

I held the cape tightly, covering my small figure to avoid being seen and taken back to the castle. My knuckles had turned white due to the intensity of my grip on the cap.


After I had moved far away enough and was sure the servants wouldn't recognize me, I loosened my grip on the cape and brought down the hood covering my head. I breathed in a sigh of relief, seeing I had successfully escaped.


Even the I knew it was unlikely for me to be seen and brought back, I looked around nervously, trying to catch the gaze of anyone staring at me, but it was like I didn't even exist. Everyone went about their daily business.


The atmosphere outside the pack was friendly and welcoming, contradicting the gloomy atmosphere of the castle. I didn't know much about anything or everything, but I was sure a castle was meant to be lively and warm, just like I had read about it in my books.


"Watch where you are going, fella!" A loud voice shouted behind me, startling me. I didn't realize I had unknowingly stood in the middle of the road, lost in my thoughts. I scrambled out of the way quickly.


"I'm….I'm sorry…" I mumbled under my breath. I was lucky it wasn't a galloping horse; if not, I would have been trampled upon. That would have been a horrible way to die, not as if my stay on earth was meaningful. My parents, sister, and even Magnus could eliminate the torn in their flesh. My parents would be happy to see the person who killed their beloved son finally get a judgment from the Moon Goddess.


Noticing my mood was already becoming gloomy, I snapped out of it. Before returning to my cold room, I didn't want to ruin my chance to look around the kingdom.


Breathing in shakily, I moved forward, my eyes trying to take everything at once. The sight was beautiful. The friendly people interacted, and I could tell they were at peace with each other. Soon, I got to the pack's market square.


It was bustling with business energy as different people roamed the market and marketers advertised their businesses loudly. Kids played around the market, running after each other and laughing loudly. Ware after wares were displayed beautifully. The market was loud.


"Beautiful lady. What would you like to get?" I flinched at the woman's sudden touch on my body and turned abruptly in fright. She looked startled at my behavior and quickly removed her hand.


"Sorry about that," she raised her hands in defense. I could feel the other's gaze on us, and I tried to control my erratic breathing.


"They are not my mother or sister." I chanted repeatedly in my head till I could stabilize myself.


"I'm sorry about that." The lady apologized again, and I nodded, letting her know it was okay. It wasn't her fault I was paranoid. She was a slim woman who looked to be in her late thirties. She had black hair packed into a bun, revealing her oval-shaped face. Her brown eyes held warmth in them. She was pretty, even for an older woman.


I looked at her wares and noticed jewelry of different kinds in front of me. My eyes immediately rested on an emerald locket shaped like a moon. I feel instantly in love with it. The jeweler followed my gaze to it and took it from where it was hanged.


"It will suit your beautiful emerald eyes. I would charge you less since I scared you earlier." She said with a smile, handing it to me, but I refused to hold it.


"I…I don't have any money on me." I struggled to say, regretting why I hadn't taken enough money to get out of the enclosed castle walls. It was just a few coins with me, not even half of the funds for the locket. Her face fell at my words but brightened up back. I felt instantly jealous of her ability to smile without any worries.


"I don't think this can suit anyone apart from you. I will keep it for you. You can get it later when you have money on you." I was surprised she would go to that extent for a stranger.


"Why? Why would you do that?" I asked with a furrowed eyebrow. She stared at me like she could see inside my soul.


"Because I feel it would only suit you." She said after a few seconds. I shrugged my shoulders.


"Thanks, I guess. Huh….goodbye." I said and turned around to leave.

"Goodbye….Luna." I heard her say. I snapped my head back to her, unsure if I heard her well, but she continued with her sales.


"I must be hearing things," I said, turning to leave finally. I continued roaming through the market, and sometimes, I would feel people's curious gaze on me, and I tried hard to pay them no mind. I saw a bar in the middle of the market and smiled. It has always been part of my bucket list to go to one. Male and female people trickled in and out of the bar, so I knew it was safe for me to go in.


"Jason! Jason!" A young lady's voice rang out the market. She looked around frantically, screaming Jason. It seemed they had separated, and she noticed.


I paused my lips together and looked around for a child walking alone. People comforted the woman, and others in the market helped her search for the boy. I soon found myself in an alley, far away from the market.


"Jason?" I called out weakly, hoping he would be there. "Jason!" I called again. Not hearing any movement, I turned to move away.


"Mommy?" A soft cry sounded right behind me from the wooden crates of tomatoes. I turned and pushed it away and found a boy of five or four under the crates. I couldn't imagine how he got there. I noticed he was bleeding from his knees and a shoe missing from his leg. It was the missing Leo of the shoe I had traced down to the alley.

"Let's get you to your mommy, okay?" He stared at me wearily before stretching out his hands In a gesture for me to carry him.

I carried him. He was a bit heavy for my petite figure.


I successfully carried him back to the market. Immediately, he heard his mom's voice and shouted in happiness. He was loud, and I almost dropped him.


"Mommy! Mommy!"


"Jason? The lady ran towards us frantically and somewhat rudely snatched him away from me. Seeing I had no business being there, I walked toward the bar. I was tired.


"Miss! Wait, please." The lady's voice made me pause in my tracks. "Thank you so much. For helping me bring him back." She said gratefully, reaching out her hand to hold mine, but I evaded it. I nodded at her and walked into the bar.