
We didn't travel in the same cart after that, and for that, I'm thankful.

I stare outside my cart window, replaying what Magnus told me. His words echoed in my mind as tears burned in my eyes.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves as the carriage rolled steadily forward. Magnus Carriage drove in front of mine. I wondered what kind of two-faced person he was.

I looked outside my window again, staring outside. We had gotten to the countryside; it was lush and beautiful.

I turned her attention to the driver as I heard my name; he was an older man who seemed eager to engage in conversation.

"You must be Lady Astrid," he began, his voice inviting. "I'm Harold, the castle's head coachman. Welcome to your new home."

"Thank you, Harold," Astrid replied, managing a small smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure is mine, milady. I've been driving this route for over thirty years now. I know every twist and turn like the back of my hand. Would you like to know more about the places we pass?"

"I would love that," Astrid said, feeling more at ease.

Harold pointed out various landmarks as they traveled and shared stories about the land. "Over there, you see that old tree?" he said, gesturing with his whip. "That's the Hanging Tree. Legend has it that it was used for public executions centuries ago. But don't let that scare you; it's just an old tale to keep the children from wandering too far."

Astrid nodded, intrigued. "It looks ancient. I can almost feel the history."

Harold chuckled. "Aye, it's been here longer than any of us.

The journey continued, and soon, the grand silhouette of the castle loomed before her. It stood towering above her; there was an undeniable beauty to its ancient architecture.

"That's Alpha Magnus's castle," Harold said, his tone respectful. "It's been in his family for generations. A place full of secrets and stories, just waiting to be discovered."

Harold slowed the carriage as they approached the gates and nodded toward the main entrance. "We're here, milady. I hope the journey was pleasant."

"It was, thank you, Harold. I appreciate your company and the stories," Astrid said sincerely.

A group of servants was already waiting to welcome her. Magnus stood among them, his presence commanding. He approached the carriage, offering his hand to help Astrid down.

"Welcome, Astrid," he said, his voice gentle. "I hope the journey was not too tiring."

"It wasn't," Astrid replied, taking his hand and stepping down gracefully. "Thank you." Surprised at the change in his tone

Magnus nodded and turned to one of the maids, a young woman with bright eyes and a friendly demeanor. "Eliza, would you please show Astrid to her wing? Make sure she has everything she needs."

"Of course, my lord," Eliza replied, curtsying. She turned to Astrid with a warm smile. "If you'll follow me, milady, I'll take you to your quarters."

Astrid nodded, feeling nervous as she followed Eliza into the castle. The interior was just as magnificent as the exterior, with high ceilings and elegant furnishings.

"Your quarters are in the east wing," Eliza explained as they walked. "It's one of the most beautiful parts of the castle, with a lovely view of the gardens."

As they made their way through the halls, Eliza pointed out various rooms and features. "This is the great hall where we hold banquets and gatherings. And over there is the library, filled with books from every corner of the world. If you love to read, you'll find it a wonderful place to spend time."

"I do love to read," Astrid said, her interest piqued. "I can't wait to explore it."

Eliza smiled. "I thought you might.

They continued their tour, finally reaching the east wing. Eliza opened the door to Astrid's quarters, revealing a spacious and elegantly decorated room. The large windows offered a stunning view of the gardens below.

"Here we are," Eliza said, stepping aside to let Astrid enter. "I hope you find everything to your liking. If you need anything, please don't hesitate to ask."

Astrid looked around, taking in the luxurious surroundings. "It's perfect, Eliza. Thank you so much."

"It's my pleasure, milady," Eliza replied, her smile genuine. "I'll leave you to get settled. Dinner will be served in the great hall at seven. Would you like me to escort you there?"

"Yes, please. That would be very helpful."

"Very well. I'll return to fetch you at half past six," Eliza said, curtsying again before leaving the room.

Astrid took a moment to absorb her new surroundings. The room was beautifully furnished, with a four-poster bed, a plush sitting area, and a writing desk by the window. She was grateful for the warm welcome and the kindness of those she had met.

As I unpacked my belongings and arranged them in the room, I couldn't help but think about Magnus and the words he said to her earlier.

"I want to choose whom I love... Not some bond deciding for me."

I brushed the thoughts aside and went to have my bath

True to her word, Eliza returned promptly at half past six. "Are you ready, milady?" she asked brightly.

"Yes, thank you, Eliza," Astrid replied.

As they walked through the castle, Eliza chatted amiably, helping to ease Astrid's nerves. "You'll find the castle staff very friendly, milady. We're all here to help and ensure you feel at home."

"That's very nice, Eliza. Everyone has been so kind."

Eliza led Astrid to the great hall, where a long dining table was set for dinner. Magnus was not present, and she was a little sad about that.

"Milady Astrid, please enjoy your meal," Eliza said, pulling a chair for her.

"Thank you, Eliza," she replied, taking her seat.

The dinner was delicious, with a variety of dishes. Astrid enjoyed the meal and retired for the day.

Days blurred into one another, and boredom became my constant companion. I hadn't set my eyes on Magnus for days as he was always in the West Wing, and I knew he was avoiding me like the plague.

Despite its grandeur, the castle felt like a cage, and I soon found myself restless and yearning for freedom. One evening, I decided I couldn't take it anymore. Sneaking out of the castle became an irresistible idea. I waited until the mansion was quiet and the staff retreated to their quarters. I changed into a dark, simple dress and slipped on my softest slippers.

I reached the main hall, moving as silently as possible. The guards were stationed near the main doors, their eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of trouble.

I took a deep breath. Carefully, I tiptoed down the hallway, ensuring I stayed in the shadows. I took off my slippers, carrying them in one hand to reduce noise. My chestnut hair, which announced my presence, was covered with a dark scarf. I inched closer to the main doors, my heart pounding.

One of the guards shifted, yawning and stretching his arms. I held my breath, waiting for him to return to his post. When he did, I continued my journey, walking past him with painstaking slowness. I could almost feel his gaze on my back, even though he hadn't seen me.

Finally, I reached the massive doors. They creaked slightly as I pushed them open, and I cringed at the sound. The guards didn't seem to notice, lost in their thoughts or conversations. I slipped outside, the cool night air on my skin.

I walked through the courtyard, sticking close to the walls to avoid detection. My bare feet moved silently over the grass until I finally reached the edge of the property. Once beyond the castle walls, I let out a sigh of relief. I started walking, my steps quickening as I put more distance between myself and the castle.