Tatsu Village Pt. 1

(3rd POV)

The village of Tatsu lies nestled within a verdant valley, its aesthetic steeped in the traditions and artistry of ancient Japan through influence of past leaders. Narrow streets wind through the town, lined with wooden homes and shops.

Paper lanterns sway gently in the breeze, waiting for dusk to arrive. The area brimming with activity as the bustling marketplace serves as the heart of the village, filled with the sights and sounds of daily life.

Vendors call out their wares from beneath woven canopies, selling everything from freshly caught fish, baskets of rice, and hand-crafted goods, to brightly colored silks and herbal remedies.

The scent of grilled meats and sweet dango wafts through the air as street food stalls entice those passing through. The villagers, dressed in traditional kimonos and hakama, move with purpose yet grace, bowing to one another as they greet, exchange goods, or bid farewell.