[Chapter —10]

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It was just an hour after returning back to camp as I was teaching some girls how to skin and disassemble a carcass and how to cook it.

Luckily we had found some metal containers that we used as water carriers and I took one and put some pieces of meat inside alongside some spice herbs and put it on a fire while I taught them.

And it was as I was finishing teaching the girls and couple of boys how to skin and treat deer hide that I was tapped in the shoulder by Bellamy looking a bit distraught.

" We have a problem, come with me." And so I followed and entered the tent that was set as a meeting room by Bellamy.

And inside was Clarke, Jasper and Octavia already there.

" This knife was made out of metal made from the dropship." Clarke said looking at the knife which was stained with blood and two fingers on the table.

" Who else knows about this?" Asked Bellamy looking at the fingers.

" No one, we brought it straight here." Octavia replied.

" Clarke?" Jasper softly questioned.

" It means that the grounders didn't kill Wells, someone from the 100 did." Clarke said looking angrier and angrier by the second.

" So there's a murderer in the camp?" Asked Jasper looking a bit fearful as he grabbed into his bag.

" Technically there's more then one murderer in this camp, this isn't news but we need to keep this quiet." Bellamy said and I agreed with him on that, there was no need to cause a widespread panic.

But seemingly Clarke not getting that grabbed the knife and made for the door but was stopped by Bellamy.

" Get out of my way Bellamy" Clarke said.

" Clarke, let's just wait a bit before going off and starting a panic okay?" I said but that didn't seem to get through to her.

" Even you're siding with Bellamy?" She asked with a bit of betrayal on her face causing me to groan.

" Look Clarke, fear of the grounders and their attacks is keeping them focused and motivated to complete the wall and it's also keeping them orderly." I told her making her look of betrayal even more apparent.

" Plus we don't know who the killer is yet so this might just tip them off and make them hide their tracks before we catch them." I continued but Clarke was too stubborn for reason at the moment.

" Oh really?" She asked before showing the markings on the knife that stated 'J.M' " J.M, John Murphy." She said looking as if she had the entire thing figured out.

" The people have a right to know." She said and immediately stormed out causing me and Bellamy to groan before I stared at him.

" Get everyone with a weopon and the hunters, this'll probably get ugly." I told him, he nodded and immediately walked out.

I stayed inside the tent for a couple more moments before walking out being joined by Octavia and Jasper.

Walking over to where Clarke was pushing and cussing at Murphy I stayed at a distance and let it play out, Bellamy walked behind me being followed by 16 others who held sharpened pipe spears.

" Be ready to move in at my signal." I said causing them to nod.

' Fucking hell, I love being in power.' I thought trying to amuse myself.

" Come on, I don't have to answer to you, I don't have to answer to anyone!" Screamed out Murphy as Clarke confronted him.

" Oh really?" I asked out loud making Murphy turn to me and then Bellamy, he then walked over to us.

" Come on Bellamy I'm telling you, I didn't do this, the grounders did." He said almost pleading.

" The matter is that they found your knife besides his finger's and I'm not the one you have to convince..." Bellamy said before looking at me at the end inadvertently showing that I was the leader here.

" Is this what we have become?, three days into the ground and now we're killing each other without punishment?" Clarke said not seeing how her words could invite more trouble and just like I thought.

" I say we float him!" Screamed out one guy looking at Murphy with a frown already out for blood this caused everyone besides me and the hunters alongside the guards to shout 'yeah'.

" That's not what I'm saying..." Clarke said looking at the instigator.

" Why not? He deserves to float, it's justice!" He adamantly stood on his words.

" Revenge isn't justice!" Shouted out Clarke not seeing the losing battle she was fighting.

" It's justice! Float him! Float him!" The boy shouted instigating the others to join in his chorus.

I stayed in my place letting this go on, waiting for just the right moment.

Murphy seeing the boy shouting to have him killed tried dashing towards him but was tripped before he could causing him to fall to the ground.

And like hyenas the others were already around him and started kicking and punching him to the ground.

" Wait! No! No get off him!" Shouted Clarke as she was pushed away.

They punched and gagged him all the while punching and kicking him before they grabbed a rope and tied it to his neck and threw it over a threes branch and then pulled.

" No! You can't do this!" Clarke futilely shouted but kept getting pushed over and over never reaching Murphy.

They pulled him by the neck seeking to end his life by choking him.

' Well this is getting out of hand...' I thought noncaringly even as Octavia kept looking at the altercation and myself hoping I'd end this, but I waited all the while staring at the distraught and panicking Charlotte.

Clarke seeing that she wasn't gonna be able to stop them ran up to me with tears on her eyes.

" You can stop this! They'll listen to you!" She shouted but I kept my Express schooled and watched.

" I'm sorry but I can't do that." I said looking her straight in her eyes as the crowd cheered.

" Wait stop! He didn't do it!" Came the shouts of Charlotte as Finn tried to pull her away from the scene, to this everyone looked at her crying and pleading voice.

" I did! I killed Wells not him!" She shouted causing the crowd to pause in their cheers.

Hearing her I already had a knife on my hand and with a casual throw the rope around Murphy snapped and he fell to the ground choking and coughing.

At this Bellamy who was besides me looked at the girl with clear shock and helplessness.

' And there we go...' I thought before looking at the boy besides me, one of the guards for the camp.

" Miller, take her to a tent and tie her up, get a guard to watch her on the clock." I gave out my first order and watched as three guards walked off and grabbed Charlotte by the shoulders.

" Wait! No she's just a little girl!" Bellamy shouted and tried to stop them but a quick look to the girl besides him and he was on his knees stopped by the hunter besides him.

Breathing in I looked at Clarke who stared at the girl getting accompanied to a random tent.

" Remember Clarke, this is what you wanted." I said before looking at Bellamy.

" I'm sorry Bell, but she has to be punished." I told him before walking off putting together what I now would have to do.