
"Ah, Owen. I knew you'd escape. And it was so beautiful watching you," Azraelis Mockingjay's voice whispered into Owen's ear as he stood there, not moving an inch.

The putrid stench of death filled the room as he gazed upon the gruesome sight before him. Over twenty lifeless bodies lay scattered on the floor, their flesh brutally mutilated.

The air was thick with the metallic tang of blood, making him feel nauseous. The darkness seemed to close in around him, suffocating him with fear and dread.

The silence was deafening, broken only by the sound of his own ragged breaths. He knew he was not alone in that room, and the realization sent a shiver down his spine.

'Fuck, the bastard tricked us; I should compose myself better. My body is shaking a lot.'

"Hmm, he tricked us perfectly well. Nevertheless, I hope you don't end up like them," Indigo voiced out, a bit scared; her face was pale.

Azraelis, looking at Owen, smirked and walked towards him slowly, causing Owen not to breathe. It was as if time froze at the wrong time. Each step Azraeli took caused goosebumps on Owen. Was it best for him to go back? He thought to himself.

This man before him was exuding a bad aura that he was afraid to show to the world.

'Fairy, we have to do something.' Owen screamed in his head mentally, his chest beating painfully.

"I can't save you, just hope your love comes to rescue you." Indigo passed out, fakingly upsetting Owen.

Already reaching Owen's side, he smiled, "Don't worry, I won't harm you as long as you are a good boy," Azraelis said softly, and his palm traveled down to Owen's neck as he bent his head and sniffed Owen's neck.

Before licking it, Owen moved backward, trying not to have any contact with Azraelis.

"Oh, you don't want to do it here?" Azraelis asked, grinning wickedly. Owen remained quiet, avoiding eye contact with Azraelis.

"Seeing your pure face, something tells me you are a virgin. Hehehe," Azraelis said as he giggled happily like a little child.

"You are an insane bastard. Killing a lot of people and no one knows what you're doing," Owen courageously spouted, disgusted.

This triggered Azraelis as he smacked Owen's head into the wall, making tears stream out of Owen's eyes unknowingly. "Aww, are you crying?" he asked Owen, faking his concern.

And Owen knew that too well, 'Bastard, you are lucky you are strong. Because I'll surely rip your head off,' Owen thought to himself angrily as he tried to endure the pain.

But Azraelis was far from done; he wanted Owen to fear him, he wanted to break Owen, turning him into his puppet. This would give him a guarantee of having power over his brother Zephyris.

But he had no idea that he can't. Owen sighed and wrapped his body with his hands.

"Since the mission is making the almighty King Zephyris fall in love with me, then I'll have to put myself in danger more often," Owen mentally said, getting a gasp from Indigo as her eyes widened in shock.

"First time seeing you being smart," Indigo said, almost making Owen frown.


"What? I wasn't lying. You are being smart and playing the character, Prince Owen hehe," she teased.

"Whatever," Owen rolled his eyes in frustration as he tried to make sure he was shaking.

"In the novel, Prince Owen is a scared young prince, very dumb, but again, what if all this while he has been pretending," Indigo blurted out.

'Then my guess is, he wanted to enjoy and live peacefully. But no, his father kept torturing him. It's best we focus on what's before us, buying some time for Zephyris to save my ass.'

Indigo nodded her head and sat on Owen's shoulder.

"You are spacing out," Azraelis frowny said, "and it's irritating when your attention is not on me."

Owen moved his head away as Azraelis brought his lips closer to his. Leading to him groaning angrily as he hit the wall behind Owen, causing it to crack. And Owen gulped.

"Should we do this the easy way or the hard way, Owen?" Azraelis asked, smirking.

Owen smiled at him, as he kept quiet. Without answering, he knew what this mad man wanted.

Both ways can be achieved, so it's just him playing games with Owen. And Owen was caught up, doing it with this demon in front of him was a red flag.

Even though he was still a virgin, an old man like himself, it was funny, and he knew it too well.

"None of the above," Owen answered, looking into Azraelis' eyes. For a moment, Azraelis froze, surprised.

Owen saw this, but even though he tried to escape, he wouldn't even reach that door without sustaining a lot of injury from the bastard.

Azraelis glanced at Owen before closing his eyes as he rubbed his forehead.

"Humans, you seem different. And it looks like our little spell isn't working on you," he said, looking at Owen, who was surprised.

"I don't understand," Owen voiced out, a bit lost.

It dawned on him that the demon before him was using a specific magic spell, yet he was surprised to feel no effects.

However, his assumption was quickly disproven when Azraelis grasped his chin and forcefully handed him a small fruit with force.

"You should swallow it or you'll end up just like them," Azraelis commanded, his gaze filled with menace.

Owen regarded him with suspicion but decided to comply. He trusted that Azraelis had no intention of killing him; otherwise, he would have been dead by now.

Just then, after swallowing the fruit he knew nothing about, he started to get hot for no reason, and his groin was itching to come out.

Owen glared at Azraelis with malice as he understood what he took. "You're drugging me," Owen muttered as his cheeks turned all red.

"No, I'm helping you," Azraelis smirked as he licked his lips, ready to taste this precious meal before him.