

I tried to focus on the papers in front of me, but my mind kept wandering back to her. Astrid. The one person who had ever managed to get under my skin. She was like a thick glue. She stuck to my mind like a second skin and I couldn't get her out of my mind. I couldn't believe it. I, Magnus, the Alpha, the most powerful wolf to have ever walked the very Earth, was obsessed with a woman.


And not just any woman, the very one I had vowed to not have anything to do with. Why had I kissed her though? My lips tingled and my hands instantly moved to feel them. I could still feel her soft lips. I could taste her and I didn't like how my body was reacting to the thought of her. I missed her. I missed the feel of her skin on mine, the taste of her lips, the way she had melted in my arms so perfectly− like I was the only one made for her.


But that was the problem. She didn't love me because she wanted to. It was all the damned bond. Just the same way it was the bond making me feel all these thing. I needed to get that woman out of my head and I needed to do that fast. I had never been one to be so attracted to a woman in all my life.


I always prided myself in that. I did have girlfriend and friends with benefits, but I hadn't let my feelings get involved. Well, except with Amelia. Remembering her made me sigh heavily. I tried to push the thoughts away, trying to concentrate on the task at hand. But it was no use. My mind kept drifting back to her, to the memories of our time together last night.


What would have happened if I had let myself have her? I probably would have marked her and I'd be wrapped up in her little smooth fingers. I groaned, rubbing my temples. Why couldn't I get her out of my damn head? But what if she didn't want to see me? What if she had moved on?


I stood up from my butt gum chair, pacing around the room. I had to get out of here, had to clear my head. But I had so much paper work to do and I wasn't even sure where to start from. I needed to breathe fresh air. I was being choked by the thoughts of that woman. My wolf wasn't helping issues too as he wanted her desperately.


"I hear your thoughts." Kaiza, my wolf said in that bored and annoyed tune I had long gotten used to


"Of course you can." I retorted angrily. There's no privacy in this world.


"I told you it was dumb to fight the bond, it's sacred but you wouldn't listen. The same way you didn't listen with Amelia and got her killed."


That made me mad.


Kaiza had been giving me the silent treatment for almost two weeks ever since we found our mate and now, he's bringing up my ex? Our ex?


"Don't go there, Kai. "


"But I did warn you." The matter of fact tone he was using was slowly getting me pissed.


"You sure as hell didn't have a problem with it when we were having fun with her now, did you?"

I wished he had just remained silent in my head.


"I did and that was why I..."


I had had enough, so I locked him away in the back of my mind.


Deciding it was time I left, I walked out and met my Beta by the door.


"Alpha, we have a problem," my Beta, Alan said to me the moment our eyes locked.


Groaning in frustration, I asked. "What is it?"


"One of our pack members, Mr. George, has gone missing," Luca replied, his expression serious.


I frowned, my mind snapping back to reality. "When did this happen?"


"Last night, during the full moon run," Luca said. "His mate, Maya, is frantic. She claims she can still feel their bond, that he's still alive."


I nodded, my instincts on high alert. "Take me to her."


We arrived at Maya's house, and I could feel her distress even before we entered. Alan knocked on the door, and Maya answered, her eyes red-rimmed and swollen from crying.


"Alpha, please…come in," she said offering me and Alan entrance into her house.


"I heard about..." I didn't get the chance to finish my statement before the older woman crumbled into a heap before me.

"Alpha, please you have to find him." She cried." He's never done this before. It's been four days!" She looked up at him with tears streaming down her cheeks.


I held her, trying to offer what little comfort I could. "Maya, we'll do everything we can to find your mate. I promise."


I didn't like making promises but the woman seemed overly distressed.


She pulled back, her eyes pleading. "You have to believe me, Alpha. I can feel him. He's still alive. I know it."


I nodded, looking at Alan who looked exhausted "We'll investigate the issue."


"Ma'am, can you tell me more about what happened? Did Alan say anything to you before he went missing?"


Maya shook her head. "No, Alpha. He just..." Her eyes flashed like she remembered something. "He has been acting weird lately." She said deep in thoughts.


"When you say weird, what do you mean? " Alan asked quickly.


"I mean..... " She held my eyes. "He was more secretive and my husband is not one for secrets. "


"Hmm." Came my reply.


"Alan, gather the men. We need a search party ready immediately." I said getting really serious.


"Okay, Alpha." He said before leaving quickly.


The search wasn't easy but I was grateful for it as it kept my mind off Astrid for some time.


"We've searched every inch of the woods, Alpha," Alan said, frustration etched on his face. "There's no sign him."


I nodded grimly. "Let's head back to the pack house. We'll regroup and come back tomorrow. Maybe someone's seen or heard something."


"Yes Alpha." They all chorused before dispatching.


As I walked back, I couldn't help but think of Astrid. Seeing her always calmed me down, and I needed that calm now more than ever. Her presence had a way of soothing my worries, and I found myself looking forward to seeing her.


I was tired of lying to myself at this point but it was the bond at work. A thought entered my mind, if the bond did not exist, would I have been attracted to her? The answer was yes. I definitely would have been.


She was a very beautiful woman. She was also kind and caring. I had seen just that the day she left the castle and gone into the pack. She had helped that woman so lovingly, a stranger would think they were related.


Or maybe it was still the bond talking. She was undoubtedly beautiful but maybe the bond was blinding me from her ugliness. Sighing, I walked into the dining room but she wasn't there and I had never been more disappointed in my entire life like I was in that very moment.