In a world disrupted by loss and driven by vengeance, Dr. Salazar, a brilliant scientist, transforms his grief into a deadly legacy. Devastated by the death of his beloved to cancer, he develops a sinister zombie virus to make the world feel the anguish he endured. As the virus spreads, chaos ensues, plunging humanity into an apocalyptic nightmare.
Naira, an avid gamer and dedicated employee at a BPO company, finds herself thrust into this harrowing reality. Her skills in strategy and problem-solving, honed through countless hours of gaming, become invaluable as she navigates the dangers of a world overrun by the undead. Determined to survive and protect her loved ones, Naira uncovers clues about the origin of the virus and Dr. Salazar's motivations.
As Naira's journey unfolds, she allies with other survivors, each with unique abilities and stories of their own. Together, they strive to find a way to stop the virus and restore hope to humanity. Naira's resilience and ingenuity are tested as she faces unimaginable horrors, but her resolve remains unbroken. In a battle against time and the undead, Naira emerges as an unlikely hero in a fight to reclaim the world from the clutches of despair.
it so good 😊😊 I hope to see more more chapter 😊😊