Lusan Forest

I wake up feeling refreshed and ready for what comes next. I do my morning routine, making breakfast and taking a shower.

When I'm finished I get out of my carriage with Aelwyn's breakfast and sit atop the drivers seat waiting for when she's ready to leave.

I look around and see that the other adventurers are nearly packed. I then see Grimbor walking up to me with a big grin.

"Thank you boy, for saving all of our lives at the end there. I wanted to let you know that I will tell the Lord of Concord from House Camden your achievements to make sure you are rewarded properly."

He give me a pat on the shoulder before making sure all the adventurers have packed and then has them march out back to the city.

I pat Aelwyn on the back excited for the rest of my journey.

"It's our time go now huh?"

She starts to run at a fast pace and I laugh since I'm nearly thrown off due to her take off.