
"Are you hungry? Why would a bride like you be hungry?" the masked stranger inquired.

Embarrassed, Owen tried to make sense of the man's words.

'If only I had known, I would have eaten before leaving the palace. But, it's a relief that I managed to avoid any other problems today, aside from encountering this stranger.'

"A bride? Me, a bride? Is this man mistaken?" he pondered. "I have no idea where Indigo has vanished to, leaving me stranded here," he thought, growing frustrated.

"You must be mistaken, young man. I am not a lady to be referred to as a bride, and you should stop using that term," Owen shouted in irritation. He was not pleased with the direction the conversation was taking. Why was he being called a bride?

The stranger closed the distance between them and reached out to touch Owen's white hair, startling him. Owen quickly pulled away from the stranger's hand.

"Go back and eat. It's not safe for you here, my bride," the stranger commanded. This time, Owen didn't dare utter a word; he was surprised.

The audacity of this stranger to call him, a man, his bride left Owen feeling stubborn as a mule. Despite his curiosity, he couldn't help but want to ask questions.

The masked stranger leaned in towards Owen, planted a kiss on his cheek, and then turned and walked away, vanishing into the thickening fog.

"Wait, you scoundrel!" Owen called out, stunned, but the figure had already disappeared, leaving only the forest's silence in its wake.

"A man just kissed me," he muttered, feeling a slight blush creeping up the back of his ear and neck.

"I hope I'll cross paths with you again and discover your identity. All I remember are his crimson eyes and long black hair. Who is this mysterious stranger? And what does he know about me?" Owen couldn't help but wonder.

Owen stood there, a mix of confusion and intrigue swirling within him. The encounter had left him with more questions than answers, but one thing was clear—this was no ordinary meeting. It felt like the start of something bigger, something potentially life-changing.

After one last look into the fog, Owen climbed back onto Galahad and started his journey back to the castle. Thoughts of the mysterious encounter and the unexpected peck on his cheek raced through his mind.

Suddenly, his stomach growled loudly, prompting both him and his horse to chuckle.

On his way back, he couldn't shake the feeling that he might meet him again in the future.

Upon reaching the palace, Owen was welcomed by three new servants, Eryn and Nyx.

"Young Master, we were starting to worry about you," Eryn said as he helped Owen dismount from his horse.

"Really?" Owen replied casually, taking off his gloves and handing them to one of the servants.

"Yes, your highness, you did. Your father is summoning you," Eryn informed him.

"Your highness, you haven't eaten anything today, so the King has requested your presence at dinner," Nyx said, bowing her head.

"Hmm," was the only response that escaped his lips before he turned to Nyx.

"Prepare a bath for me," he instructed her before turning to Eryn. "Let the King know I will join him; he need not worry." With that, he left them and headed to his chamber.

"I need to get everything ready, there's going to be a lot of drama," he muttered as he lay on his king-sized bed. Almost drifting off to sleep, he heard a knock on the door, followed by a voice.

"Your highness, your bath is ready."

Owen got up and headed straight to the bathroom, slipping into the bathtub and allowing himself to relax, closing his eyes.

"Why would my bride be hungry?" the stranger's voice echoed in his mind.

"I'm not your bride!" He exclaimed in frustration, splashing water on his face and watching his reflection, sighing.

"What will his face look like when he's not wearing his mask?" Owen pondered, trying to visualize it.

After what felt like 20 minutes, he emerged from the bathtub, the warmth leaving his muscles as the water cooled. He grabbed a towel and dried himself, moving with ease and calmness.

Wrapping the towel around his waist, he noticed the outfit laid out on the dresser nearby. A soft, white linen shirt, black silk trousers, and a dark gray robe were waiting for him.

Owen skillfully slipped into the shirt, savoring the soft touch of the fabric against his skin. The linen accentuated his slim figure, and he smoothed out any wrinkles, admiring the elegant billowy sleeves.

He then put on the black silk trousers, feeling the smooth flow of the fabric over his legs. The slim silver belt added a touch of sophistication, its delicate buckle shimmering in the candlelight as he secured it.

Lastly, Owen draped the soft, dark gray robe over his shoulders, the edges gracefully folding across his chest. The robe's subtle sheen caught the light, emphasizing his strong shoulders and muscular build.

"All this effort for a basic meal with no significant guests. How extravagant," he muttered to himself.

After getting dressed, Owen caught his reflection in the mirror. His intense gaze and sharp features stood out against the V-neck of his shirt.

Pleased with his look, he made his way to the chamber door, striding confidently through the grand corridors. The sound of his footsteps reverberated off the stone walls.

His dark gray robe flowed behind him, its slight shimmer catching the dancing torchlight.

As Owen neared the dining chamber, the enticing scent of roasting meats and freshly baked bread filled the air, making his stomach growl in hunger. He had missed both breakfast and lunch.

Inside the dining chamber, the warm light of candelabras illuminated the room, accompanied by the soft murmur of conversation. His two sisters and stepmother were already seated, their attention shifting to him as he took his place at the table.

Glancing at the queen, his stepmother, Owen's expression briefly faltered before settling into a neutral mask.

Owen sat down gracefully, his posture perfect and his demeanor confident yet relaxed. He placed his napkin on his lap as the servants started serving wine and the first course. Looking around the table, he observed the variety of dishes in front of him.

"Good evening, everyone," he greeted in his calm, smooth voice. "I hope you're all enjoying your meal."

His stepmother, Queen Lucia, simply nodded in response as she continued to enjoy her meal. Despite the lack of verbal communication from his twin sister, Lyra, Owen could sense her unspoken thoughts. Choosing not to dwell on it, he focused on his own plate of food.

Noticing his father's absence, Owen casually inquired, "It appears that father won't be joining us, would he?" He deftly sliced into the grilled chicken sandwich on his plate, using his fork to bring a bite to his mouth.

Queen Lucia lifted her gaze to meet Owen's eyes, a thoughtful expression crossing her face. "I can't help but notice a shift in you," she remarked, studying him intently.

"Step-mother, please don't misunderstand my question. I was simply curious and it doesn't mean I will change my behavior, right?" Owen calmly took a sip of water before continuing his meal.

"I understand, Prince Owen. It's just that this is the first time you've inquired about your father," she replied, trying to contain her frustration.

"Yes, it is the first time I've asked about him today. He actually invited me to join dinner, which is a rare occurrence. Usually, I come on my own, sometimes late, and end up hungry," Owen explained with a smile.

"Have you forgotten about that, Step-mom?" Owen's question left Lucia speechless, the tension palpable in the air as the conversation at the table grew heated.

Owen, with his piercing gaze and charming smile, seemed to be deliberately provoking his stepmother.

Just then, a guard's voice interrupted the moment, announcing the arrival of King Rykhard.

As the king entered the room and took his place at the head of the table, everyone stood up to show respect. He sat down, facing Queen Lucia, and calmly instructed everyone to take their seats. The atmosphere in the room shifted, with all eyes now on the King.

In 'ONITREE,' it is customary to stand and wait for the king to be seated before sitting down.

They all took their seats, and Owen focused on his meal, not engaging in the conversation.

The king then turned to him and cleared his throat. "Have you reconsidered, Owen?" he asked, hoping his son would change his mind.

"No, father, I haven't," Owen replied without hesitation, calmly eating his meal.

As the king clenched his left hand, watching his son's stubbornness reminded him of Lily, his late wife.

He was filled with sorrow for losing his wife and seeing all of Lily's traits, including her character and stubbornness, in his son.

This was why he had treated Owen like an outsider in the palace for the past twenty years.

After clearing his throat, he turned his gaze towards Owen and spoke, "We have received an invitation from the King of the Tenebrous Empire to attend his grand ball. It is an opportunity for you to select a bride, Owen," his father informed him.

Owen's immediate response was a firm refusal, "I have no interest in choosing a bride for myself, father," he declared, prompting Lucia to look up, ready to voice her opinion.

However, the King silenced her with a gesture. "That's fine, but you should be aware that the King's cousin has taken an interest in you. She would like to have a conversation with you," he added, hinting at the potential for a connection at the upcoming event.

"I highly recommend that you talk talk to her, If you happen to dislike her, I won't bother you further. Besides, it is a direct command from King Zephyris himself that you must attend his grand ball," King Rykhard mentioned casually while savoring his grilled chicken.

"Really? When is it, father?" Owen inquired with a hint of disinterest.

"It's tomorrow," his father replied, causing Owen to look up from his meal, a sense of unease creeping over him.

'This seems rather suspicious,' he pondered silently.

"Indeed it does," Indigo the fairy chimed in, materializing beside him.

Owen was a little startled by this. "You know, fairy, you're not doing your job here," he thought to himself.

"Oh, yes, about that. I'm here to guide and protect you until this mission is over. I'll be more active next time, but for now, it's just you," the fairy replied, yawning lazily.

"What a waste," Owen muttered to himself.

"Okay, father, tomorrow it is," he said before getting up. "I've lost my appetite. Goodnight, everyone," Owen said as he left for his chamber.