

I paced around my room deep in thoughts as I tried to strategize what I would be doing today to chew away my boredom. Then, an idea popped up in my mind and although it was definitely crazy, I couldn't help but try it out. I needed to get out of my fancy prison or I might as well, lose my mind.


But I needed Samantha so I waited for her to come.


"Samantha, I need a favor." I couldn't even wait for her to get settled.


Startled, she placed her hand on her chest. "You scared me, milady." She said exhaling in relief. "What would you like me to do for you?"


I knew I had to say it once or I'd chicken out. "Can I borrow a spare uniform from you?"


She narrowed her eyes at me before asking. "Whatever for, Luna."


It was the first time she was calling me Luna and I knew she knew exactly what I was thinking.


She was a smart young woman and was quick too.


"You know what." Came my reply.


"Luna, I don't think that's a good idea. What if the Alpha found out? He'd have my head!" Her eyes widened in horror.


"Oh, come on. Who's gonna tell him. I won't. And besides, I need something to do. I'm going crazy in this castle."


"But how would you even pull it off? You're Luna and the other maids would know!" Her eyes stayed wide with horror.


"Stop being dramatic, Sammy. No one has ever seen me before so they wouldn't know. And besides, you told me yourself yesterday that new maids were arriving the castle. I said desperately, hoping she wouldn't say no.


"But...but you're the Luna. You can't just go running around in a maid's uniform. It's not dignified."


"I'm not in search of dignity. Please help me." I said hoping that would appeal to her.


"But if the Alpha found out? "


He won't. He doesn't even check up on me."


"What about the guards?"

She asked and I realized that I had somehow forgotten about them.


"I doubt they'd bug me." I said thoughtfully.


Samantha shook her head. "I don't know, Luna. I really don't think this is a good idea."


"Don't worry Samantha I promise this would work out."


"What about your scent? I can smell the Alpha all over you. They would too." She pointed out but luckily, I had already thought of that.


"I have a vial of scent-masking potion." I countered and she looked like she was out of valid arguments.


After that, Samantha knew I wasn't backing down. She brought the uniform for me and handed it over.


When I was done dressing, "If anyone asks, you're my cousin from a neighboring pack, and I'm only here for a visit, okay? "


Samantha's eyes widened as she tried to discourage this madness but I was already crazy being locked up all day. "Luna, I don't know if I can do this."


"You can, Samantha. Just stick by my side and follow my lead. And remember, no one can know my true identity."


Samantha nodded after almost a minute of hesitation. "I won't say anything, Luna. I promise."


Just before they left the room, I turned back to her to remind her. "Remember you're my cousin, right?"


"Yes Luna... Cousin." Her eyes widened comically from her error and hoped she wouldn't blow my cover.


The maid supervisor was friendly and kind. She introduced me to everyone alongside three other girls as the new maids that joined them. She also let them know that was Samantha's distant cousin and I was from far away so everyone should help me understand what I needed to do. It felt weird standing before so many people and having them stare at me was. It felt different. She assigned both I and Samantha my cousin to the stable, claiming it was a good thing we came.


As I and Samantha arrived at the stable, the other girls who had arrived earlier, couldn't help but stare. One of them, a bubbly blonde, whose name I later found out was Charlotte, finally asked, "Hey, where are you from? You don't look like you're from around here."


Samantha tensed by her side and I smiled, trying to turn the conversation into a funny joke. "Oh, I'm from a far-off land, where the skies are always green and the grass is as red as my lips."


The maids giggled.


"No, seriously!" another one asked. "What's with the green eyes and chestnut hair? It's unlike anything I had ever seen in my life."


I chuckled. "Well, I guess I'm just a rare breed. But hey, being a unicorn is really rare."


Samantha, who was standing nearby, snorted. "Unicorn? You're about as much of a unicorn as I am a dragon!" Good she was getting into the game.


I playfully rolled my eyes at her. "Hey, watch it, cousin! I'll have you know, I'm a direct descendant of the mythical creatures of Sparkle land."


The maids erupted into laughter. "Sparkle land? That's a new one!" one of them teased. She was chubby and cute. I letter got to find out her name was Shubby.


It sounded almost like chubby and I had to hold my laughter so no one would ask me what was so funny and I wouldn't be able to say it as I wouldn't wanna hurt her feelings and then, they'd think I was crazy.

It was already enough that Magnus thought I was some sought of psychopath.


Didn't need any more people thinking the same.


I grinned, enjoying the playful banter. I had never had the opportunity to have a conversation like this before. "Hey, it's a real place, I swear! The capital city is Glitterville, and the national animal is the sparkly squirrel."


One of the maids, a quiet brunette, spoke up. "I think I've heard of Sparkle land... isn't it near Rainbow Kingdom?"


I winked. "You're absolutely right! Sparkle land and Rainbow Kingdom are like two peas in a pod. We even have a special Sparkle-Rainbow friendship treaty."


The maids laughed and teased me about how awkward she looked working like I had never worked a day in my life. I hadn't but they didn't need to know that.


In all honesty, I had no idea what I was doing but Samantha kept trying to help me so I don't become too obvious. I struggled to lift a heavy bucket, spilling water everywhere, and tried to brush a horse's mane with a pitchfork.


I locked eyes with some of the maids who had turned towards where the noise had come from. I don't know what they saw in my eyes but they all burst out laughing and I had no other choice but join them as their laughter was really contagious.


"Have you ever worked a day in your life?" Shubby asked whilst wiping tears from the corner of her eyes.


"Yes." I lied. 


Samantha came to my rescue. "Don't mind my cousin." She gave a strange laugh that sound forced but no one else seemed to notice. "She's only good with kitchen work."


I didn't like the sound of that but I didn't quite have a better idea.


"Oh, your mate is one lucky man." The brunette said.


The conversation went into the mates' topic from there and I pretty much said nothing all through.