
Seated on a chair, Owen felt a wave of fear wash over him as he struggled to comprehend the situation. Life seemed to be dealing him a harsh blow at that moment. Summoning his courage, he mustered the strength to speak out, "Who's there? Remove this bag from my head!" His hands strained against the tight ropes that bound him.

In reply, a voice, different from the enigmatic figure who had captured him, mocked him, "Oh, Prince Owen, the King's betrothed. How do you like your lodgings here?" The atmosphere appeared to become more threatening with each passing moment.

"Who are you?" Owen inquired, clearly unsettled by the situation unfolding before him.

"Your Highness, why do you ask?" the figure responded with a chuckle.

"That voice... could it be the guard I once rescued?" Owen pondered.

"Ah, the cat is out of the bag. Yes, I am indeed the guard you once saved. I was tasked with protecting you, and you, in turn, tried to save me. Quite the unexpected turn of events," the figure revealed with a sinister laugh.

As the cloth bag was lifted from his head, Owen found himself face to face with the man he had sought to rescue, only to discover that he was the mastermind behind it all.

Speechless, Owen could only stare at the man before him, realizing that he was not the young guard he had saved a moment ago.

"I understand that you may be feeling confused," the figure stated before transforming into the young guard whom Owen had been attempting to rescue.

"I never imagined witnessing shape-shifting abilities. What exactly are my own powers?" Owen thought to himself.

"It is clear in the story that Owen does not possess the familial blood power that Lyra does," Indigo responded.

The figure then morphed back into its original form, revealing striking red hair, crimson eyes, and a towering stature identical to Zephyris. Owen found this transformation both intriguing and amusing.

"I am Azraelis, Zephyris' older brother. I'm sure he didn't mention that to you, and he probably didn't tell you that I was the one who noticed you first," he said with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

He reached out and touched Owen's chin, lifting it up to meet his gaze, and then licked his lips. "You are truly exquisite, Son of Rykhard and Lily. You bear a striking resemblance to your mother," he complimented sincerely.

Owen shot him a glare. "What do you want from me?" he asked, showing no interest in receiving more flattery from Azraelis.

"Oh, right, I got distracted for a moment there," Azraelis said as he ran his tongue over his teeth. He then grabbed Owen's hair and pulled it tightly, causing Owen to suppress a scream of pain.

"When someone compliments you, it's important to reciprocate the gesture," Azraelis exclaimed loudly before leaning in to kiss Owen, savoring the moment as their lips met.

Owen, taken aback, bit his lip in response, causing Azraelis to release him with a smile, wiping his own lips.

"You're just my type, feisty," Azraelis declared with a smirk.

"Bastard!" Owen cursed, his hands bound by ropes as he struggled to free himself to no avail.

"Trying to untie yourself? It won't work," Azraelis taunted, grinning before delivering a sharp slap to Owen's cheek.

To a regular demon, it may seem like a mere slap, but for Owen, it was far more agonizing. Blood trickled from his nostril, and tears welled up in his eyes as Azrael's palm left a distinct mark on Owen's cheeks.

With a smirk on his face, Azrael remarked, "That must have hurt a lot, yet you didn't even cry out. How resilient you are." He prodded Owen for a response.

Owen remained silent, wincing in pain. "I know my brother well; he will undoubtedly come to your aid. Why not shatter his heart for me? Betray his trust, gain his love, and then crush him," Azrael whispered menacingly into Owen's ear.

Owen shook his head in refusal. "You could also bear my heir, similar to how Zephyris is attempting to use you as his breeding cow," he remarked with a feigned sense of pity.

With a sigh, Owen muttered, "What a shame," a wry smile playing on his lips.

As he thought to himself, Owen mentally vowed, "Indigo, when we escape from this ordeal unscathed, we will make Zephyris' life a living nightmare, despite his demonic nature," a grin forming on his face.

"I stand by you in this," Indigo agreed with him.

"Why are you laughing? Is there something amusing on my face, Queen Owen?" Azraelis taunted before departing.

"I must find a way to escape," Owen thought to himself.

Suddenly, Azraelis clapped his hands, summoning two men to appear before him.

"Prepare a room and draw a bath for my captive," he commanded, and the men obediently left to carry out his orders.

Turning his attention to Owen, Azraelis grinned, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "Don't worry, I'll be quick before your husband arrives," he chuckled before exiting the room, leaving Owen alone.

Surveying his surroundings, Owen racked his brain for a possible escape plan.

The rope that was tightly bound around his hands was very challenging, but he refused to lose hope. Suddenly, a brilliant idea dawned on him.

"Indigo!" He almost shouted, and the fairy stirred from her slumber with a lazy yawn, fully aware of Owen's intentions.

"I understand, you need my help to escape from this place because I am the only one not restrained," she said with a knowing smile.

"Exactly, please untie me quickly," he urged.

Indigo looked at him and sighed. "Fleeing would mean risking death. You need to think about the consequences. If you die on this quest, it will be final," she said sincerely, her face showing real worry.

Owen sighed, acknowledging that she was right. He thought to himself before pouting.

"All we have to do is wait until Zephyris comes looking for us. By then, I might be captured or worse," Owen lamented, unsure of what to say as the possibility loomed.

"Fair point. I have no choice but to help you. But if anything goes wrong, you must listen to me," Indigo exclaimed, not too pleased, and immediately touched the rope tied to Owen's hand.

The ropes turned to ashes, and he sighed happily as he touched his wrist and stood up from the chair. He looked around the room. There was no bed, only ropes, chairs, and knives with long canes.

Owen shivered before turning his face towards the door. It was time for him to leave this room and escape. Feeling joy, he pushed the door and opened it..

And he stood there, paralyzed with fear. A chill ran down his spine as he beheld the horrifying sight in front of him.

His voice caught in his throat, his hand clamped over his mouth to stifle a scream. The scene before him was beyond comprehension, a twisted nightmare came to life.