Awakening: Class and Bloodline

After my Highschool graduation I spent quality time with my family. Like my father said the device to play Astrologia was delivered, but couldn't have it intalled yet.

He was having some techs do some check ups for any possible issues. I didn't mind though, I was having too much fun with my family. As we live in the metropolis of Phoenix with its abundance of attractions we had no shortage of places to go.

'I've had more fun than I thought possible or is it due to having my family back?'

Today my father called me to his study to talk. What for I have no clue.

As I arrive I knock and then hear him call me in.

"You called father?"

He looks up and smiles.

"Yeah, I did. I was wondering if you would look at this for me."

He hands me a folder and inside I see families, individuals, and even organizations in power. It's a comprehensive list on those we could invest in for their companies.

Inside I even see the Evermoore family. The only families that stand out in good ways to me is the Hiashi family and the O'Brien's from Ireland. I point out the two I spotted.

"What made you agree with these two?"

"They both have good history, and not only that I'm assuming that this is for the businesses that you are thinking of investing?"

He nods and smiles at my answer.

"Why not the Evermoore family?"

'I can't tell him what I remember. I have to give a reason.'

"If you read the report on them you'll see that there is many allegations against the family with some even being borderline felonies. I do not think I need to say much else on that point."

"Even though those haven't been proven, you are correct my son."

I hand him the folder and he looks me dead in the eyes and sighs.

"I want you to figure out what you would like to do, you don't need to go to college. Whatever you choose just remember, you have my full support. I want you to take over our firm though after I retire."

My father and I keep talking for another hour before he sends me to my room to check the pod and test it.

As I enter my room I'm stunned, across the room is a ZX-90 VR Pod.

'These were only rumored to exist since you couldn't buy them. It was said you needed connections to even get one.'

I then realize, my father knows many people in high places.

I press the pod open and see everything I need for gaming long hours. There are slots for nutrient pods to keep me healthy as I play with an IV. There are nodes that attach to my body along various muscle groups to stimulate them so I dont have possible muscle atrophy as on example for extended gameplay hours.

As I keep going over everything I see a box for nutrient pods. There is no brand label but inside I see pods with a bold 'S'.

'Are these what I think they are? I know the machine is rumored to help muscle growth but with these it'll be easier.'

I put a couple in the slots and as I'm getting ready to get naked for the pod my door opens. I see Steph staring at me with her jaw dropped, mostly at my mini-me. I cover it up with my shirt.

"Why didn't you knock?!"

"Why are you getting naked in the middle of the day?!"

"I need to for the pod! Didn't you see the nodes that'll attach to you and the iv?!"

She look like she realized what I'm getting at. Then she blushes as she realizes she also has to get naked.

"You pervert!"

She closes my door and I hear her run away.

I chuckle a bit before I get inside the pod. As I enter the gel padding conforms to my body and the visor attaches to my head. When the pod closed I smile.

-New User recognized-

-Registering Biometrics-

-Account Established!-

-Would User like to Login?-

"Link Start!"

As I pass out instead of darkness I see an open field and notice a menu pop up in front of me.

'Let's see, where is the store?'

As I spot the store I see there isn't many games out right now. Just things like C*** of Du** and something called Battle*****. I ignore those two and spot what I'm looking for.

'There you are!'

I tap on Astrologia and purchase it. With the WiFi my father had installed the game is downloaded in seconds.

Smiling I hit start on the game.

The usual fanfare starts playing at the main menu comes into view. As I'm about to hit 'Create Character' I see a countdown to when the servers become live.

I press the button and I just let the game use the pod to scan my body. After it's done scanning I'm given the go ahead to edit my appearance. In this game you also can't just make a Gamertag or name up. It uses your real name. It's to prevent fraud apparently.

I use my body as a template and make my hair a little brighter. I leave my eyes the same color and my skin. I don't make myself taller especially since the system tells me I'm 6'3".

After I finish my looks I'm given the chance to better sync myself to the game by performing moves and actions. After hitting the 100% synchro I get excited the as I see the countdown hit zero.

The area then immediately changes to the inside of a church. Before I take a step I see a pop up from the game system.

*Achievement(s) Gained!*

-First User!

-Spawned from Holy Grounds!

I click on each achievement to see what they are.

-First User!:

You are the first otherworlder to appear in the world of Astrologia. This achievement grants a title and a bonus for earning exp as well as giving you pristine gear for the start of your journey.


-Pioneer Title Gained

-Permanent 25% Exp Bonus Gained

- +5 Luck

-Spawned from Holy Grounds!:

You have just spawned inside the Holy Church. This church belongs the the Goddess of Light Luxaria. Being the lucky man you are you've been given some nice benefits!


-NPCs with an alighnment to the Light will have their relationship set to friend on first meeting.

-You are now given the choice to respawn at the town square or church when you die.

After reading the titles and effects I'm loving it, especially the exp boost. I turn off the window and open my inventory. I see a chest that gives gear for the path you choose.

I look through the selections and it's the usual. It's a Rouge, Warrior, Mage, Priest, and Archer. I select mage and as I open it I see a congratulations banner. It seems I was given a set of white gear instead of grey with one skill book.

I inspect the gear to see what I've got.

Novice Mage Circlet

Rarity: White

Condition: Pristine

Level Req: Any

+1 Magic Defense

+3 Intelligence

An accessory for any aspiring mage, doesn't provide anything much but style.

Set Bonus(Click to view)

Novice Mage Robes

Rarity: White

Condition: Pristine

Level Req: Any

+2 Magic Defense

+1 Physical Defense

+2 Wisdom

Robes meant to protect any novice from cold weather, beware of warmer climates.

Set Bonus(Click to view)

On the next one I click the Set bonus to see what I get.

Novice Mage Staff

Rarity: White

Condition: Pristine

Level Req: Any

Magic Damage: 12

Physical Damage: 2

+1 Wisdom

+2 Intelligence

A staff that is easily made, one designed to help a novice mage channel their magic much easier.

Set Bonus:

2 Gear Pieces-

+100 Mana

+5 Intelligence

3 Gear Pieces -

+3 All Stats

+100 Health

After I finish looking at my gear I'm a bit surprised. If I remember right rarities go start from grey.

They go like this:

Grey - Poor

White - Common

Green- Uncommon

Blue - Rare

Purple - Epic

Yellow - Legendary

Orange - Exotic

Gold - Divine

There is also the condition of the gear. For grey and white only it's poor, normal, great, and pristine. From green to gold its condition changes to a rating of E~S.

After looking over the gear I check the skill book that I've gained as well. I pick it up and it vanishes into motes of light.

*Gained Spell Mana Arrow!*

I opened the tab for spells to look at it.

Mana Arrow

Proficiency: 0/100%

A spell that creates an arrow out of pure non-attribute mana. It's a spell for novices to gain experience with mana. Deals 105% of magic attack as damage and uses 5 mana per cast. (Goes up 10% every Skill level)

After I finished reading the skill I closed the menu and started to walk towards the entrance of the church. Then out of nowhere another pop up came out.

*Quest Initiated!*

*Mage's First Steps!*

You have just taken your first steps to awakening as a Mage in the world of Astrologia! To further your chances of survival you need to get stronger!


-Reach Level 10

Rewards: Based on Performance

I close the pop up and smile.

'Does this mean if I exceed expectations of a normal player I'll get even better rewards?'

Excited I make my way out and continue through the town or city the church belongs to.

'Let's see… What town or city am I in?'

I look for a guardsman and when I did I go up to him to ask the question.

"Excuse me sir, where am I? I just woke up and have no clue where I am."

"Are you one of the Otherworlders that was summoned by the Goddess?"

I nod my head yes and he smiles.

"Great! You are in the City of Astoria, the Capital of Concord!"

'What?! I'm in a level 150 zone?!'

I thank him and run off to check the plains outside the city. As I arrive at the city gates I spot monsters, but something's off. I ask the gate guard what levels the monsters are.

"All that are out there are monsters levels 2~8 with a few level 10s bordering the nearby forest."

'What happened for the monsters to be 20-30 times stronger in the next 10-20 years?!'

Also NPCs have the system too, it allows for better immersion among the players and NPCs according to the developers. Though, no one has actually seen them.

I run out to the plains looking for my first monster excitedly. I pull out my staff and cast Mana Arrow and manage to hit a level 5 Flame Boar in the head somehow getting an instant kill.

*Level 5 Flame Boar Killed!*

*+12% Exp Gained due to Level Difference*

*7 Copper coins gained*

I opened my Status to see what i have.


Name: Kayde Willard

Level: 1

Exp: 12%/100%

Class: None

Bloodline: Unknown (Unawakened)


Health: 130/130

Mana: 155/160

Magic Defense: 58

Physical Defense: 41

Strength: 8 (5+3)

Vitality: 8 (5+3)

Intelligence: 18 (5+5+3+2+3)

Wisdom: 11 (5+3+2+1)

Dexterity: 8 (5+3)

Luck: 10

Skills: Appraisal (Common)

Spells: Mana Arrow (Common)


Stat Description

As you level up you get 1 for every stat and 5 free stat points to allocate.

Strength: This stat increases Physical attack by 3 per stat.

Vitality: This stat gives an additional 10 hp and 5 Physical Defense per stat.

Intelligence: This stat increases your magic attack by 3 per stat.

Wisdom: This stat increases your Mana by 10 and Magic Defense by 5 per stat.

Dexterity: This stat gives a bonus increase to your base speed by .5% and Accuracy by .5% per stat with a cap for accuracy at 100%.

Luck: increases your chances at finding better loot by 2% per stat. Every player starts with an average of 1~5 luck. (Can't increase this stat willingly. Only titles and items can do so.)



After looking at my stats i became elated. I was at a great head start above other players and intended to keep it that way. Now I don't remember much about the game though since I was forced around as a slave before. I couldn't explore.

Now it's different though. I can do all I want and more. I then run off to go on a rampage ignoring all the other players fighting and killing each other over some mobs.

1 Hour Later…

I did it! It took a lot of effort but due to my higher attack I was able to kill the higher leveled monsters.


*Player Kayde Has hit level cap requirement for awakening before others. Would you like your Name to be included in the world announcement?*

*Yes -Or- No*

I hit yes smiling at the world first I've been given.

*World announcement!*

-Player Kayde Willard has hit the Level 10 unawakened level cap as a world first! He has been given these rewards! 1 Rare Gear Choice Chest, 100 Gold coins, 1,000 World Fame, and 100% to awaken a bloodline!-

*World announcement!*

-Player Kayde Willard has hit the Level 10 unawakened level cap as a world first! He has been given these rewards! 1 Rare Gear Choice Chest, 100 Gold coins, 1,000 World Fame, and 100% to awaken a bloodline!-

*World announcement!*

-Player Kayde Willard has hit the Level 10 unawakened level cap as a world first! He has been given these rewards! 1 Rare Gear Choice Chest, 100 Gold coins, 1,000 World Fame, and 100% to awaken a bloodline!-

After repeating 3 times I see the world chat blowing up with an angry and jealous mob.

-Atticus: What?! I'm still level 3 and I've been on since the servers opened!

-Celeste: Kayde! If you help me level up I can send you some *****!

-Sylvester: Hahahahaha! Part of her message got censored!

-Herbert: Admin! This is unfair! He had to have cheated!

-Game Admin: It has been reviewed that player Kayde has done nothing wrong. This is a result of his effort.

-Chester: That can't be true! There is no way possible that he could've hit Level 10 in an hour! I'm only level 4!

I kept reading the chat laughing at how jealous people are and how miserable they can be, while some "Gamer Girls" are just trying to ride my coattails.

I then open my status to allocate my free points and to see the changes.


Name: Kayde Willard

Level: 10

Exp: 0/100%

Class: None

Bloodline: Unknown (Unawakened)


Health: 280/280

Mana: 340/340

Magic Defense: 170

Physical Defense: 140

Magical Attack: 126

Physical Attack: 60

Strength: 8->20 (17+3)

Vitality: 8->28 (25+3)

Intelligence: 18->42 (29+5+3+2+3)

Wisdom: 11->34 (28+3+2+1)

Dexterity: 8->17 (14+3)

Luck: 10

Stat Points: 50->0

Skills: Appraisal (Common)

Spells: Mana Arrow (Adept)

Satisfied with the changes I make my way back into the capital. As I'm looking around to find the wizards guild so I could advance I was drawn to somewhere else.

'???: Come here…'

I look towards where the voice came from and I see the church. As I walked towards it I hear a feminine voice beckoning me to go inside.

The voice kept getting louder as I got closer and then I finally entered inside stopping right before the statue of Luxaria, The Goddess of Light.

Then a flash of light appears blinding me.

"Oh how I've waited centuries for one of your kind to grace the world with your presence."


"What do you mean my kind?"

In the white space I couldn't make out the figure of who I'm speaking to, as if they want to keep themselves hidden.

"My child, you have no clue what you are do you?"

I shake my head no expecting some answers.

"You are the last dragon of light, but right now it seems your bloodline is diluted. No matter, you can fix that with time."

I then feel someone tap my forehead.

"I have awakened your bloodline and gave you an appropriate class. I will see you soon."

I feel my consciousness slipping.

'No wait! I still have questions!'

"I will answer your questions next time, hopefully you are strong enough to see me by then."

(3rd POV)

Outside the mindscape Kayde is in you can see Priests, Paladins, and Nuns running around frantically after seeing a Divine glow surrounding him.

Some began to send letters to the Cathedral where the pope resides in the Kingdom of Lumenara.

Up in the second floor overlooking the pews is an Elven Priestess staring up at the goddesses statue almost as if she is receiving an oracle herself.

Then she begins to stare and smile towards the silhouette of Kayde. Then the light surrounding him disappears and he collapses. She and many others run to help him hoping for the best.

As they all arrive most of them begin to fuss over Kayde before even trying to help.

"Stop this nonsense at once!"

Everyone looks toward the elf.

"Priestess Aloria, we were just-"

The girl gets cut off as Aloria looks to the paladin next to her.

"Paladin Kurt, pick him up. It seems whatever was done to him is affecting him physically."

As they all look back to Kayde they see his body turning red and steam begins to come off his body. Alarmed the paladin picks him up and Aloria guides home to a the pope's bathhouse that he uses when he comes by.

As she's leading him she starts to speak.

"After you bring him inside make sure to get 2 more nuns to help me. We need to help him clean up and cool down."

Kurt nods and then before running for help asks one question.

"What is happening to him Priestess?"

"If the oracle I received is true, we will see something this world desperately needed for centuries."

With that he runs off and gets more help while Aloria gazes at Kayde while stroking his face.