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Walking out of camp with more weight in my shoulders than I had walking in I entered my cabin for the first time in a while.
A world that I once thought would be safe and easy to survive on just became a death trap in one conversations time.
The clans were much bigger in this world, stronger and better in every way.
Nightbloods had supernatural abilities that were reminiscent to his [Plant Control].
Now I finally got why I obtained the ability in the first place, it always bugged me having an ability in a world that had none.
I guess I should have looked into it more, nothing happens for no reason after all.
A lesson I had since forgotten since coming to this world.
But then again who could blame me, The 100 Series was baseline a show about a group of teens surviving in an post apocalyptic world.
Not whatever mess this world I've found myself in is.
Now I had magicians that used blood to fuel their magic which I found confusing for the fact that everyone had a container of energy inside them that they could use, unless there were benefits to simply using blood.
Now came the question of where the fuck did they obtain blood magic?
I may not have finished the series but I know for a fact from other sources that this never turned into a supernatural flick.
It did turn into some spiritual bullshit though from the small clips I occasionally bumped into but those were confusing as fuck without context.
Now I had a war with motherfuckers that can shatter rock with a punch, I mean could I even do that?
Also from Murphy's informative rambling, every soldier they have can increase their strength using the energy from the world?
A lot of bullshit just didn't make any fucking sense here and it was screwing with me.
Opening my system with a grim frown I looked at my status and smiled at the improvements since I last checked.
[—Name: Ezekiel Sinclair.
—Race: Human.
—Level: 10[!]
—Class: None.
—Body: 51
—Mind: 37
—Energy: 40
—Sense: 40
—Status Effect: None.
—[Stats: 0]—
I still didn't know what that exclamation mark did though, no matter how much I tapped at it nothing happened.
My stats had improved though, except the [Body] stat of course which I didn't think I'd see any improvement soon.
Next were my skills.
—Skill Points: 0
—Martial Arts[Lv-10/10]
—Weapons Proficiency[Lv-10/10]
—Potion Make[Lv-9/10]
—Structural Analysis[Lv-3/10]
—Energy Control[Lv-10/10]
—Torture Arts[Lv-2/10]
Looking at this I sighed.
They hadn't moved much or at all except for [Survival].
But even so i wanted to try something here.
So closing the screens i immediately closed my eyes and activated [Energy Control] and felt the pond of energy inside me whirl to life.
I didn't focus on that but towards my veins instead, I saw an intricate design of veins where my energy coursed through naturally either to replenish or for use in directing.
I had noticed these veins that I have now dubbed [Ard Veins] because calling them Energy Veins seemed a bit bland.
I grabbed a book by a small mound of books I had obtained from the bunker, I put it here just for images as everything of true importance to me was in my inventory.
I took the only working ballpoint pen that was working and started sketching my body and then the veins.
They all connected to where my pool of energy resided, my heart.
These veins connected everywhere in my body, mind and every organ in my body.
I then tried letting my energy course through the veins that connected to my lower stomach.
For a second as the energy piled up I didn't see anything of note happening before suddenly all the food in my stomach started to quickly dissolve and energy spread into body rapidly from the food and treak into the pool of energy I had.
This suprised me and immediately I wrote my findings into the book before I furthered along.
To see whether the hypothesis that was swirling in my mind was right or not I focused the channeling of my energy to my liver, my lungs and every organ besides my brain.
I found that everytime I did so that organ would suddenly jumpstart and increase its efficiency and power in some type of manner.
I am not ashamed to also admit that I found out that if I channeled the energy into my dick and balls I found that it's girth and size increased by quite a bit and my sperm count also increased.
And my dick was already considerably incredible so now I could transform it into a bitch breaker if I wanted to, it would come to great use if I wanted to ruin a woman for anyone else.
Smiling at the fact that my experiments seemed to be bearing fruit I then focused on the Ard Veins that connected to my muscles, bones and skin and flooded them with energy and immediately felt euphoric before a screen suddenly shot open.
[—Status Effect: Body Reinforcement Stage– III]
Focusing on the status effect except the rush of power I obtained I smiled as I read the description.
[—Body Reinforcement III: Using internal or external energy, reinforce the users muscles, bones and skin increasing the users [Body] Stat by +30]
" Power never felt so good...." I mumbled to myself before breathing in and going into a meditative pose.
I breathed in a cleared my mind before focusing solely on the energy inside me strengthening me and only it in an attempt to get used to this state without feeling as if I was high on meth.
Thirty minutes in and I could think coherently enough to ignore the euphoric effects of reinforcing myself.
A couple minutes later and my train of thought was broken when the door to my cabin opened and in came Octavia who was drying her hair, having probably taken a bath.
She paused staring at me before she gained an infectious smile.
She threw the rag she was using away and walked behind me sitting on the animal fur I used for my bedding over the mattress.
She grabbed my head and pulled me into her thighs and stroked my head.
'....nice.' Was my only thought before I simply relished in her touch.