My silly master

Chapter 8

'You are the one my heart chose and I will keep choosing you, everyday'

 The morning sun, set up in crystallia with the long crystals that were all over the kingdom, shining so bright, beautifying it. 

 The birds chirped happily as they perched against some trees, coupled with the fresh air that circulated everywhere. 

 The sunlight was passing through the window, highlighting Lucas Castro's face as he sat on his high chair, busily, smoking a pipe, he was in his happy rare mood, as Carina watched him from where she stood.

 He thought about the letter Mia had sent him, he had torn it because Mia still hadn't found the object he was after. Instead, she was blabbing over the mage being possessed which he didn't understand.

 Maybe, it was time to visit that powerful sorcerer In Enchantara that had her cultivation locked. He was powerful enough. So, he was sure he could do something about finding the stone.

 He had called for Carina and she had been standing for what almost seemed like the whole day to her.

 There was something about his demeanor that somehow scared her, he was always in a good mood, when he had something up his sleeves- possibly, when he wanted to make a decision for them. She wondered what it was, this time.

"Father, has Mia not been able to fulfill the assignment, yet?" She asked because the silence was killing her and also because she missed Mia badly.

 She didn't know what Mia was going through especially, without magic.

 Her father removed the pipe from his mouth and stared at her.

"She will get back to us soon, she is safe" he assured and went on smoking the pipe, before he suddenly stopped, puffing smoke out.

 The doors opened simultaneously by a guard and she looked towards it, to see a short, potbellied, old man come in, his body was rounded and his bald head was oval shaped and small with a crown on top. She was so sure, he wasn't a king.

"Galloway, I was afraid you weren't coming" her father said, dropping his pipe and coming down to meet him.

"Good morning, sir" Carina greeted as she bowed a little but Galloway was gawking at her and she almost rolled her eyes.

"Lucas!" He called, like in realization.

"Yes," Lucas chuckled, already knowing that he liked his daughter.

"She's beautiful as you said. I'm glad, I came" 

 Carina looked from her father to Galloway, what does he mean by that?

"Carina, I summoned you to tell you that you are getting married to the richest man in Brycelloria- Galloway hart" her father dropped, smiling at her.

"What?!" She said, shocked by the turn of events.

"I knew you would be happy to marry me, I promise to take care of you" Galloway said, licking his lips at her lustfully and trying to touch her but she jerked her hands away from him, immediately.

"The arrangements would be set soon. The sooner the better" her father added.


 Carina widened her eyes in disbelief and clenching her dress, in disgust.

"I'm not going to marry you!" She yelled at Galloway and his smiles faded.

"What did you say?" He asked, almost boiling.

"Carina! Come back here" her father yelled at her, as she left hurriedly, not sparing him a glance.

"What's the meaning of this, Lucas? You promised, I had won her in the bid, what is wrong with her?" Galloway faced him, angrily.


 Lucas panicked a little.

"Just a small problem but nothing that cannot be solved. Don't worry, she is yours" he assured and Galloway smiled.

 Meanwhile, Mia's best friend- Zoe saw all that transpired and followed Carina, who ran to her room.

 Zoe entered and saw Carina pacing about the room, with Daisy asking her what was going on.

"That was so unexpected" Zoe spoked, breaking the silence.

"What happened?" Daisy inquired, inquisitively, since her sister wasn't speaking up.

 Carina walked up to her mirror table and scattered the items on top angrily, with them falling on the floor.

"He promised to send me to the centre, what the hell is he doing now? What happened to his promise?" She placed one hand on her head, brooding loudly.

"What did father do?" Daisy asked again.

 Zoe looked at Carina to see if it was okay to speak up but she wasn't even giving her any face.

"Uhm, your father wants to marry her off to a old man from Brycelloria"

"What!" Daisy said, surprised.

"Being old or fat is not even the problem, he has no regards for me at all, he is just after my body!" Carina yelled, facing them.

 Zoe left the two sisters brooding, and quickened her steps back to her room, sitting behind the mirror stand Mia had given her. 

 She opened the drawers taking a paper, quill pen and some brown ink, as she started writing on the paper

"Dear Mia… "


 In Enchantara- Arcanador's centre of magic. Mia was almost impatient waiting for the training to end.

 Luckily for her, physical training was all they were focusing on for today, which made them worn out.

 Up until now, she wasn't sure how to test her powers, she didn't want to get disappointed.

 When they were done, she left sneakily in her usual way towards the entrance and saw Garrick, he was practicing with a long stick in the form of a sword.

 She walked gently towards him and coughed a little before he acknowledged her presence.

 He dropped the stick, looking away.

"Hello" she said

"I'm glad you're fine," Garrick said, looking at her.

"I told you, you don't have to worry. I'm sorry for putting you through so much"

"You are still going to continue being his disciple?" He asked, surprised

"Yes," Mia answered, swiftly.

"You can't do that, you might regret it. Tavon might wake up one day and decide not to train you anymore, he is that fickle" he warned.

"If you want, I would train you, instead. I know I'm not that powerful like Tavon but I'm strong at all six grades of magic. I would upgrade to the upper level- seventh grade, soon"

"Well, uhm…"

"He is stronger than me" Garrick interrupted, stating the obvious and she didn't answer.

 Of course, she needed a solid master that could train her after her cultivation was opened and Tavon happened to be available.

"I appreciate the gesture" she said and he nodded, sighing.

"Go on, go with the master who can train you better" he said, picking up the stick he was holding earlier, rolling it in his hands.

 He was looking downcasted, the kind of face Mia gave when something she liked was taken away from her.

"How about this, if he chases me, I promise to come to you" she said, smiling and he looked at her, with his eyes lit up

"I would love that"

 Mia nodded and smiled, waving him a bye which he reciprocated and started walking outside the field entrance.

 She was walking fast and not looking in her direction when she bumped into Shamika. 

"There you are" Shamika said, folding her hands and Mia wished the ground would swallow her.

"We have been looking for you. Where do you always go when the training is over?" She asked, just like the way Carina would have, if she did something she wasn't supposed to do.

"Personal" she said, smiling and shamika chuckled.

"Wherever you are going, make sure you don't get in trouble. If you need help, call me and I will come" Shamika said, placing one hand on her shoulder and Mia nodded, smiling.

"See you later" Shamika told her, leaving.

 Mia ran like a horse towards the forest that she had always met Tavon.

 Getting to the center of the forest, to the cleared path, he was nowhere in sight. 


She knew she was late but did he change his mind? she was about to turn around when she heard a sound of someone jumping down, she looked back to see Tavon standing, looking at her.

'It seems he dropped from the tree' she thought.

"Of course, I did," Tavon said, answering her thoughts, walking towards her.

"Why are you still hearing my thoughts?" She asked, surprised.

"I can't anymore, I only guessed that it must be what you are thinking, it's very easy to read you"

 Mia sighed and was happy that he could no more hear her embarrassing thoughts or the ones that could lead him to kill her.

 "What are we doing first?" She asked, excitedly.

"Though, I haven't been able to try my powers out, yet"

 Tavon looked at her and sighed.

"Let's see what level you are then, sixth grade, go" he said, leaning against a tree.


"What? Are you doing it or not? I want you to levitate, right now" 


 Mia nodded, spreading her hands to both sides which made Tavon roll his eyes at her.

"I'm I not doing it right?"

"Continue" he said, simply.

 She nodded again, closing her eyes.

"Be calm, follow your inner qui, imagine yourself on air" Tavon spoke and she nodded.

 Mia stayed calm as possible, she wasn't feeling that surge but it was peaceful up in her head, that she felt herself flowing.

"Tavon! Yess, I'm doing this, I'm flying!"

"Mia, your feet is still stuck to the ground"

 Mia's eyes snapped open and confirmed it was true, she was embarrassed and a bit sad. Sad because she somehow wished she was a sixth grader.

"Then, why did I feel like I was on air?"

"Oh that, I was the one blowing air to your head"

"What?" She asked, surprised that he would do that.

"Just felt like it"

"You aren't a sixth grader, do the third grade then"

 Mia gave a nod for the umpteenth time. This time around, with her eyes open, she tried to produce wind with her hands but it didn't work.

"Not a third, either"

'What in the world was this?' could she still have no powers?

"But I did it, the first day at the center's field" She objected.

"You didn't, I did" he said casually and her mouth dropped.

Of course, that explains everything!

"Burn that tree" he told her, looking at a tree in front of her.

"Are you sure? Isn't this like the centre's property?" She questioned, uneasily.

"Rule one: never question your master's instructions" he said sternly and Mia gulped, facing the tree.

 She pointed her two hands to the tree, waiting for some seconds but there was still nothing, she removed her hands, looking at it, confused.

"You are a first grader" he said like there wasn't any need to confirm.

"Really, shouldn't we…?"

"Gather water" he interrupted and she gulped.

 She calmed down, seriously hoping this would work. 

 With her eyes open and her hands a bit spread, she swirled her hands gently and immediately, it produced a small flow of water and when she swirled her hands gently from side to side it followed her motion.

 She smiled seeing it, she couldn't explain how she felt at that moment, she thought she would be angry that she was indeed a first grader but this made her happy for all reasons. It was her first time casting a water spell. Her sister's would be so happy to see her.

"That's okay, continue doing that, until you are able to gain the energy from it" Tavon said, breaking into her thoughts, as he went to sit on a chair she didn't know how it came to exist there, she was sure it wasn't there before.

"Won't you teach me how?"

"You learn that yourself" he said, leaning on the chair, with his hands at the back of his head, closing his eyes.

"Seriously?, how did you even get the chair?"

"Not that it's any of your business but if you want to know that badly, progress to sixth level and fly like a bird" he said and she scoffed.

What kind of master is this?