She was beyond furious, her emerald green eyes wide with rage, her mahogany waves wild and unruly; she had deep, red rims around her eyes, and her skin was pale with exhaustion like she hadn't slept a wink all night, but I couldn't tear my eyes away from her and her disheveled beauty.


To me, she had never looked more captivating. And I didn't even try to pretend I wasn't gawking at her.


"Why aren't you answering me?" She snarled upon my silence; her complete lips, usually as red as crimson, were dull and slightly cracked.


"You think you can ignore your way out of this!?" She yelled again; her voice as shrill as a loud whistle. "I am done letting you treat me and everyone else like we are beneath you!" She continued, jabbing her fingers aggressively on my chest.


Oh, but she looked like a rose in full bloom, and I was a short minute away from sighing dreamily at how breathtaking she was…my wife, she was my wife!


Her eyes suddenly narrowed but not with anger or fury; it was with suspicion as she sensed my reasons for gazing at her.

She suddenly removed her finger from my chest and ducked her head to look away, but not before I saw the blush that rose to her cheeks.


Why would a woman like her be so insecure? Could she not see what she looked like? The first night she had sneaked away to that bar, I'd told her that she'd cause a spectacle wherever she went because she was my wife, but that wasn't entirely true.


I'd meant to say she'd make a scene anywhere because of her appearance.


"Your leering is unbecoming." She muttered as she began to step back, but I grabbed her hand and pulled her back, my lips turning up with a smile.


"Stop it!" She scolded me when I made her circle my arms around her waist.




She gave me a sharp look of disbelief before glaring at the servants, who were already on edge.


"Are you doing all this because you don't want to take accountability for your ruthlessness?"


I smothered a laugh as I studied her face. "You need to sleep."


"Answer me!" She snapped, batting my hand away from her cheek.


"I'm not shying away from anything, Astrid." I finally said, "I'm just really mesmerized by you."


She looked like she didn't believe me, and that hurt more than it should. "You think jesting with me is…."


"I don't jest."


From the corner of my eyes, I saw the servants shifting uncomfortably, their eyes darting nervously around the room to keep from directly looking at me and Astrid. Her words had affected me in ways she'd probably never know, but I was still determined to punish them for letting her put herself in danger.


 "Listen well, all of you," I began in a clear, firm voice. "This woman, Astrid, is my mate and must be treated with the utmost honor and respect. I will not tolerate any disobedience or any disloyalty towards her."


They all nodded their agreement, their hands clasped in front of them and their heads bowed.

Astrid was right; I was iron-handed, but that was what had kept me alive and healthy for centuries. Ruthlessness ignited fear, and fear births loyalty.

"She has told me that some of you did not know what she was doing," I continued, tightening my grip on her hand as she squirmed away.


"For those who didn't know, you'll be spared."


Collective sighs erupted within the group as those concerned exchanged excited looks.


I opened my mouth to speak again, and my wife nearly ruined the seriousness of the situation. Her stomach grumble so loudly it was impossible for anyone who chose not to have heard it.


I glanced at her just as the laughter erupted in my chest, and the look of absolute shame on her pretty face was almost my undoing.


"You heard nothing!" She whispered firmly, and I bit my tongue. I nodded once and then cleared my throat to help dispel the mirth.


"My lord…" the young son of the stable man began, his eyes filled with fear as it stared into mine.


"You may speak, Tobias."

He nodded shakily, then swallowed nervously before speaking. "I just wanted to apologize on my father's behalf," he started. "He did indeed know about Milady's activities, but she pleaded that he keep it a secret from you…"


"To whom does your loyalty belong to?" I asked, my gaze sweeping over them.


"To…to you, my lord," they all chorused, but I smiled as I moved my head from side to side.


"Wrong answer…your loyalty belongs to both of us." The poor boy trembled, thinking he was in trouble, so I gave him a look of calm assurance, "Go on."


"Thank you, my lord," he bowed. "After my mother's death, my father has only found solace in tending the horses," he continued. "They make him happy, and he only sings whenever he is in their stables. So, I beg of you," Astrid gasped as Tobias sank to his knees, his eyes glittering with unshed tears. "Do not take this away from him…punish me instead, throw me in the dungeons even."


She yanked my hand, and I looked down to see the tears filling her beautiful eyes. "Magnus, this has gone on for too long. Let them go!"

I looked away from her, and my gaze swept the room, lingering on each scared face.


"You will obey your mistress' commands without question…." I began, but she cut me off, her nail digging into my fingers as she gritted out the words, "This has nothing to do with respecting me but everything to do with your ego."


That stung, not because it was true but because I realized she still didn't understand what I was doing.


My brows drew down as I regarded her calmly. "You need to understand that it was disrespectful of them to let you bring yourself so low."


"What are you talking about?!" she exploded, the tears rolling down her face. "There is no bringing down to any level; we are all equal!"


The servants all gasped at her statement, and some even shook their heads.


"One has to place themselves in the position they want others to see them at," I muttered, reaching over to wipe her cheeks. She moved her head away, leaving my hand hanging, but I continued.


"Don't you want to be respected, Astrid?"


"Of course, I do; I just don't want to be feared!"


"Fear is respect, my sweet," I whispered, turning her face so she could look up at me again. "Why do you think so lowly of yourself, Astrid?"


Thick silence descended on the room like a heavy cloak. And the only sounds were her heavy breathing and the fast thumps of her racing heart. "Just let them go, I beg of you." She murmured, the tears flowing down her face again. She reached up with a shaky hand and cupped my cheek. "Please…"