

After all the other maids left, I still had some work to do so I stayed back to finish it up. Samantha had wanted to stay with me but she was famished so I forced her to leave and go get herself something to eat.


But just as I was finishing up my tasks, a young stable boy, no more than ten years old, came running into the stable, his face smudged with dirt and his hair messy. He was adorable, with big brown eyes and a mischievous grin.


He reminded me of Axel. I quickly pushed the thought out of my mind. It was a happy day. No need to dampen it with sad memories.


"Hey miss. " He looked up at her with a twinkle in his eyes. "Can you help me wash up?" He said pouting and it almost made me laugh as he didn't need to look cute to get me to do his bidding


He was already so cute.


"Okay, young man." I said whilst taking his hand.

The little boy smiled a victorious smile and I smiled too cause he was really cute.


"What's your name?" I asked him.


"Alex." His reply was almost instant like he had been waiting for the question.


"How old are you?" I asked and watched in amusement as he counted his age on his finger tips


After getting to eight, he stopped and said, "Nine!" I laughed at his odd ways but said nothing.


On getting to the water pod, I began the ministry of cleaning off the dirt from his body. He was really dirty and I could only guess he had played in the mud.


"Ow! You're scrubbing too hard!" Alex complained.


I quickly apologized. "Sorry, sorry! I just want to get all the dirt off."


When I was finally done, I felt a surge of achievement− a feeling I wasn't exactly used to. "Don't play in the dirt next time, okay?"


He nodded multiple times.


"What's your name, miss?" He asked.


I had thought of changing my name but Astrid was a popular name around here and I couldn't think of any other name. So I settled with "Astrid."


"Like our Luna!" The boy suddenly said and my breath caught in my throat.


"Err..." Not sure what to say to salvage the situation, I looked around trying to make sure no one heard that except for the both of us.


When I was sure we were alone, I let out a loud breath− one I hadn't known I was holding


"You look really different, miss." Alex pointed out. I had heard that so many time and had had to reply to it as many times, that the lie came out rather naturally.


"Yes, I'm not from around here."


"Where are you from then?" He asked really intrigued.


Okay tried to think of a lie but nothing was forth coming. I had joked it away with the maids buy I didn't think I could do the same with this inquisitive little boy. Thankfully, he got distracted by my curls and asked to feel them so I carried and put him on my waist so he could touch it to his heart satisfaction.


I had never carried a child before but I loved the feel. It was beautiful and I really appreciated it.


"So soft." He said dreamingly and it made me smile happily.


"Miss, can you cut a little for me?" Alex asked still touching it.


That took me by surprise but I quickly replied a resounding 'no' and dropped him back on the floor. He laughed at my bewilderment and I laughed too, realizing he had only been kidding. He suddenly ran over to a man I hadn't noticed standing and watching the interaction.


The man wore on a very serious expression as he asked, "Miss, can I have a word with you?"


I nodded automatically already feeling a bit tense. After I reached him, he glanced around them nervously. "I know who you are," he whispered. "You're the Luna, the Alpha's mate."


My heart skipped a beat. How did he know? His eyes were wide with fear. "Please, you have to leave. If the Alpha finds out you're here, he'll... he'll fire all of us. Or...or...or even worse."


I tried to reassure him. "I'm not here to cause any trouble. I just needed to get away for a bit."


But it would seem the man was having none of it. "You don't understand, Luna. The Alpha is not a man to be trifled with. He's ruthless, and if he finds out you're here, he'll destroy everything and everyone involved in this madness."


I could see the genuine terror in John's eyes, and it made my blood run cold. I realized that I had put these people in danger just by being here.


"There's no need to worry. He doesn't know I'm here." I tried to convince him that I was not a threat. But after sometime I started questioning myself if I was actually trying to convince him or myself


"He may not know yet, but it's only a matter of time."


"How did you figure out who I was?" I asked, curiosity getting the better of me


He hesitated, looking around nervously before responding. "I noticed two of the Alpha's personal guards following you from a distance. They were trying to blend in, but I've seen them around before. Everyone else thought they were just regular guards, but I know better."


I had noticed them too but since they didn't seem to be interfering in my little adventure, I didn't bother acting like I didn't see them.


But something looked off about him.


Like a deep sadness and for some reason I just knew it was his mate.


"Alex's mother. Is she dead?" I find myself asking.


He hesitates for a while before saying "My mate... she was a wonderful woman. Kind, gentle, and strong. She had a heart of gold."


His voice cracked, and he paused, collecting himself.


"She passed away a few years ago," he continued, his eyes already getting watery with tears "It was... it was the most painful experience I've ever endured. If not for Alex, I... I don't know if I would have made it."


"What did you mean, Alex? "Now I was confused as I had never met a widow or widower before


"Alex was my reason to live."


He went on after a while.


"Many wolves don't survive the loss of their mate," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "They take their own lives, unable to bear the grief. But I had Alex…My son. He was so young, so innocent. I had to keep going for him."


I could somehow feel his pain and it was the strangest thing. He still seemed very much affected by her death. I wished tell him it was alright but was I really in that shoe. He was right, I was a danger to them. If anything happened and Magnus found out, they'd be in big trouble.


Even I myself would be in shit and maybe this time, he'd lock me up in a dungeon.