

I paced around in my room, waiting for Anel to get back soon. We had successful lured away Samantha so we could execute our plans without any hindrance.


Already getting dizzy, I sat at the edge of the bed. I thought about Anel's word again, and tears clouded my eyes. Even though he has told me he didn't need a mate, his behavior sometimes made me think he had changed his mind. He was hot and cold, and I can't even grasp a bit of emotion from him to hold unto.


I had always thought my mate would be my saving grace from my family abuse, but his cold and switching emotions and his blatant disregard for not acknowledging the mate-bond pulled me out harshly from my fairytale dream.


I listened with rapt attention as Anel tried to convince the guys stationed outside my door to leave.


"The alpha commanded us not to leave this position or our heads would pay for the disobedience." I listened to one of the guards reply, his tone strongly adamant, and giving no room for persuasion.


Seconds later, Anel opened the door, closing it gently behind her. The expression on her face was crestfallen as she looked at me.


"Is this how I am going to die if Magnus succeed in breaking apart the mate-bond?" I asked, my body trembling lightly in fear for the painful future ahead of me. I have read and heard of stories about how painful it was and how one can either die or go insane due to the pain.


"No! Miss Astrid, don't say something like that. You won't die. I would make sure of it!" Anel said, walking towards me in haste, and held my right hand as if trying to stop me from disappearing.


I smiled weakly at her display of loyalty and love. I wish I was a strong master to her. She has always been there for me even when the people I expected or wanted to be there for me abandoned me.


"Miss, I am going to do everything in my power for you to escape here. If Alpha Magnus wants to break the mate-bond, he won't be able to do it once you escape because he needs your blood to complete the process." She said, but I paid no attention to it.


I was sure my parents and sister would be happy to hear about Magnus trying to break the mate-bond. According to my mom, she would say "you are destined to be alone, wench. Even your mate wouldn't want you."




I cowered back into the wall, staring at my mother, a fearful look etched on my face.


"M…mom..mom, please," I stammered, my body trembling violently.


"I am no mother of a murderer, you evil child!" She screamed, her spit flying in my face.


"He should have left you to die. You are of no use to me or this family and certainly not worth dying for." 


I tried to associate her hurtful words to her grieving, but I was also grieving. I had lost my brother, and family too. Mine was worst. They lost their son, but I lost them all.


"No….no….no. I didn't do it on purpose. I didn't kill my brother. I loved him… like everyone else too." I said, building up courage to stare back at her. My head turned to the left forcefully. I tasted blood on my lips. It was torn. She slapped me.


I was stunned into a state of bafflement. She had always abused me mentally, and this would be the first time she would hit me.


"Mom?" I called, looking at her, not still believing she hit me. Tears blurred my vision, making me unable to see her clearly.


"I think you are deaf, isn't it? It is Luna to you when we are at home, but in the midst of crowd you can call me mother." She spat angrily.


I nodded fearfully. "Yes…Luna." I answered.


"You killed my only son. The person who loved you the most. You are destined to be alone, even your mate would be disgusted by your mere presence." Her face filled with disgust. She exited my room, walking briskly away like if she stayed any moment, she was going to burn or get killed.


"No…no..no." I croaked incoherently, my tears dropping freely as I watched her leave. At this point, I knew I had lost my mom completely. My wandering eyes connected with that of my sister, Vesper.


Her eyes was filled with pity. She made a move to walk into my room but paused as if rethinking, and then she turned back, leaving me all alone, sad and broken as I stared at her departing figure.


#End of flashback#


"Miss, Miss Astrid!" Anel's voice sounded frantic, pulling me out of my memory lane.


"Yes, Anel. What is happening? Why are you panicking?" I asked worriedly.


"The pack is under an attack! The guards stationed at your door have been summoned by the Alpha."


I became worried instantly and stood from my bed. "Is everyone okay? Is Magnus safe?"


Anel looked at me with a strange gaze. "Miss, this is the opportunity for you to escape!" She exclaimed.


"Oh, yes. Bring the clothes forward." I ordered. She returned back almost immediately with clothes with her. It was the clothes of a serving boy. She helped me out of my clothes, and I changed into it. I looked like a young boy. She handed me a hooded cloak and I wore it.


I pulled her in for a tight hug, trying to hold back the tears threatening to fall.


"Be safe, Miss Astrid." Anel croaked. I pulled away from her with a nod, not sure of if we would have the chance to meet again.


"Stay strong." I said, and walked out, heading to the stables.


"Gaius?" I whispered, startling him. He was engrossed in cleaning the horse stables. He held his chest in fright.


"Luna? What are you doing here, and dressed this way?" He stared at me like he knew what I was planning to do.


"Please, Gaius. Please help me escape from here." I begged, my heart thumping wildly.


"That is treason, Luna!" He exclaimed.


"Alpha Magnus is planning on breaking the mate-bond. You of all people should know how it feels. You told me yourself that it either makes people mad or commit suicide. Please help me, and pretend as if you never saw me or have this conversation." I begged.


Pity filled his gaze, and my hands clenched on my cloak. I hated that gaze so much.


"Okay. I would help you."


"Thank you so much." I breathed in a sigh of relief. I had thought he wouldn't help me because of last time incident, but I guess luck decided to grace me with his presence today. I made a move to hold his hands to express my gratitude, but stopped.


"No, Luna. Don't thank me, instead, I should be the one to thank you."


"Thank me? How?"


"Because of you, I was given a raise by the alpha with also a promise to sponsor my son's education."


"Ohh." I didn't know what to say, because what he was thankful for wasn't related to me, but I didn't feel the need to correct him.