Chapter three

I was looking at the setting sun when my eyes caught Heart walking on the beach not far from where I was.

I will admit that there is a slowly growing desire for the girl, when she is near it revives my masculinity so often my heart hurts.

Her red lips that look like they're good to kiss and suck on, her budding breasts peeking out of her shirt or perhaps a camisole. Especially when she bathes in the sea.

This immediately exposed me that she didn't even notice because of her innocence.

Her mother really raised her ignorant of such things.

It was wrong to expect this child who had no idea what I was thinking, such an innocent girl.

"Raphael!" I looked at her as she happily waved at me.

I smiled and approached her.

She was so beautiful up close, I don't know what made me lead her to the back of the rock. Her mother wasn't there because she brought what we harvested yesterday to town so it was just the two of us. Surprisingly, she followed me.

"Why are we here?" She asked curiously. Instead of answering her. I suddenly picked her up and kissed her on the lips. I felt that she was a bit stunned and gasped. The softness of her lips was right, I sucked it and because her lips were open, I explored the inside of her mouth.

She moaned so I tightened my hug on her. I feel like I'm drunk because the taste of her lips is so delicious.

I stopped when she held me so tightly and inhaled that I let go of his lips.

"Brother, why did you treat me like that?" She asked blushingly, I sat down and held her in my arms then kissed her on the forehead.

"That's called a kiss and it's delicious right?" She nodded but I knew she still didn't understand so I just hugged her tightly. I shouldn't have surprised her and she is still very young.

I was cursed in my mind because of what I had done. I can still feel her breathing and so do I.

A jolt woke me up causing me to be surprised and I looked around to see that I was still sitting where I was sitting and that I was lying down.

"Is there a problem? You were moaning earlier." I washed my face because of my strange dream.

"It's okay Heart." I just told her I swallowed as she looked at me in surprise.

"Is your mother coming soon?" I just asked her after I straightened myself up.

"She came a while ago." She answered politely so I just nodded to her and watched her for a moment.

I can't believe that I could dream up such a scene, I'm ashamed of myself.

"Haven't your memories returned yet?" She asked so I just shook my head.

"That will also bring you back and you will also be able to return to your family." She was always smiling so I smiled at her too.

"Let's help mom pick sweet potatoes. She's behind the house harvesting crops." She invited me and held my hand causing me to feel a strange feeling when she held my hand.

I just followed her and helped them harvest their vegetable crops here behind their house.

It's funny because I can't believe that there is such a large plantation here and this is their source of food.

After we picked sweet potatoes, Aling Nely stewed them, I smiled as I watched her and Heart help each other wash the sweet potatoes while I scooped water.

"I'm sorry son, this is all we eat here." I just smiled at Aling Nely who apologized for what we ate.

Honestly, I can't believe that there is someone who lives this simple and is able to live without having to live in town.

To this day I still can't remember who I am but there are times when my memory seems to come back because sometimes I hear someone calling me.

As much as I want to force myself to remember, my head hurts.

While we were eating, the mother and daughter were just talking and their laughter was lively.

I joined their conversation from time to time but I was mesmerized by Heart.

She is so beautiful especially when she laughs and her cheeks are red, Aling Nely told me that Heart's father is an Italian foreigner.

At first I thought it had american blood I was a bit confused by it because Heart didn't even get the look of it. But Aling Nely has a look, maybe when she was young.

It is still a mystery why they live here on this island and are away from home because they are here on the other side of the island.

She also doesn't take Heart with hee in town, it's the place Heart wants to go the most, she told me once.

And when I tried to ask Aling Nely, she said that she just didn't want other people to see her daughter, that there might be a cadet here.

I can understand it because Heart is a beautiful girl, just thinking about her being destroyed by evil people makes my blood boil.

I have a strange feeling about her and I don't know if I can control it.

And since I'm pretty strong, I came up with a plan to just make my own hut to avoid my temptation with Heart.

She is still very young and even though I know that next month is her eighteenth birthday she is still young.

"My birthday is coming soon." I looked at Heart while we were peeling the horseradish dish we had this afternoon.

I smiled and nodded while watching her secretly.

Her skin was reddened again because it was hot today but the wind was so strong that it didn't leave Heart's skin.

Her long hair was braided and she was wearing a floral dress.

I remembered something that I can give her because I don't have a present for her.

I shook my hand first and took off the necklace I was still wearing.

"I don't know what to give you, so I'll just give you my necklace." I told her so she looked at me.

It's a silver necklace with a small diamond heart ring, I don't know who or where I bought it but I know it's going to be loved.

"But that's yours and that's the only thing you have." The panic in her voice was obvious so I stood up and went behind her.

"So I want to give it to you because I want you to own it." I was so gentle with her I smelled her natural sweet smell so I closed my eyes for a moment.

"Thank you Raphael." She was weak so I smiled and we continued peeling the vegetables.

I looked at the door when Aling Nely came in to take two coconuts and I immediately took them.

In the more than a week I was here with them, I taught Aling Nely some things I could help them with, one of which is splitting coconuts.

"Mom, Raphael has a gift for me, look." I smiled when Heart showed me the necklace I gave her.

"Oh my son, it's embarrassing for you and you gave away the only thing you have." Aling Nely said.

"It's fine and then that's my thanks to you for letting me stay here at your house." I told her so she just smiled.

I also smiled when I saw Heart very happy with my gift to her.

Seeing the satisfaction on her face made me satisfied.

"Yes, because I can, I will build my own hut right here next to your house." The mother and daughter looked at us and I saw that Heart stopped eating.

"There's no problem if you stay here son." Aling Nely said but I just shook my head and I told her this the day before.

"It's okay, your house is small and so you can go back to your room." Aling Nely just nodded and let me go.

The hut I'm going to make is small and it's like doing it is normal for me and I didn't have any difficulty because someone helped me.

Mang Kaloy who is Aling Nely's friend who lives on the other side of the island with his wife and two daughters who play with Heart.

"I hope it doesn't reach our village that we have sheltered a foreigner here." Aling Nely said to the couple.

"No problem Nely, you already know what the behavior of the rest of us in the village is." Mang Kaloy's wife said.

I thanked them because they are kind and the only people in the village who are close to the mother and daughter.

It only took four days for us to finish the hut and I was happy with the result of what we did, it was just the right pallet for me to sleep on.

I don't have anything so it's fine.

"These are some pieces of clothes and shorts that have not been used and were given away in the past in the town when there was a storm." Mang Kaloy's wife made me smile when she gave me a few pairs of clothes.

They said goodbye to us before reaching the other side of the island by boat because there is no way to the beach because there are big rocks blocking it and on the other side is the deep river that connects to the sea so it is impossible to get here without a boat.

It's surprising that Aling Nely decided to live in this complicated part of the island, so I still can't get out of my mind the mystery surrounding their mother and daughter.

It's as if Aling Nely is hiding something, so they don't even let their neighbors know that they have a visitor.

I looked at their house when I saw Heart coming out of their house followed by Aling Nely, maybe she was leaving.

"Raphael I will leave you and Heart and I will take the vegetables and fruits we harvested to town." I nodded to her and helped her start the boat.

"Be careful mom." Heart said that she obviously wanted to come but she knew that she couldn't.

We just watched her mother leave.

"Don't worry you'll get to town." I put my arms around her and comforted her because it was obvious that she was about to cry so she just nodded.

"Do you want to get to the stream? That's where mom and I used to bathe." She said so I nodded.

They told me that there is a river not far from here and I have never been to it but now Heart is going to take me with me so I smiled.

It turned out to be a bit far away and what opened up to us when we arrived here was the beautiful waterfall so I was amazed at the beauty of the place.

There are ligar plants blooming around and the place is like a paradise especially the very clean water here.

"Isn't it beautiful?" I looked at Heart and nodded.

I saw that Heart went down to the water and took a bath wearing only shorts and a shirt and I smiled when she waved at me.

"Come on, let's take a shower." She called so I smiled.

I took off my clothes and went down into the water and it was neither cold nor hot so I was disfigured.

In a few moments, Heart and I were happily taking a bath.

As I looked at her, I couldn't help but look at her lips.

He was in the water a while ago but it was still red as if I was hypnotized by it so I didn't think about it.

I approached her and immediately hugged her. The panic was obvious so I made her face me and immediately kissed her.

I want to moan because of the softness of her lips I leaned her against the rock and she moaned causing her to open her mouth.

While I hugged and kissed her, I couldn't help but touch her body, so she just clung to me.

I know this feeling is unfamiliar to her but I love it.

But I felt an extraordinary headache that made me let go of Heart and held my head.

Heart just hugged me when I sat down because of my headache.