I don't still know you!

Chapter 9

'Addicted to you but there's no good that can come from it'

 It was already dark. Mia was so exhausted practicing for hours as Tavon only rested on the chair. She was making progress though. 

 She had been forming bigger balls of water and blasting it on a tree. It was exciting. She also could feel it becoming a part of her, but now, she was becoming tired.

 Maybe, it's because she had been using too much energy?

 She felt Tavon suddenly stirred from the corner of her eyes and looked at him excitedly

"Tavon, see, the water has become bigger" she said, demonstrating to him

"And, I can also do this, a little," she added, showing him a small block of ice.

 Tavon gave a nod "have you been able to convert to fire, yet?" He asked and she shook her head, negatively.

 He got up, walking towards her, he was almost close to her when he started holding his head like he was in pain "arrgh"

"Tavon!" Mia called, in panic, almost running close to him but Tavon's next words stopped her.


"What?" Mia asked, shrieking with fear.

 His voice had changed again but how could she leave him in this predicament?

"I said, go!"

 She didn't need any soothsayer to tell her, as she immediately turned, running for her dear life, she had almost forgotten he had this side of him that showed up, just the other night. 

'Night?, was it only showing up at that time?' 

 She didn't have time to think much but used her remaining strength to race back to her room, not looking back, even once.


 It was a new dawn at the centre, all the girls and boys all assembled at the centre's field, facing master leoric.


 Mia had already received the letter Zoe sent, she was shocked to hear about Carina's arranged marriage but the letter said, they had plans, so she tried not to worry.

 Master leoric had just given a shocking revelation that another body had been found and through investigation, they found out the assassin was actually a mage who could teleport.

 Mia looked at everyone confused because she wasn't present when he first announced that it was an assassin that had been causing the chaos and her housemates hadn't told her.

"I totally forgot to tell you" Shamika voiced when Mia faced her, surprised.

"But then again, you always vanish out of sight, forgetting us" Lydia chipped in, sarcastically, as she has always done.

"I do that for a cause" Mia countered.

"It's okay everyone, I'm sorry Mia, we should have told you but to be honest, I totally forgot too" Natalia said and giggled at the end of her words with Shamika sighing before she said:

"Mia said she had private matters that she attends to. The least we can do is to support her. When the time seems right to her, she will let us in, do I ask where you are always headed too, Lydia?"

 Lydia rolled her eyes, hearing Shamika's words.

 However, Mia was thinking about it. Last night Tavon had chased her after acting funny, like he was possessed, could he have a hand in this?

"Are they also hideous creatures in the forest at night?" She asked, remembering the one she had seen the day Tavon turned evil.

"No idea, but why would anyone come out at night?" Georgia asked, creasing her brows.

 Right, Only her could be abnormal to come out at night.


 In Crystallia, Galloway had arrived with his carriage to take his bride.

 Lucas was so happy, as he sent for Carina but Zoe came back saying she was nowhere to be found.

 He began to panic.

"Galloway, give the guards some time, I'm sure she is within the house practicing her sword skills" Lucas assured him and he smiled.

"She wouldn't need to lift a finger when she marries me, I will take very care of her"

 The guards, however, searched the entire house but saw no sign of Carina. They came back to break the bad news.

"What?! Where did she go?" Lucas thundered, angrily.

"Her belongings are no more in her room" one of the guards said and Lucas almost slapped him in anger.

"What is the meaning of this, Lucas? You're seriously not keeping the end of the bargain! You think I don't know, that you hid her?" Galloway accused.

"That not true, I have no idea what is going on, I didn't know she would pull such a stunt"

"That's none of my business, you have to refund me, my assets and money that I gave you, right now"

"Galloway, we can discuss this"

"There's nothing to discuss, Lucas. Don't test my patient, you have no bride to give me"

 Just like that, a light lit up in Lucas's head.

"I do have a bride to give you" he said, smiling 

"What are you saying? She ran away"

"No, follow me" Lucas said and started walking, Galloway followed immediately as they both walked out of the court, into the hallway that led to different rooms.

 Lucas marched towards one, with Galloway following behind, as he pushed the door abruptly.

 There was Daisy, sitting on a chair, busy knitting something.

"Father" she called, when she saw him and scowled at Galloway.

"What do you think?" He asked, facing Galloway.

"I like her" Galloway answered with a smirk and Daisy looked at them, widening her eyes.

 The next thing she saw was that, the guards had bundled her like bag of goods, taking her to the carriage, she struggled but wasn't able to defeat them.

 She still couldn't believe her father had given her to Galloway, instead. 

 The plan was supposed to be Carina running away and Galloway being frustrated which would prompt him to go back to his town but the table had turned, their arrangements didn't work!

 She can't marry this old man, what happened to all the handsome men she had read in thousands of books?

 Her father didn't even say anything, as Galloway entered the carriage, sitting beside her and looking at her intensely.

 He wasn't even hiding his disgusting attitude. Zoe entered the carriage too, sitting opposite them.

"Your father said, I should go with you" she said, telling daisy who gave a nod and immediately stood up, going to sit beside Zoe.

"Come back here" Galloway barked as the carriage continued but daisy clinged to Zoe, shaking her head negatively.

 Daisy hated the way he stared at her but hated her father, even more. He never cared about them, did he?

 They were on the outskirts of Crystallia and he still hadn't taken his eyes off her. She was a bit happy that Zoe was here with her, she didn't want to imagine what he would have done. It made her stomach churned.

 Suddenly, the carriage came to stop and Galloway yelled to his coachmen.

"Why the halt?"

"There's someone here" they shouted.

 There was indeed a Carina wearing an all black outfit with a sword in her hand. 

 Carina might have been a second leveled mage but there was one thing she was extremely good at, her flex for her sword that her mother's sister had gifted her. 


 Apparently, their father wasn't so interested in magic and didn't have a passed down sword, so her aunt had given her one due to her love for swordfighting.

 Out of the two coachmen, only one of them was holding a sword by his side and the other was scared. They never thought, someone would stop them because, Crystallia is known to be very peaceful.

"What's happening?" Galloway said, coming down from the carriage. On seeing Carina, he shouted "you…"

 Carina smiled and started fighting the coachman with her sword. The other coachman on seeing his fellow being defeated, ran to Galloway and they both ran away, leaving him at Carina's mercy.

 Daisy and Zoe didn't know what was going on but they heard clashing swords sound.

 Thinking that it was an assassin, they shivered holding eachother in fear. 

 Soon, the sounds stopped.

"Should we come out?" Daisy asked Zoe, whispering.

"Let's stay inside" Zoe advised and Daisy nodded.

 The curtains opened abruptly and they both shriek with fear with Carina giggling.

"Come out, Dalcops!" Carina said, saying their father's favorite insult which meant 'Dull heads'

"Carina!" Daisy yelled in joy going to hug her.

"What would we have done without you?" Zoe asked, coming down from the carriage.

 The man Carina had defeated was lying on floor with pain.

"Nothing, absolutely nothing. I'm so glad I foresaw this, he would have, taking you away to Brycelloria, to be his wife" Carina said, hugging daisy so tightly.

"Come, let's go to aunt's house" Carina told both daisy and Zoe.

"You mean mother's sister, aunt Susan?" Daisy asked Carina, excitedly.

"Yes, aunt Susan" 


 At nightfall in Arcanador's centre, Mia marched her way towards the forest, standing beside the abandoned house, wearing a big cloak that covered her and hiding a knife for her supposed safety.

 She would never have imagine that she will go back to the forest at night but she wanted answers from Tavon.

 It was easier said than done because she kept shivering from fear, looking around her, everytime.

 All she had, was a small knife and a water ability she just discovered yesterday.

 She turned to go back after realizing how stupid her plans were. What If those hideous creatures came out, now?

 Just as she was about leaving, she heard a footstep and turned, seeing him. He looked like he fought a big war, his white hair was disheveled.


 Tavon didn't answer her call but when he came closer and the moonlight shoned on his face, she saw his eyeballs was deep red. She gulped, moving back slowly.

"Come here" 

 The call sounded sexy and authoritative but she couldn't afford to be dinner, tonight. At the same time, they both heard rustlings of leaves and footsteps quickening towards them with flashing of lights

 Tavon immediately grabbed her hand and she shouted, he covered her mouth simultaneously, pushing her into the abandoned house. Locking the door with the loosed bolt

"Who is there?" One of the guard asked.

 Apparently, master leoric, the centre guards and the Royal investigators had divided themselves at night to see what was going on, and now the set led by master leoric, caught a silhouette of a person entering the abandoned house. They surrounded it, immediately.

 She was so scared, if she shouted right now, Tavon wouldn't hesitate to kill her, his broad hands is covering her mouth.

 She could feel his hot breathe on her neck, her heart raced the more.

 Their lights had been flashing everywhere except the broken window and when it eventually did, Tavon teleported them out of sight.

 Mia opened her eyes to find out, she was in a dark room that was illuminated by the moonlight from the window, the window curtains fluttered because of the night's breeze and Tavon let go of her. She suddenly missed his closeness.

 Oh goodness, she is supposed to be scared and not fantasize about him holding her. This was something her sisters would do and love to talk about.

 She turned to face him, as he stood looking at her, his eyes were back to normal.

"You can sleep on the bed" he said and turned to leave immediately.

"Wait!" She said, cutting his steps midway.

"I actually came to speak with you"

"What do you want?" Tavon asked, facing her.

"I… I want to know if you killed those men?"

"What do you think?" He asked, giving a smirk.

 The room was suddenly too tense.

"Uhm… you know, I don't think you did" 

 Tavon looked at her and his countenance softened a little.

"I did kill them" he said, like he was breaking a good news to her.

"Tell me is not true, why?" Mia shrieked.

"Haven't you realize it yet, Mia? I'm a monster, not everyone is aware but you happened to find out. Why are you chasing the truth away and convincing yourself that I'm actually a good person, why? Does it make you feel good?"

"I thought I could convince myself that you only killed that man" Mia said with tears welling in her eyes.

 He walked back to her with only a small distance between them 

"I warned you before but you wouldn't listen, don't come crying to me now" Tavon said and turned back, walking away.

"You have no reason to kill them" Mia said, taking her stance.

"Something is wrong right? That's why your eyes always turns red and that's why it always happens at night" she said and Tavon halted in his tracks.

'i caught you before you even noticed'