
"This way." Gaius said, pointing at an empty looking carriage. He dropped the rake one side, and led the way. I followed after him, looking over my back multiple times. It felt like Magnus would pop out of nowhere and catch me trying to escape, and he would forcefully take me against my will to the physician's home to severe our bond.


I wondered if he hated me that much not to even care that his actions would leave our wolves broken beyond repair. I have felt so repulsed or disgusted at myself.


"The pack is under attack now. While this might be a means to escape, you should e very careful not to allow the enemy capture or kill you." He warned.


"Yeah. Thanks, Gaius." I felt grateful.


"You won't have a coachman to drive the carriage to your destination, so you'll have to drive it yourself. It would be best if you pass through the back of the palace. It would lead you directly to the forest, and the main gate would be crowded with people and you might be seen." He informed.


I smiled wearily. I have never ridden a carriage before, and I count how many times I've sat in one. "Thanks, and I'II manage." I said, trying to convince myself. Desperate times calls for desperate measures.


"Okay, Luna. Please climb on the horse." I succeeded in climbing up with his help. "Safe journey, Luna." He gave a bow, with his neck exposed, showing acknowledgment and respect. I nodded, and drove off slowly, heading to the back gate of the palace.


The place was not heavily guarded like the main gate, and the guards were faces I have not come across before.


"Where are you headed to?" A tall big man dressed in guard's outfit asked, staring at me skeptically.


"I was asked to collect the supplies from the market." I answered, trying my best to sound like a boy and stopping my voice from shaking.


"Supplies? At this time? Aren't you aware of what is going on in the kingdom?" He asked, eyeing me like a predator.


I didn't know what to say. Why didn't I think before blabbing?


"Master said it was urgent." I widened my eyes to look as if I was scared. I didn't need to actually because I was already scared I would be discovered.

"Why are you so chatty? Let him pass through," another one said with a scoff, opening the gate. I struggled to control the horse. I could feel the guards gaze piercing my skull.


I successfully got out. I heaved a sigh of relief. The horse stopped, refusing to head in the direction I was pulling it to. It turned in another direction and began chewing on the grass.


"C'mon, we haven't even gotten anywhere!" I pleaded desperately, trying to control it in the direction I wanted. It refused. I came down from its back, looking over my shoulder to see if Magnus had found out I escaped and send his men after me.


There was no one. I pulled in the stubborn horse, but it refused to budge. I sighed, giving up. I tied its rope around the neck, and decided to go on foot.


"Sorry, big guy, but I have to leave you behind." I muttered, rubbing its coat. It neighed as if it understood me.


I looked in the direction of the palace again, and felt my chest clench in pain.


"Let's head back, Astrid." My wolf whined in silence, mind linking me.


"Ayla? You came back?" I shouted in my head.


"Calm down, girlie. I can hear you just fine." I chuckled at her words. I had missed her so much.


"The mate pull is hurting me badly, let's go back to the palace." She sounded as if she were in pain.


"I'm doing this for our sake, Ayla. Magnus is looking for ways to break the mate-bond and it would hurt us beyond repair." I tried reasoning with her.


"Kaiza is against it."


"Kaiza? Who is that?" I asked, not sure who she was taking with.


"Magnus wolf. We have been chatting without you guys knowledge. He would be heartbroken if he realizes we are gone. Let's head back, Astrid."


"No. He has a mistress. I have always put everyone interest above mine, but I can't do that this time. I'm done trying when others aren't even making efforts. He can't decides he wants me now, and the next moment he would push me away. I'm in no mood for games, Ayla."


"We can't listen to rumors, Astrid. You have never done that, so don't start with it now." She said.


"Anel can't lie to me, Ayla. He might not have a mistress, but he really wants to severe the mate-bond.

"He can't because he would hurt his wolf, and might lose him in the process. Magnus won't do that to Kaiza.


"I really don't have the strength to argue, Ayla. You have been way since these years, always showing up when you deem it necessary, so you really don't have the right to order me around!" I snapped for the first time in years. I felt her shock, and she silently retreated into the back of my mind before I could apologize.


I sighed, narrowly avoiding to face palm the earth surface. The forest looked desolate and dry, with just few sounds emitting from small insects and forest animals.


I thought about what Anel had told me. I knew I could trust her and she wouldn't deliberately hurt me, but what if she were wrong. What if they were just mere gossips among the maids? Magnus never told me he wants to severe the mate-bond. He only said he wanted the ability to choose who he loves.


Another mind told me she wasn't wrong. Sometimes, gossips were true, it is just that people tend to exaggerate a lot. But even if it were to be true, I could have simply talked it out with Magnus like an adult instead of cowering and hiding away like a kid.


I was already getting exhausted. I had no water, food, or even destination. I hadn't planned this out carefully because my thoughts were just on how to escape. My stomach growled in hunger. Breathing heavily, I decided on taking a break. I knew I was getting closer to the outskirts of the pack.


If I cross the border, Magnus would be aware as it would notify him, but he might be busy with the war to come after me immediately. It would buy me more time.


At the thought of him, my heart ached painfully, and for a slight moment, I thought of going back to him. Waving the thought l of, I stood up and continued.


Soon, I got to the outskirts of the pack. I smiled sadly, looking back at the forest like it was the palace.


"Goodbye." I murmured.


Just as I crossed the boundary, I was knocked out. I felt myself bring flung over a shoulder rough. Darkness surrounded me, and I was soon pulled into it.