I ran through the forest, past long pine trees above me.

The moon cast an ethereal glow around me. My bare feet dug into the rain-softened earth, and my heart pounded in my chest as I put as much distance as possible between me and the pack of wolves behind me.


Look behind you! A voice ordered, and I glanced over my shoulders before I could think twice.

I gasped out in shock as I watched the ferocious eyes of the wolves transform into friendly.


They ate up the distance I'd dash and soon ran beside me with effortless grace.

"Things aren't always what they appear at first glance," the voice said again.

We reached a clearing where a large, magnificent wolf with piercing grey eyes stood.

"Welcome, Astrid," he told me, his gaze locked on mine.

Suddenly, I felt an intense connection, as if our souls were entwining. "You are one of us now; you are home."

"Am…Am I dead?" I queried as dread rushed through me.

"No, you are more alive than you've ever been."


My eyes fluttered open, and I groggily took in my surroundings. I wondered if I was still dreaming, but the thought was immediately halted, and the comforting scent of jasmine wafted towards me.


"Lay back," a voice ordered gently when I made to stand up, and soon, a woman's beautiful face appeared above mine, her kind eyes darting across my features.

"Welcome, Astrid." She said, "We are so glad you're finally awake" She finished with a smile.


I blinked up at her, unable to speak. "It's okay if you feel a bit tongue-tied; we had to give you a huge dose of morphine before the surgery," she continued, her smile unwavering.


"You've been through quite an ordeal."

I wanted her to keep talking to me in that soothing voice, but she was spot on about the tongue tie because I couldn't speak.


My memories were hazy, but I recalled being tied up in the woods, alone and scared.

The burns…

"We applied some salve to them," the sweet-voiced lady answered, and my eyes widened with shock as I wondered whether she could hear my thoughts.


"No, I cannot hear your thoughts, Astrid," she said again, increasing my fear.

"I merely read your body language and facial expressions," she continued. "Now for those burns, they'll heal nicely with little to no scars."


I swallowed as I prepared to speak. "Where….am I?"

"You are in the inspection room of a pack," she replied, placing the back of her hand on my forehead.

"Are you…the Alpha?"

"No, I'm the physician."


I immediately shot to the door as it was pushed open, and I watched a group of about six men walk in.

My panic quickly skyrocketed as my mind gravitated towards the worst-case scenario.


One of the men stood out in particular with his golden hair, cut almost down to the roots and eyes as grey as the sky on a stormy day.

"That's the Alpha," the physician started, and it was at that point I realized I hadn't even asked her name.


"My name is Atlas," he said in a familiar voice.

The other two moved forward and smiled down at me with their eye, "I'm Look," the one with prominent dark circles said, "and he is Jared,"

Who were these people, and why were they acting like they knew me?!


"You are one of us now, Astrid." The Alpha said, "You are home."

It clicked, then.

"I saw you…in my dream," I said hoarsely.

"And I saw you in mine," he replied, his lips curling up in a slow smile.


"How long have I been here?"

"Five days," the physician answered.

The Alpha continued, "We've been caring for you and your wounds for almost a week now."

"And we're glad to see you're recovering well. "Jared chimed in cheerfully.

I decided I liked him best, him and the physician lady.


My heart swelled with gratitude after their responses. I didn't think I'd ever felt so loved and accepted, or I could have been judging too early.


Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes as I whispered, "Thank you." But the tears weren't merely to emphasize my appreciation but also because I felt so welcomed.


"Do you remember everything, Astrid?" Atlas asked as he moved to sit beside me.

"Some," I responded as I tried hard not to fixate on his appearance.

"We found you in the woods," he started. "You were chained up to a tree with silver and left for dead."


"Who are you?" I asked again, and this time, he stretched a forefinger towards my face until it stopped a mere inch away from my temple.

"We are your new family," he said before pressing the finger down.


And suddenly, I could hear everything better, including his voice in my head.

"We felt your connection to us, exhausted as you were."


He pulled the finger back and gave me a warm smile, and I felt a warm feeling course through me.

"You're safe now." He assured me again, and I wanted to tell him that wasn't my main concern then, but I decided not to.


"Do you know who I am?" I slurred, and they all exchanged looks like I had just asked them to hand me the mantle of leadership.

"Your life before us is your secret to share or keep," Loak answered, and the others nodded their support.

"Currently, we don't know who you were before we found you, but we know who you are right now," the physician said. "You are family."

"I…don't think I got your name?" I said to her, and she smiled.

"My name is Lana, and I'm a vampire."


Little wonder I couldn't immediately pick up her scent.

"How does the pack feel…. about you here?" I said, then slowly sucked in a breath as I suddenly felt breathless.

"There were some murmurings at first when she joined us," the Alpha replied. "But then they got used to her presence, and we've been at peace for over three centuries."


"I didn't think that was possible," I stuttered, forcing my eyes to open.

"In our world, anything's possible."

"You should get some sleep now," Lana urged as she moved closer and touched my forehead again. "Temperature's normal", she announced more as she pulled away.


"Will you be here when I wake up again?" I asked her, already half asleep.

"Of course, I will be. Just sleep now."

I was going to, but I just needed to say one more thing.

"Atlas?" I slurred, "I'll ask you….for a…favor when I'm up."

"Whatever it is, Astrid, you shall have it."


"That's a dangerous promise…" was the last thing I remembered saying before I heard the smile in his voice as he replied, "What is life without a little bit of danger?"

I hope I wake up. I remember thinking before the darkness stole me, freeing me even further.