Letting Go of The Past



"That was the last time I saw my brother. I was told the current of the river was too strong, and despite being a good swimmer, he couldn't make it. He drowned, Lana. Just to save me, he drowned." I cried, and Lana pulled me closer, allowing me to rest my head on her shoulder as I sobbed.


"To this day, I wish I had been the one to die. If I hadn't insisted on going swimming, my brother would still be alive. Their son would still be alive. That day, I lost my brother and my entire family, but they only lost their son. Lana, you should have seen the look of hatred and killing intent in my parents' eyes. That's when the emotional abuse started, with them calling me a murderer, which eventually led to physical abuse. I was completely broken until Magnus rescued me from their clutches."