Chapter four

I've been touching my lips for a while and I feel like they're peeling.

It only made me blush even more because mom might notice and ask questions.

What do I say? I just sighed I don't know why I have to like that kiss of him.

Kissing is only for people who have a relationship with each other like lovers or husband and wife, Raphael and I don't have a relationship so I think we did something wrong but I felt strange especially and every time I touched he kissed me and I liked that kiss even though I knew it was forbidden.

I just looked at the sunset and waited for mom.

I looked at Raphael hut and saw him also looking at the sea as if he was deep in thought. It's just sad, I know he's trying to worry but he always has a headache.

Like earlier when we were in the river.

He suddenly stopped kissing me because his head suddenly hurt and apologized again and again.

'I want to remember so I won't be a mystery to you' that's what he said I just hugged him because I didn't know how to help him.

My chest heaved when he looked at me and he waved so I waved too.

Later I saw mom so I went out of the balcony.

"Mom!" I was happy to meet her but it also disappeared when I saw that mom seemed anxious.

"Serenity!" She hugged me tightly which surprised me.

Why does this make me feel like my heart will break when I see it?

"Mom loves you very much, remember that." I nodded at mom and just hugged her tightly.

"I love you too, mom." My tears fell without realizing it, I looked at Raphael who was just staring at us. The way he smile a little everything will be fine.

We're here at home, I'm just sitting and looking at mom, I'm still nervous as if she wants to say something but she can't say it.

"Mom, what happened to you earlier in town?" I dared to ask, she stopped what she was doing and looked at me.

"Would you believe me if I revealed a secret to you?" I was nervous because of what my mother said, in the seventeen years I have been with my mother and grandmother, they have been my family and apart from that, we are no longer there and we have been living here on the island for a long time.

But why now that mom has a secret, it seems like I will gradually discover about my personality.

I heard Raphael knock so mom opened the door. He entered from here, he was also anxious. what's going on I just asked myself.

"Do you have a problem son?" Mom asked him while sitting on the bamboo chair.

"I know who I am now, I remember everything." I didn't understand what Raphael said, but mom looked at him confused as if she understood what he said.

"What happened to you son, why did you get hit by a gun and take your life that day?" Mom asked, her voice serious, I looked at him again.

I was nervous about what he might reveal.

He remembers himself, which means he will return to them and we will not see each other again. I suddenly felt sad about that because my mother and I will be the only ones left on this island again.

"I am Rafael Endymion Leviste. And what happened to me was not an accident. There were people who tried to kill me." Mom and I were surprised when he said he looked at me so I bowed.

"I manage to survive on those killers. I was on the yacht and they were with me there but I didn't know that they would also harm me. I survived because I was able to kill one of them and the other one I confessed and found out if who did it. But the yacht exploded and luckily I jumped into the sea, and here I am, I survive." I thanked God because Raphael survived, and he found out who the person who tried to kill him was.

"Son, it's good that you survived those people." Mom said in fear, it's a good thing that he survived, I didn't know that there were such people. They can kill others, a sinful thing that is against the eyes of people, especially in the eyes of God.

"Why are you here in this place, are you hiding something?" Raphael asked suddenly so I looked at Mom.

Hiding what?

I looked at Mom again.

"We are the only foreigners in this place. My mother passed away and when she was gone, we never returned to civilization." That's right, that's why my mother and I stayed here and there was no problem because no one visited us during the many years we stayed here.

"Serenity is not my real daughter." Suddenly I looked at mom, when she said she was also looking at me and was close to crying even though I also felt nervous.

"What do you mean?" I yelled questions as she came to me and hugged me tightly. I felt like my heart was slowly being crushed by mom's revelation.

How did that happen all my life I never once thought that I was really my mother's daughter if she was really my mother but now that I know the truth it's like my heart is being squeezed hard by the pain but I can't feel any anger towards mom.

I stood up and then left without saying goodbye to them because I didn't know how to deal with the truth I just found out, I was hurt but I couldn't think of blaming my mother because she took care of me since I was a child.

I sat down on the sand and fell on my knees and cried.

I felt that someone stood beside me so I looked at Raphael and I saw that he was sympathizing.

"Your mother loves you even though you are not her real child." He said that made me cry.

"I'm not mad, she's still my mother, that's why I still feel bad." I was crying all the time with him, he embraced me and hugged me.

We hugged each other for a while and just looked at the gentle ocean.

"Do you remember who you are? Are you going back to yourselves?" I asked him later so I looked at him.

"Not yet because I want to think of a way to catch that person first." He looked so serious that I nodded and snuggled up to him.

"I just remembered that our family owns this island." I looked at him and looked at him in shock, I couldn't believe it.

"Then you are the owner of Puerto Luna?" I suddenly asked him so he smiled and nodded.

I stood up and looked at the other island and smiled then I can go to that place because Kuya Raphael is its owner.

"I've been wanting to get to the other island for a long time, mom said it's very beautiful there." I told him so he stood up and held my hand so he looked at me.

"We will go there but not now what I need is to call us." He said so I nodded.

"There's a phone in town, but it's far away." I told him so he nodded.

"Come on, we need to get home so you can apologize to your mother." Kuya Raphael said so I just nodded.

We went back to the house holding hands and when we got close I stopped so he looked at me.

"I'm nervous." I whispered so he just smiled.

He led me into the house and we caught up with mom who was preparing dinner, she stopped when she saw me and smiled.

"Who are my real parents?" I suddenly asked mom so she looked at me while we were eating and Raphael also stopped eating.

"They just left you with me, they had an accident and died." My tears flowed spontaneously and continued to eat.

"I remembered earlier on my way home that your eighteenth birthday is coming up." Mom said so I just nodded.

Ever since I found out that my mother was not my real mother, I loved her even more because even though I was not her real child, she loved me and raised me to be a good person.

I couldn't ask for anything more because the next few days were quiet again and tomorrow is my birthday and I'm very happy.

It's not just my mother and I who were together on the day I became a full-fledged girl, Raphael was also here, so I couldn't ask for anything more.

But I was sad when he said goodbye to us that he was going back to town first and to talk to the person who could help him.

"Promise I'll come back and make it to your birthday." Raphael's gentle manner made me bend down and hold my clothes.

"You'll be back, won't you?" I looked at him weakly so he smiled and nodded.

"I'll be back, I promise." He came to me and kissed me on the forehead making me close my eyes.

He said goodbye to us and until the boat he was riding on was gone I still didn't leave where I was standing.

"Serenety you've been there for a while now, come on." Mom said coming to me.

I just followed her languidly.

"Are you sad because Raphael left?" Mom asked so I looked at her and slowly nodded to her.

"I'm sad." I have a weak relationship with him.

"Do you like him?" Mom asked so I blushed and bowed down I felt her move to my side and make me face her.

"You're really a young girl, my daughter. It's like when did you know that I'm so happy that I've seen your sweet smile since the arrival of Raphael." She told me that made me smile.

"Aren't you angry?" I asked mom so she smiled and shook her head.

"Raphael is a good person and I won't mind if you like him but he grew up in another world far from ours." I nodded at mom and smiled.

By the way, mom knows who Raphael's family is from and she said that they are rich, so some of the islands here were bought by their family themselves.

The Leviste family is no joke because they are influential people.

So I know that there is only a small chance that Raphael will come back here, something that I regret.

During the day I have no appetite and I'm always here at my Raphael's hut and sometimes look at the ocean.

I want to believe that maybe he won't come back but he made a promise and I know he will keep it.

Until the night came, I could hardly sleep and if my mother hadn't told me and held me, I wouldn't have been sleepy.

I woke up the next day greeted by a very good day especially and my mother greeted me as soon as I woke up.

I went out and looked at my Rapahel hut and I took a deep breath because he might not come back.

Until lunchtime, my mother still didn't see my problem, so she didn't talk to me.

But in the afternoon I looked at the sea when I heard the sound of a boat so I got up and went down to the hut.

I ran to the beach and smiled when I saw that Raphael was with me in the boat and he waved at me and got off the boat.

I couldn't stop myself from running to him and immediately hugged him, making him laugh out loud.

"Happy birthday my love." This is what he whispered to me before he kissed me firmly on my lips.

This is probably my happiest birthday because the man I love is back.