Feisty Cat

Eight years ago

It was late afternoon in London, and the streets were bustling with carriages rolling forth and groups of ladies sitting at outdoor cafés, chattering with their friends. Although summer was approaching, a chilly breeze still lingered in the air. 

A young man walked by, taking in the lively scene. As he passed a restaurant, he paused, hesitating for a moment before deciding to go in.

The waitress approached him with a polite smile. "How many of you, sir?"

"One person," the young man replied.

She nodded and guided him to a table by the window. After briefly scanning the menu, he ordered a plate of lamb steak. As the meal arrived, his face lit up, savoring every bite with visible contentment. 

The warmth of the restaurant contrasted with the coolness outside, and he relished the moment of peace.

Suddenly, a commotion broke out near the front desk. The young man glanced over, curious but uninterested in getting involved.