I hesitated in front of the door for a few seconds before landing a soft knock on the door and then pushing it open to walk in.

"Hello, Astrid," Lana greeted without turning around.

"I hope I'm not being a disturbance," I started, but she smiled warmly over her shoulders as she said, "No, of course not."

I mirrored her smile as I walked closer to look at what she was doing.


"What's that?"

"It's a mixture of herbs," she answered as she continued to crush them. "Chamomile, lavender and two drops of vampire blood."

I tried to keep the shock off my face as she continued.


"The potion from this can cure many illnesses,"

"For the wolves?" I asked, and she chuckled before shaking her head.

"Mostly for the humans." She turned to face me, her eyes sparkling with kindness. "They come to me for help when they are sick."

"Do they know who you or the pack members truly are?"

"No," she answered, "it's better that way because their resolves and motivations can easily be swayed."


I bobbed my head up and down in agreement before she turned and began scooping the grounded leaves into five small bottles.

"How are you liking the place?" She asked softly.

"I…I like it."

She chuckled. "Of course, you do, it's your home now."


She placed the bottle down and moved a red lock of hair out of her face before picking up another of her tiny containers.

"Are the people treating you nicely?"

I hesitated, wondering if what I was about to say would sound rude.


"If you were truly a vampire, you must already know the answers to these questions," I replied, taking a chance.

She flashed me an amused look and chuckled again.

"You are right, I do know." She placed the bottle down and picked up two more.


"I just wanted you to say it yourself," she continued as she filled those.

"Do you have any superpowers as a vampire? I heard some of you do."


"You heard right," Lana replied. "I have the gift of mind reading,"

I gasped out loud, "You said you couldn't read my mind."

"I couldn't," she said as she breathed a chuckle. "I still can't; I was just joking."

I didn't fully believe her, so I tested it out.


"Where is your family?"

She placed the last bottle down and picked up the mortar and pestle without reacting to my thoughts.


"Maybe we could go for a walk?" She asked after she kept the items on a shelf and turned to face me.

"Okay," I replied with a nod. "What's your power though?"

"To some extent," she began as she returned to me. "I can see things before they happen."


"Did you see me before I came here then?"

She smiled and then nodded. "I saw a glimpse of you but wasn't completely sure it'd happen the way I saw it."


She drew a hand down the front of her green dress and adjusted her hair.

"Why weren't you sure? Sorry if I'm asking so many questions."

"Astrid? It's okay." She gave me a warm look. "You can ask me whatever you want…"



She moved closer and began fixing my hair.

"To answer your question," she began softly, "I wasn't sure because the future can change."

She brushed my hair back, "you have such luscious hair," she muttered… "Do you mind if I braid it?"


"Thank you…and no, I don't mind at all," I answered quickly, wanting her to continue.

"Future events are not set in stone," she went on. "They can change based on a change in people's decisions or actions."


"So, if someone is supposed to be at a particular place for a future vision about them to occur," I began to muse aloud, "and for some reason they aren't there, it'd affect the event?"


"Excellent example," Lana cheered calmly. "And yes, that's exactly how it works."

"So, what did you see in mine?"

She finished the braid, moved aside, then reached forward and picked up a small mirror I hadn't seen before.


"I thought Vampires couldn't see their reflections?" I queried; my brows drawn down in curiosity even as I accepted it from her.

"I like to pretend…." She said with a smile. "But it's mostly for others who come to my enclosure for different beauty treatments."


I nodded as I inspected my face and hair. "This is so lovely, Lana; how come you know how to do so much?"

She laughed as she accepted the mirror from me. "I've been alive long enough to learn whatever I want, Astrid."


"Come, I'll answer your question while we walk."

I followed her as we both left the room.

"My vision of you was almost the same as what happened," she began as we slowly walked towards the garden behind the central holding.


"The only difference was that Atlas found you in a burning house." She smiled at me and gestured towards a little group of women waving at us. "They have taken quite a liking to you."


"You think?"

"I know." She replied. "You want to know a secret?" She asked, and I nodded, my lips already curling up in amusement at the mischievous look on her face.


"I've heard them whispering about whether you will become the Luna."

My smile faltered slightly at that statement as thoughts of Magnus flitted through my mind.

"That's very sweet of them…" I stuttered, trying to keep my voice steady.


If Lana noticed anything, she didn't comment on it. We walked on in silence for quite some time as I contemplated the sudden thought of my life. My heartbeat accelerated as I felt the weak tug of the mate's pull.

"I can smell him on you," Lana whispered, and my head snapped to the side so I could face her.


"Don't look so surprised, dear," she continued gently. "A mate's scent is hardly something one can hide."

"Can others smell it on me?" I queried anxiously, and she held my gaze steadily for a moment, silently answering my question.


"The whole pack knows?"

She nodded. "Most of them, at least."

"Then why were they wondering if I would be their Luna?"


She shrugged. "They don't care; they all believe you belong here."

I swallowed hard before asking my next question.

"Can it be used to track me down?"

She looked like she was thinking about it for some time, then said, "It definitely could, especially if you unintentionally ventured closer to them."


"I want it gone," I blurted out. "I want my scent, and he's gone. I don't want to be found."

"Unfortunately, that's one of the few things I can't do," Lana replied as she steered me away from the path to the garden, and we began walking towards the main house.


"The alpha can help me?" I queried, hearing the subtle hope in my voice.

"He can…. but he'll refuse to."

"Did you see a vision about that?"

She let out an amused laugh as she nodded.

"I like you, Astrid. And I think we are going to be great friends."