmina. She winks at me.

I gather my courage.

"No, I don't want to."

I say with as much bluntness as I can muster. Ryu looks a bit confused.

He closes his eyes, furrowing his brow....

Then his face relaxes. As he opens his eyes,

a loving gaze soon finds me.

My heart skipps a beat.

"You know what, Milly, you're right, I apologize."

He bows his head in apology.

I'm a bit taken a back at this scene. Felmina puts her hand on my shoulder reassuring me.

"What do you mean you're sorry, Dearest Husband?"

"I've been taking you for granted, I'm sorry."

He lifts his head, then pulls me close into his arms embracing me tightly.

What the hell.

"Felmina, Order a search of this man's room. If he is a spy, we'll definitely find evidence."

"Right away, Dearest Husband."

He lets me go.

He guides me out of the room by the small of my back.

Once outside, he stops, I turn to face him.

He leans over and whispers in my ear.

"I'm sorry for being lazy, Milly. I'll make it up to you tonight."

He leans even closer, I feel his breath on my ear as he syas. "In bed".

This sends a shiver down my spine, right down to my nether regions.

I feel myself getting wet at his words.

My face is getting hot.

He licks my earlobe.

My legs become jelly.

As I go down, he catches me in his big strong arms.

He helps me take a seat nearby.

He starts walking off, I can't even form words.

"I'll see you tonight, my love."

Felmina comes by, I look up at her. She smiles at me and asks.


I absentmindedly nod at her words.

She chuckles as she leaves.