
My palms had grown slick with anxious sweat as I kept pleading with Magnus, my eyes begging him to reconsider.

He'd hit a nerve with the question about why I thought so lowly of myself but that was one question I couldn't… wouldn't answer as there was only one answer to it.

He reached out and swiped his thumb across each cheek then gave me a soft smile. Alright, he said and my heart leaped twice with joy.

He looked up and at the servants, "those who didn't know what my wife was up to, should get back to their usual duties." He announced loudly and the relief I was feeling was immediately snuffed out.

No…Magnus please, I began to plead again as all the serving staff except Samantha, the stable man, his son and two others. The last two wouldn't look me and I assumed it was because they were ashamed, I didn't know they had recognized me.

The rest of you will be punished, he began again as his eyes settled on the man and his son. Tobias, you and your father may continue to tend my horses.


They both fell on their knees. Thank you Milord…we appreciate your kindness.

"That's not all," he said with a smirk. "You and your son shall receive a mare, as a gift from me."

I was temporarily speechless and befuddled at his sudden…kindness.

"Words cannot express how thankful we are," the man stated in a voice heavy with emotions. "Thank you, alpha Magnus." He added with a low bow.

"Rise," Magnus said, and when they did he moved closer and placed a hand on the man's trembling shoulder then on his son's. "You may go now."


He dropped his hands and turned to face me again.


"What about them?" I queried, gesturing towards Samantha and the other two girls.

"They'll be dismissed." He announced in a voice that brooked no room for arguments or questions.

I shook my head fervently when he announced his intention to still punish them.

"Please, Magnus, don't do this." I pleaded softly, my voice barely above a whisper. "I need Samantha."


"No one's that important Astrid," he replied. "You don't need anyone but yourself."

I sucked in my lips as I felt the tears coming again.

"Isn't…isn't it too harsh of a judgement to have them removed?"

Magnus's gaze narrowed, his jaw clenched in frustration. "You think I'm being too harsh."

It wasn't a question.


I took a step forward, my hands clasped together. "I think you are being a bit too difficult, but punishing them won't solve anything. It will only create more resentment."

"Resentment on whose part?" He queried in a soft voice. "Yours or theirs?"


"Definitely mine," I replied honestly. "I don't think I'll ever forgive you if you send Samantha away."

Magnus snorted, his eyes crinkling at the sides. "You think they deserve leniency after what they did?"

"They did nothing, Magnus."

He tilted his head to the side and watched me, with an intensity that made my heart stutter and my cheeks flush. Only he could have such an embarrassing effect on me.


"You are hungry and you need long hours of sleep," he suddenly said, then breathed out heavily as he turned to face the three girls.

"Go to the kitchen and see if there's something you can get for your mistress," he ordered Samantha.

She looked up at him, then at me, her eyes shining with gratitude and relief. "Right away my lord, Milady." She curtsied. "Thank you very much."

"It's alright, there's no need to thank me." She flashed me a bright smile before turning to scuttle away from the room.

I let out a sigh as I folded my arms over my chest, "should I beg further before you release those two?"

He chuckled softly, the sound reverberating through my chest.

"No," he muttered with a small shake of his head. "You don't have to beg for anything anymore."

I blinked up at him and for the first time since I woke up that day I felt slightly self-conscious of my appearance.

"As a result of my wife's pleas," he began to announce, his voice softening, "I will let this transgression slide." However, he raised a finger, his expression turning serious once more. "Let it be clear that no form of disrespect to her shall be tolerated."


They both nodded fervently, still refusing to look up at him or me. "You both may go."

I felt heavy waves of relief wash over me upon his statement as I watched the two serving girls bow to him and to me before hurrying towards the door, then struggling on who'd exit first.

"And where do you think you are going?" He called after me when I turned to leave too.

"I'm going up to my room," I answered, then dared to glance down at my night gown. I look terrible.

"You look beautiful," he countered, then moved to sit at the dining table.

"If you think I'm going to thank you for pardoning your servants then you better think again."

His eyes glided over me before he raised a hand, beckoning me over.

"Did you hear what I said?" I asked, planting my hands on my hips in defiance.

"Come here, Astrid."

There it was, the soft rasp of my name rolling off his lip like a fervent prayer.

"I'm still not going to thank you for being a decent leader," I muttered as I stalked towards him.


"Closer," he murmured when I stood before him.

I scoffed as I eyed him crossly. "You want me to crawl inside of you?"


Without a word, Magnus reached forward, wrapped his hands around my waist and hurled me down onto his laps.

"What are you doing?!"


"Be still." He hushed me as he cradled my face with his hands.

I'd never felt so ashamed before, because I was harshly aware of my state of dishevelment. My mother would breathe fire if she saw me right now.

"Stop trying to pull back," he chided gently as he pushed my tangled curls out of my face before enveloping me in a tight hug.

The action surprised and shook me so much that for a moment I remained frozen.

"I…I thought you didn't like closeness," I stuttered as I wrapped my arms around his back.

He sighed against my chest. "Your warmness makes it hard to not want things I was okay without having before," he murmured, hugging me tighter.

I suddenly felt whole, like I'd just found a part of me I hadn't realized was missing before, right there in his arms.

He pulled back, and traced a finger down my cheeks. "Tear marks," he whispered, his brows creasing with a small frown. "I don't want to ever be the reason why you have these again," he added softly before leaning forward to kiss each of my cheeks.

It was as if I'd been offered cold water on a really hot day, like my senses were being soothed and my worries plucked away by one who was capable of handling them.

He truly was my mate, any remnants of doubts I had about that had been dispelled by the way he touched my very soul.

My heart raced as I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck. "Thank you."

There was no teasing spark or an Aha! Look as his mouth curled up in a smile that made me want to press my lips against his. "You are welcome."