"Are you alright, my lady?" Victoria heard Larny's question, sharp and efficient, as the maid put on the dinner dress for her. Of course, she had seen the distress within her. All so uncomfortable!

"Larny," Victoria voiced, "You took part in delivering the letters, is it one person?" she questioned as Larny stood on her feet and looked up at her.

"They were slid under my room's door. It was hard to even detect the man or woman who was ambitiously declaring their intentions," she finished as she helped Victoria walk towards the light makeup chair.

"Certainly not a woman!" Victoria replied, and then, viewing Larny through the makeup table mirror, "Prince Edward proposed!" she voiced out… the proposal word of course feeling quite foreign in her mouth and, not only her feeling foreign of the word, but also, the fact that she already noticed the gasp from Larny. But she hid it quite well, as all maids are known to do.