Grand ball 1

"Okay, father, tomorrow it is," he said before getting up. "I've lost my appetite. Goodnight, everyone," Owen said as he left for his chamber.

"What a waste of food. They didn't even let me eat properly, and it's so frustrating," he muttered, clenching his hand as his stomach growled.

"I could just go to the kitchen and grab something for myself, right?" he pondered, holding his stomach.

"I suppose I'll just forget about it," he muttered before heading to his room, but paused halfway.

"But then again, why would the King personally invite me to his grand ball? We've never even met."

"What are your thoughts on this, Indigo?" Owen inquired, turning towards her before stepping out of the palace and into the lush garden.

"I'm not quite sure. Perhaps it would be best to set it aside for the time being and take a break," the fairy proposed with a warm smile, perched comfortably on Owen's shoulder.

"I see, if that's what you think." He mumbled before looking up at the sky, which seemed dull and lacking its usual brightness. However, there was another star nearby, shining brightly. It almost seemed like it was trying to share its light with the fading star.

"Beautiful," he whispered, as he reached out to touch the red roses beside him.

"Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

Bitterness lingers,

In the sweetest of hues.

Love's tender touch,

Turns sour with time,

A taste of regret,

In every rhyme.

Promises broken,

Like shattered glass,

A bittersweet memory,

That will forever last.

So let the roses wilt,

And the violets fade,

For in this bitter sweetness,

Love's true colors are displayed."

Reciting the poems, Owen closed his eyes, savoring the breeze as he attempted to leave the past behind. His heart no longer ached, but beat in a rhythm he couldn't comprehend.

A sense of being observed from a distance washed over him.

"My bride, look at me," the stranger husky, sweet voice beckoned.

Owen spun around, his heart racing as he locked eyes with the mysterious figure in the mask. He was taken aback by how effortlessly the stranger had infiltrated the palace, bypassing the guards without detection.

Before Owen could utter a word, the masked stranger silenced him with a passionate kiss, their lips locking in a seductive dance. Owen was frozen in place, his body tingling with desire.

"Prince Owen, are you okay?" a voice interrupted, snapping Owen out of his trance.

"Huh?" Owen scanned the area but instead of the masked man, he saw Nyx standing in front of him.

"Nyx, did you see a masked stranger?" He inquired, searching for any sign of the mysterious figure.

"No, my Lord, there was no one here. I have been here the entire time trying to get your attention," Nyx, his maid, replied.

"Is everything alright, Your Highness?" Nyx asked, lowering her head in respect.

"No, it's perfectly fine. You go ahead and take a break, I'll head back to my chamber," Owen remarked as he exited the garden and made his way to his room, gently rubbing his tired eyes.

"Ah, so someone has piqued the interest of the esteemed Prince Owen," Indigo teased with a playful tone.

"Enough with the teasing, I got carried away for a moment. It was just a figment of my imagination," Owen chuckled, poking fun at himself.

"Ah, so there is a mystery person who has captured the attention of Prince Owen in my absence. Pray tell, who is this unfortunate soul?" Indigo inquired with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

It's a stranger with terrifying crimson eyes and shimmering long black hair," Owen explained, omitting the part where he was called a bride and received a peck from the unknown person.

"Intriguing," the little fairy responded before yawning and disappearing. "Goodnight, Prince Owen."

Owen sighed as he entered his chamber. "Let's see what tomorrow holds. Meeting the King was never part of my plan. This all seems suspicious," he mused before yawning and collapsing onto his bed.

Lights outs~~~~~


Prince Owen's eyes opened slowly, like a dawn bloom unfurling. The sun's warm rays danced on his face, casting a golden glow on his tranquil features. The soft light crept across the room, dispelling the night shadows, as the prince's chest rose and fell with a peaceful sigh.

The gentle waves lapping against the shore outside his window mingled with the sweet birdsong, creating a soothing melody that filled the air. The warmth on his skin intensified, gently nudging him awake.

As Prince Owen was on the verge of falling back asleep, Nyx's voice jolted him awake, "Your Highness, it's time to rise."

Prince Owen's eyes slowly opened to the sight of his maid, Nyx, offering a warm smile. "Good morning, Your Highness," Nyx greeted in a soft, calming tone. "The day is calling."

With a gentle stretch, Prince Owen sat up, his long, snow-white hair tousled from sleep. He rubbed his eyes to clear the remnants of slumber and focused his intense gaze on Nyx. "What's on the agenda for today?" he inquired, his voice still husky from sleep.

Nyx bowed slightly and said, "Your Highness, you need to prepare for the grand ball hosted by the King of Tenebrous Empire." She smiled warmly.

Owen, feeling reluctant, replied, "I don't really feel like attending, but I must go since the King has personally invited me." He let out a yawn as he got out of bed.

"Is my bath ready?" he inquired.

"Yes, everything is prepared, Your Highness. You need not worry," Nyx reassured him with a smile. "I will ensure you look even more handsome today, Your Highness."

"That sounds wonderful," Owen said as he headed to the bathroom.

"What makes the grand ball so significant?" He pondered to himself while luxuriating in the bathtub, reluctant to emerge until the water turned cold.

After stepping out of the bathtub, his body still shimmering with water droplets, he grabbed his robe and tied it around his waist. With a towel in hand, he gently dried off his glistening skin.

Standing before the mirror, he ran his fingers through his long, white hair and flashed a seductive smile.

"Check me out, baby. Look at these chiseled abs. With just a glance, the ladies at the grand ball will be flocking to me," he murmured, tracing his jawline with a teasing grin.

"But yet, I hate large crowds, but I am willing to do this because he is the King," Owen said.

"Your Highness, may I come in?" Nyx's voice inquired.

"Please do," Owen replied, taking a seat in front of the mirror.As Nyx entered, she blushed at the sight of her master's well-defined eight-pack abs.

Many are not fortunate enough to see Prince Owen's half-naked body, but Nyx was grateful that she was one of the lucky few. The rumors about the prince being dumb, weak, and not having the perfect body were all false.

If she weren't Prince Owen's maid, she might have believed those rumors. However, now she had made up her mind to protect and take good care of her master.

"Master, a gift has been sent to you," Nyx said, bowing.

"A gift? How? I don't know anyone who would give me something," Owen exclaimed, urging Nyx to hand him the large box wrapped in red.

Accepting the box from Nyx, he opened it to reveal a set of blue and white royal robes, with a paper tucked in the corner.

"Hmm, suspicious." Owen picked up the paper and unfolded it, revealing beautiful cursive handwriting that he had never seen before in his life.

~Do you desire to meet me, my bride? If you do, then don these garments and join me at the grand ball. Do not keep your husband waiting, or you may never have the opportunity to uncover the mystery behind the mask.~

Your secret Admirer

"What is this?" Owen exclaimed in disbelief as he finished reading the message, causing the Nyx to look at him with a quizzical expression.

"My Lord, is something amiss?" she inquired.

Owen composed himself, clearing his throat before responding with a reassuring smile, "No, everything is under control." A slight blush tinged his cheeks and neck, betraying his attempt to maintain his composure.

"I will wear this," he said, absentmindedly running his fingers over the fluffy white trim around the neck of the cloth, "and you should start working. I could use some fresh air after that." Despite his composed tone, a mischievous twinkle sparkled in his eyes.

The maid, still concerned, stepped forward to offer her assistance. "Allow me to help you, Your Highness," she said, reaching for the intricate black ropes that adorned the dress.

Owen remained motionless as she adjusted the fit, her skilled fingers navigating the intricate lace-like patterns.

As she worked, the dress seemed to come alive, shimmering and rustling with the changing light like waves gently lapping at the shore. The delicate fabric seemed to whisper secrets of its own, adding an air of mystery to the room.

The neatly arranged fluffy white trim around his neck framed his face with a soft, puffy texture, adding an elegant touch to his appearance. As he remained motionless, his gaze fixed on a distant point over her shoulder, the maid continued with her work.

After a moment, the maid stepped back, her eyes appraising Owen's attire with a satisfied expression. "Your Highness, you look absolutely perfect," she said, a small smile tugging at her lips.

Owen met her gaze, his eyes crinkling with a smile. "Thank you," he murmured, his voice husky. "I feel...presentable and ready for the occasion."

"Absolutely, my Lord, it's time for me to comb your hair. My Lord, the King's cousin will surely fall in love with you," she said joyfully.

"It seems rumors spread quickly around here, don't they?" He asked as he touched his brown eyebrows, then his cheek where the stranger had kissed him. He froze.

"Yes, they do. I believe everyone will anticipate you accepting her as your bride," she said as she applied a liquid to his hair and started combing it.

"They will be disappointed," he said with disgust.

'Do they think I'll even choose a bride? I'm actually looking forward to their disappointment,' Owen thought to himself.

Nyx, the maid, swallowed hard. From the Prince's expression, she could tell he was not prepared to take a bride.

She was concerned that if the Prince refused, he might be forced to meet potential brides or face punishment like last time.