Chapter 1 – The Evil Empress

3rd POV

The void. It is the only way to describe this moment. In that emptiness, a girl with dark crimson hair and deep purple eyes can be seen floating, mumbling, "Curse... you all..."



A few Moments Earlier


In the immortal realm, there resides an immortal who embodies perfection and beauty—Rena. With dark crimson hair adorned with intricate ornaments that accentuate her allure, and deep purple eyes that exude a perpetual coldness, she is known as the "Icy Beauty". Standing at 153cm, below the average height of women in the immortal world, Rena commands attention wherever she goes. Even the emperor of the immortals cannot help but praise her beauty, as seen through the public's eyes.


However, few know the truth about Rena—a monstrous entity cloaked within a girl's form. She is cunning and malicious, her schemes leading countless cultivators to their demise. Climbing the ladder of immortality through her deceit, she has become the strongest immortal by following the "Demon Path of Cultivation", a path that has stripped her of most emotions.

Before she followed the "Demon Path of Cultivation," she was just a normal cultivator, driven by the desire to seek revenge against everyone who had harmed her and her family. Her parents, especially her mother, had taught her important life lessons. But after their deaths, her need for revenge consumed her, turning her toward darkness. One thing, however, still held her back—her emotions. The teachings of her mother had been deeply ingrained in her heart. Yet all of that faded away when she embraced the Demon Path. Her emotions were sealed off, leaving her with only one goal: power. This cultivation method was terrifying in its ability to strip away everything she once cherished. Now, she valued nothing but her own strength and herself.


Yet, this is not enough. Rena craves even more power, driven by her insatiable thirst ingrained by the "Demon Path of Cultivation"—a thirst that will not be quenched until her last breath. Living on a floating island amidst breathtaking scenery, Rena is surrounded by houses and people who see only the facade of the evil girl known to the public, oblivious to her true nature.


"Please, have mercy, Your Majesty—"





Before the man could plead, his head rolls, observed by a young girl with an icy gaze. "Clean this up," Rena commands.


"Yes, Your Majesty," her subordinate replies dutifully. Showing no emotion despite taking a life, Rena departs swiftly from the scene.


"Your Majesty, there's blood on your cheek," remarks an elder appearing beside her.


"Un, Continue." Rena dismisses, unmoved by the blood on her face.


"The next meeting is in a few hours. Your presence is expected, Your Majesty," the elder informs her.


"Tell the servants to prepare sweets for my table," Rena orders dispassionately.


"As you wish, Your Majesty," the elder bows and vanishes as swiftly as he appeared. Rena continues down the hallway when suddenly, an earthquake shakes the ground.


rumble* rumble*

"Hmm?" Rena gazes curiously at the trembling floor.




Two guards burst through the door. "YOUR MAJESTY, WE'RE UN—"




"Too loud," Rena remarks coldly, indifferent to the lives she has just taken. Her icy gaze fixes on the remaining guard. As his head rolls towards him, the guard trembles in fear.


"Speak," Rena commands.


"Y-Yes, Your Majesty. W-We're under attack," the guard stammers, kneeling before her.


"Which insignificant insect dares to disturb my domain?" Rena inquires.


"I do not know, Your Majesty," the guard replies fearfully.


"I see. Go and join the others," Rena orders.


The guard's demeanor instantly shifts, now filled with relief. "YES, YOUR MAJESTY!" he exclaims, rushing out of the room.


As the guard disappears from her sight, Rena sighs. Under her breath, she murmurs, "Why is everyone so loud? I detest noise."


Rena proceeds toward the door slowly. "I have already shown them the consequences of meddling in my affairs. Could the other party be blind or perhaps hard of hearing?" Rena muses aloud. Suddenly, she pauses mid-step.


"Or maybe..." she trails off, her voice barely above a whisper. "I wish it were just my imagination." Closing her eyes, Rena slips her hands into her sleeves, contemplating quietly. Upon reaching the door, she tilts her head subtly.




A bolt of lightning streaks toward Rena's previous position, leaving nothing but ashes in its wake.


"So it wasn't my imagination," Rena murmurs, opening her eyes to behold an elderly figure floating before her, with glowing white eyes, long hair, and a beard, dressed in a simple garment barely covering his chest.


"It's been a while, The deity of thunderstorms, Thor..." Rena spoke calmly, devoid of emotion.


Thor smirked "Been awhile? this is our first time meeting thought. But well, since you know me, that will make it easier"


"If I may ask, what brings one of the deities to the immortal realm, especially one as formidable as yourself?" Rena questions, inwardly cursing her luck.


"HAHAHA! I'm here to end your life! Prepare yourself!" the figure, revealed as Thor, declares, hurling another lightning bolt toward Rena with incredible speed.


Easily evading the attack, Rena takes flight.


"End my life? Why?" Rena's killing intent radiated.


Thor chuckled. "You're going to die here anyway. Sharing a secret or two with a soon-to-be dead person won't hurt."


"Somehow, that doesn't make me feel any better," Rena replied calmly.


"Better? Hahaha! An emotionless monster like you can feel happy? Don't make me laugh! The reason we want you dead is that you, or rather, the future you, will bring disaster to this world! We cannot let someone as evil and powerful as you live any longer. That's what we, the gods, have decided."


Rena closed her eyes and spoke, "I don't think I will do something that endangers this world in the future. So there's no ne—"


"BULLSHIT! We gods know what will happen in the future..." Thor interrupted her.


"Tsk, is that how deities speak?" Rena muttered, irritated by Thor's tone. She continued, "Looks like there's no other way except for me to kill you and survive."


Rena clapped her hands, and immediately a black circle formed behind her. Her eyes transformed from deep purple to glowing golden with red lines extending from her eyes to her cheeks. Two horns and black wings emerged from her body.


After completing her transformation, Rena exhaled a small breath enveloped in blue fire. She straightened her posture, placing her hands behind her back, and glared at Thor as if he were an insect. In a voice now sounding like a demon, she spoke, "Come."


Thor smiled. "Don't underestimate me, BRAT!" He vanished and reappeared behind her. Rena also vanished and appeared behind him, thrusting her hand to grab his soul. But Thor's voice echoed, "Fool..."


Thor dodged her attack instantly, then punched her face, electricity crackling from his fist. Rena easily dodged the punch while Thor followed with another punch, which she blocked using her wing. Rena quickly increased the distance between them and stretched her wings. Suddenly, several portals formed, and thousands of black swords emerged, rapidly thrusting toward Thor, who kept dodging.


Rena grabbed one of the swords and closed the distance, preparing to slash at Thor. Seeing this, Thor formed a lightning sword in his hand and blocked Rena's attack while avoiding the swarm of black swords. They exchanged slashes at insane speed, the surrounding trees, grass, and stones slashed with each strike. During their exchange, Rena landed a kick on Thor's stomach, weakening his grip on his sword. She immediately kicked his hand, disarming him.


Seizing the opportunity, Rena slashed Thor with her sword, leaving a deep wound. Thor vanished and reappeared far away, chuckling despite his pale expression, holding his wound.


"As expected. You are dangerous. That's why we decided to eliminate you." Suddenly, gates began spawning behind Thor, revealing numerous old men in white robes.


Rena's brows furrowed. She muttered, "Cowardly bastard..."


One of the gods spoke, "For a better future, accept your death, o' demon..."


Rena sighed, blue flames still enveloping her breath. She shifted her stance. "Then kill me if you dare..."


The deities charged at her, and so did Rena.





The battle raged for hours. Rena, despite her immense power, was overwhelmed by the sheer number of gods she faced. Her legendary tools had saved her life numerous times, but even they had limits, and those limits had long been reached. Alone against many, even the mightiest can fall.


Rena lay on the ground, coughing blood, her once magnificent clothes now soaked in it. Her wings were torn, her horns snapped, and blood trickled from her right eye. The gods, powerful as they were, had suffered almost no casualties.


"So this... is how I... die, huh?" Rena croaked, blood splattering with each word. "You deities are cowardly beings... Ganging up on a powerless girl... Truly, a bunch of cowards." Her strength was gone; she couldn't even lift her hands.


One of the gods spoke, "As Thor said earlier, the future you is dangerous. So we decided to end your life before that happens. Forgive us, little demon."


Rena didn't respond with words, only a cold gaze. Speaking hurt too much. Suddenly, a massive thunderbolt formed in Thor's hand, large enough to match his towering height.


"Now rest, monster..." Thor began, but a fellow deity interrupted him.


"WAIT, THOR!" It was the Deity of Reincarnation. He sensed a familiar magic being activated within the little demon.


But they were too late. Rena let out the biggest grin of her life. "Too... late... you... mo..ron. HAHAHA!" she laughed, coughing violently. A magic circle appeared beneath her, and the gods' faces paled.


"Hahaha! Do you think I will end like this? NO! I... always come back," she coughed, laughing hysterically despite the pain.


Panic spread among the gods. "Do you think I will let you!" The Deity of Reincarnation shouted, his eyes glowing.


"I, the Deity of Reincarnation, Adon, use my authority to punish this demon before me!" he declared. The magic circle's color changed immediately.

"Cu-CURSE YOU, DAMN GODS!" Rena screamed as the magic engulfed her, and thus, she was reincarnated to Earth...





The update will be random. Tho, are u interested in my patreon? :3 tell me in the comment