Rainy day

As the clock struck six, Naira pushed through the glass doors of the BPO company, the steady hum of office chatter fading behind him. The sky, a canvas of muted grays, drizzled a light rain that fell with a gentle, persistent rhythm. Each drop caught in the dim glow of streetlights, casting fleeting prisms on the wet pavement.

Naira pulled his jacket tighter, bracing against the cool, damp air. The day's fatigue lingered in his steps, but there was a calming familiarity in the rain's soft patter against his umbrella. It was an unremarkable evening—one of those quiet moments where routine felt almost comforting. Little did he know, this ordinary end to his workday was about to shatter into chaos.

As he trudged toward the bus stop, the distant rumble of thunder seemed a mere echo in his otherwise mundane world. Yet, the air was thick with an uneasy anticipation, as if nature itself was holding its breath.

Naira rolled back his sleeve to check the time on his watch.

"Damn, I'm late already, I'm gonna get nagged again!"

Naira pushed open the door to the cozy gaming café, greeted by the comforting hum of computers and the soft clink of coffee cups. The scent of freshly brewed espresso mingled with the earthy aroma of rain-soaked streets, creating a warm refuge from the chill outside. Soft, ambient light bathed the room in a soothing glow, and the gentle murmur of fellow gamers formed a background symphony of camaraderie.

At a corner table, his friend Kiran was already settled, surrounded by gaming gear and a half-empty latte. Kiran's face lit up as she saw Naira approach, her excitement evident despite the casual demeanor. "Hey, Naira! Glad you could make it. Ready to dive into some Valorant?"

Naira slid into the seat across from Kiran, a smile spreading across his face as he set down his bag and shrugged off his damp jacket. The cozy ambiance of the café, with its plush chairs and warm lighting, created an inviting contrast to the dreary weather outside.

As the two friends booted up their computers and prepared for their gaming session, the world outside seemed to fade away. The gentle click of keys and the occasional laugh punctuated their conversation, blending seamlessly with the quiet, rhythmic patter of rain against the windows.

Naira leaned back in his chair, a teasing grin spreading across his face. "Hey, Kiran," he said with a playful tone, "what if there was a zombie outbreak? Do you think your aim would be as off in real life as it is in Valorant?"

Kiran looked up from her screen, a smirk tugging at her lips. "Oh, really? And what makes you think your strategy would be any better? Last time you led us, we ended up in a dead end."

Naira chuckled, leaning in slightly. "Maybe, but at least I'd have the brains to figure things out. I'm pretty sure with your aim, you'd just end up giving the zombies a headache before you actually hit one."

Kiran's eyes sparkled with amusement as she laughed softly, a hint of color rising to her cheeks. "Careful, Naira. If the apocalypse ever happens, I might need someone to keep me safe. And if you keep making fun of me, you might end up as my first target."

Naira raised an eyebrow, his grin widening. "Oh, really? I'll keep that in mind. But if you need a partner who can handle the chaos while you work on your aim, I'm your guy."

Kiran leaned in with mock seriousness. "Alright, but let's not forget your driving skills. Last time we played, you practically crashed us into every obstacle on the map."

Naira laughed, shaking his head. "Hey, I'll have you know I'm a top-tier driver—just not in your chaotic hands."

Kiran rolled her eyes but couldn't suppress a smile. "Fine, I'll admit I might be a bit of a disaster behind the wheel, but at least I don't drive us straight into walls."

Naira grinned. "Touché. But if you need someone to handle the chaos while you focus on not driving us off a cliff, I'm still your guy."

Their laughter mingled with the soft clinks of coffee cups and the gentle rain tapping against the windows. The playful banter filled the cozy gaming café with warmth and camaraderie. As they continued their gaming session, their jokes and laughter wove seamlessly into the comforting ambiance of the evening.

As the rain outside painted the world in shades of gray, Naira and Kiran remained wrapped in their light-hearted moments, unaware of the storm of reality that was about to disrupt their serene escape.