Chapter 38: The Stun Spore Detour

(After some traveling, the gang stops at a tiny island.)

(so Mew can practice and prepare for the long-awaited Orange League competition.)

(Mew along with Pikachu and Eevee are on a rock looking out to the ocean as the wave crashes before them.)

Mew: "We're really on a hot streak, guys! We're so hot, we're on fire!"

(Mew announces.)

Pikachu: "Pikachu!" (Burning up!)

(Pikachu says.)

Eevee: "Eevee!" (We're burning hot!)

(Eevee says.)

(Just then, a giant wave crashes down on them, getting them soaked.)

(Meanwhile, Tracey is taking a look at a large Vileplume.)

Tracey: "I don't think I've ever seen a more beautiful Vileplume. These petals are humongous!"

(Tracey says.)

(Meanwhile, Mew, Pikachu, and Eevee are walking to Tracey.)

Mew: "At least we got cooled off,"

(Mew says.)

(Then notices Tracey and calls out.)

Mew: "Hey, Tracey! Do you think you can help me with my training now?! I'm kinda getting off to a rocky start."

(Suddenly, they hear a voice.)

???: "Mew! Tracey!"

Mew: "Huh?"

(Mew replies, and turns to see Tomo and Jen running towards them.)

(Along with their Pokemon.)

(As they get closer, Tomo ends up tripping on a rock and stumbles over.)

(He then collides with Mew and Tracey and all three fall into the Vileplume's head.)

(Jen panics.)

Jen: "Tomo! Tracey! Mew!"

(Vileplume begins to panic and is freaking out.)

(Then in desperation, Vileplume sprays Stun Spore into their faces.)

(This causes the group to panic.)

(Meloetta panics.)

Meloetta: "Loett!" (Oh no!)

Pikachu: "Pi Pika!" (We need help!)

(Pikachu panics and runs off.)

(Eevee follows after him.)

(Meanwhile, Misty is walking with Togepi, Pichu and Psyduck.)

(That's when Pikachu and Eevee rush out of the bushes in a frantic state.)

(Misty notices them and calls out.)

Misty: "Oh, Hi Pikachu! Hi Eevee! I thought you and Mew were gonna go down to the beach to do a little training."

(Seeing Misty, Pikachu panics and explains.)

Pikachu: "Pikachu Pika Pika Pi! (Tomo tripped and he, Mew, and Tracey got stuck in a Vileplume's head!)

Eevee: "Eevee Eevee Vee Eevee!" (And the Vileplume spray Stun Spore at them!)

(Confused, Misty asks.)

Misty: "Did something happen to Mew?"

(That's when Mew, Tracey, and Tomo show up, paralyzed by the Stun Spore.)

(Mew panics.)

Mew: "It, got us."

(Then the three collapsed on the floor.)

(Then Jen and the other Pokemon rush over.)

Misty: "What got you?"

(Misty asks.)

Tracey: "We both fell into a Vileplume's head,"

(Tracey says, looking pale.)

(Misty gasps.)

Misty: "You breathed in Stun Spore!"

Tomo: "Can't move,"

(Tomo says, still stunned.)

Misty: "Oh no,"

(Misty says, worried.)

(After the incident, Misty, Jen, and the Pokemon are in the cabin.)

(they're staying in as Mew, Tomo, and Tracey are lying in their sleeping bags.)

(Misty and Jen search in their backpack for a paralyzing antidote.)

(However, Misty has bad news.)

Misty: "Oh, I'm sorry, but we don't have any more Stun Spore antidote."

(Then Jen brings out bandages.)

Jen: "All we have is a bunch of Band-Aids."

Jen: "What do we do?"

(Jen asks Misty.)

(Then Misty has an idea.)

Misty: "I know! I'll run and get some medicine at the nearest Pokémon Center!"

(Then Misty looks at the map, but has more bad news.)

Misty: "Which happens to be thirty miles away on another island! Oh no!"

Pikachu: "Pikachu Pi." (Find another way, Misty.)

(Pikachu says.)

Misty: "You're right, Pikachu. We'll just find some other way for Mew, Tomo and Tracey to get better."

(Misty says.)

(Pikachu then tries to use his Thunderbolt, but Misty stops him.)

(She picks him up and says.)

Misty: "No, Pikachu! I don't think we can shock the Stun Spore away."

Pikachu: "Pika," (You're right.)

(Pikachu replies.)

(Suddenly, Mew weakly says.)

Mew: "Misty."

Misty: "I'm here,"

(Misty replies.)

(Misty feels Mew's forehead and then feels her own, and realizes she's developing a fever.)

Misty: "Jen We gotta do something to bring their fevers down, fast!"

(Misty says.)

Jen: "I'll go get some water,"

(Jen says, and grabs a bucket.)

(Jen and Amaura run outside of the cabin and rushes to the river close by.)

(They fill it with water from the river, and bring it back into the cabin.)

(Then Misty, Jen, and Meloetta place wet rags on Mew' Tracey, and Tomo's heads.)

Tracey: "Hey, Misty,"

(Tracey weakly says.)

(Misty says.)

Misty: "Just relax, Tracey. Don't try to talk. You need to rest."

(Suddenly, Mew says.)

Mew: "Salveyo weed."

Misty: "Huh?"

(Misty says, confused.)

(Then Tracey says.)

Tracey: "Go get a Pokédex."

Misty: "Yeah! That's a great idea! Maybe it can help us!"

(Misty says.)

(She then grabs's Mew's Pokedex.)

Misty: "Okay."

Tracey: "Look up Vileplume,"

(Tracey says.)

(And do just that.)

Tracey: "Antidote info,"

(Tracey says.)

Mew: "Look up Salveyo weed,"

(Mew weakly says.)

Misty: "Right,"

(Misty says.)

(Then look up the info.)

(Then Dexter says.)

Dexter: "An effective Stun Spore antidote can be made by boiling the leaves of the Salveyo weed."

Jen: "I wonder where I find that,"

(Jen wonders.)

(Dexter answers.)

Dexter: "Salveyo weed is found on clear lake bottoms wherever Vileplume live. Poliwag are also found in the vicinity of this plant."

Misty: "Poliwag?"

(Misty questions.)

Tracey: "Find it, Misty. Go find that Salveyo weed,"

(Tracey says, feeling very weak.)

Misty: "Don't worry, Tracey! I'll find it, no matter what!"

(Misty says.)

(She gets up and says.)

Misty: "Togepi, Pichu, let's go!"

(Jen stands up and says.)

Jen: "I'll come too."

Misty: "No Jen. It's best that you and the Pokemon stay here and take care of Mew and Tracey while I'm gone."

Jen: "Okay,"

(Jen replies.)


(Meanwhile, James and Meowth of Team Rocket are climbing up a tree.)

(James has Meowth standing on his shoulders.)

(James calls out.)

James: "Hurry up, Meowth!"

(Meowth is trying to reach an apple from the tree.)

Meowth: "Higher! A little higher! I almost got it!"

(Finally, Meowth grabs it.)

Meowth: "I got it!"

(Right on cue, the branch James's standing on breaks and crashing to the ground.)

Meowth: "Whoever it was that said apples are healthy must've never picked one,"

(Meowth says, feeling in pain.)

(Later, James and Meowth return to their cabin hideout at a different part of the island.)

Meowth: "It wasn't easy, but we brought you the apple you wanted, Jess."

(Meowth says.)

(It's revealed that Jessie is in bed.)

(Sick and weak, Jessie says.)

Jessie: "I think my fever's getting worse. But, it gives my alabaster skin such a lovely crimson hue."

(Then gets out her mirror.)

Jessie: "Ah, yes. Very beautiful."

Meowth: "How come you were so particular about having a bright red apple?"

(Meowth asks.)

Jessie: "It's very simple,"

(Jessie says, and takes the apple.)

(Then puts it inside her.)

Jessie: "When I awaken from my fever dreams, I want to be able to gaze at something with skin that's even redder than mine."

(James and Meowth sweat drops.)

Meowth: "We almost broke our necks and you're gonna just look at it!"

(Meowth says, shocked.)

James: "Meowth, please don't yell at me now. I'm not well. But, if I had a pint of Boysenberry ice cream…"

(James says, in tears.)

Meowth: "Oh no! No way!"

(Meowth denies the request.)

(Then James says.)

James: "Jessie, I think you're blowing this little temperature you're running totally out of proportions."

(Soon, Jessie breaks down in tears.)

Jessie: "What if there's something terribly, terribly wrong with me?! Beautiful things are very fragile. Soon, I may be gone with the wind. Like that tender, lovely, little leaf."

James: "Jessie, all you did was sniff a little Vileplume Stun Spore,"

(James says.)

Meowth: "You just stuck your nose where it didn't belong,"

(Meowth says.)


(Jessie is running through the flowers with laughter.)

Jessie: "A fantastic field of fragrant flowers!"

(But as Jessie comes down from her leap, she ends up landing in the head of a Vileplume.)

(The Vileplume panics as Jessie has her head stuck in it.)

(In other words, Jessie has also been stunned by Vileplume's Stun Spore.)

[Flashback Ends:-]

(Just then, James says.)

James: "I just remembered that as a tiny tot, I breathed some Stun Spore, and my dear grandpa made a potion out of boiled Salveyo weed that he got from the lake on his estate! It cured me right away!"

(And Jessie begins to pound James in rage.)

Jessie: "You couldn't have taken your trip down memory lane any sooner?! I'm on my deathbed here!"

(James and Meowth are shocked as Jessie beats James around, until she returns to bed.)

(Jessie says.)

Jessie: "I'm so weak."

Meowth: "I guess we better get Jessie some Salveyo weed."

(Meowth says.)

(Meanwhile, Misty is in a lake searching for the Salveyo weed.)

(So far, no luck.)

Misty: "Nothing yet,"

(Misty says to herself.)

(She then stretches her back and says.)

Misty: "And no sign of a, Poliwag."

(Then turn to Togepi and Pichu.)

Misty: "Come on! Let's try someplace else."

Pichu: "Pichu," (Okay.)

(Pichu says.)

(Meanwhile, Jen and the other Pokemon are doing their best to keep Mew, Tomo, and Tracey's fever down.)

Mew: "Pikachu… Eevee…"

(Mew softly says.)

(Jen, Meloetta, and Skwovet damp the clothes in water and place them on the three heads.)

(Stufful snuggles Tracey hoping to cheer him up.)

(Eevee says in concern.)

Eevee: "Eevee." ("Hurry, Misty.")

(Unknown to the group, inside Misty's backpack, her Pokemon egg show a flashing glow, signs that it's going to hatch soon.)

(Meanwhile, James and Meowth are searching for the Salveyo weed.)

(However, James is wearing an odd looking outfit.)

James: "I don't know why I couldn't wear my Team Rocket uniform. I feel like a clown in this get-up,"

(James wonders.)

Meowth: "We gotta find some of that Salveyo weed to help Jessie get better, don't we?"

(Meowth answers.)

(Then uses a basket to try scooping the Salveyo weed.)

Meowth: "But if anybody saw Team Rocket splashing around in some lagoon, they'd get suspicious. That's why I swiped these disguises from the local costume shop,"

James: "Couldn't you have swiped something a little more flattering."

(James questions.)

(Meowth turns to James.)

Meowth: "I'm trying to do the best I can here! I'm a Pokémon, not a fashion consultant!"

(Suddenly, the two hair something, causing Meowth to turn around.)

Meowth: "Hey, what's that?"

(Emerging from the water is a Poliwag.)

Meowth: "It's a Poliwag!"

(Meowth says, surprised.)

(The poliwag then jumps out of the water and onto a rock, and soon sees something on its tail.)

(Just then, James remembers.)

James: "It's all coming back now! Grandpa used a Poliwag to find the Salveyo weed when I was Stun Spored!"

Meowth: "Don't let it get away!"

(Meowth cries out.)

(James throws his Pokeball.)

James: "Victreebel!"

(Victreebel comes out of its Pokeball. But instead of chasing Poliwag, it begins to chase James.)

(James cries out.)

James: "Wait! Stop! Don't go after me! Go after that pretty little Poliwag!"

(Victreebel then charges at Poliwag, but moves in time and fires a Water Gun at Victreebel.)

(Victreebel blocks the attack, and throws a Razor Leaf, but Poliwag dodges the attacks, and runs away.)

(But Meowth is hot on its tail.)

Meowth: "You're not gonna get away from me!"

(Meowth leaps and pins Poliwag with his basket.)

Meowth: "We got you, now!"

(James runs up.)

James: "And now that we know where to find the Salveyo weed, can we change out of these costumes?"

Meowth: "Quit your yapping, and give me a hand with this Poliwag, will you?"

(Meowth shouts.)

(Poliwag manges to get loose and sends Meowth into James as it escapes.)

(Poliwag quickly runs into the bushes and runs away.)

(James and Meowth sit up to see Poliwag is gone.)

Meowth: "We got Poli-whipped!"

(Meowth says, shocked.)


(Meanwhile, Misty, Pichu, and Togepi are still searching for the Salveyo weed.)

Misty: "We've just gotta find that Salveyo weed to help Mew, Tomo, and Tracey,"

(Misty says.)

(And suddenly, they come across a Poliwag.)

Misty: "A Poliwag!"

(Misty says surprised.)

(Poliwag turns around to see Misty and quickly hides behind her.)

(Mew brings out her Pokedex, and Dexter says.)

Dexter: "Poliwag, the Tadpole Pokémon. A Water type. It has no arms, but its tail makes it a strong swimmer."

Misty: "Poliwag can help us find the Salveyo weed!"

(Misty says.)

Togepi: "Togepiiiiiii,"

(Togepi says.)

Pichu: "Pichu,"

(Pichu happily says.)

(Suddenly, James and Meowth show up in their unusual attire.)

(Poliwag cries out.)

Poliwag: "Poli!" (Save me!)

(Meowth looks to see Misty.)

Meowth: "Heh! Well, look who it is!"

Misty: "Team Rocket?!"

(Misty says, surprised.)

(Then Meowth demands.)

Meowth: "Alright, kid, hand over that Poliwag!"

Misty: "Huh?"

(Misty says, confused.)

(Poliwag panics.)

Poliwag: "Poli, poli!" (No, don't let them get me!)

(Seeing Poliwag's distress, Misty says.)

Misty: "Poliwag doesn't want to go with you!"

James: "Do it or else!"

(James demands.)

Misty: "No way!"

(Misty denies.)

(Misty stares at Team Rocket with a glare and they do the same.)

(Togepi, Pichu, and Poliwag grow worried.)

(Both Misty and Team Rocket stare down one another, waiting for the other to make the first move.)

Meowth: "I think we can take her in a battle! Don't you?"

(Meowth says.)

James: "I do,"

(James says.)

(Then Meowth demands.)

Meowth: "Give us that Poliwag right now!"

Misty: "You'll have to take it from me!"

(Misty says, refusing to give up.)

(Then James calls out.)

James: "Victreebel, go!"

(Victreebel charges.)

(Then Misty throws her pokeball.)

Misty: "Goldeen, go!"

(Goldeen comes out of her Pokeball.)

(James calls out.)

James: "Victreebel, Razor Leaf, now!"

(Victreebel launches the attack, but Goldeen dodges in midair and dives into the water.)

James: "Dive in after it!"

(James calls out.)

(Victreebel does so.)

(Then Misty calls out.)

Misty: "Goldeen, stop it with your Horn Attack!"

(Goldeen launches Horn Attack and is right on target, sending Victreebel flying.)

(Then Misty says.)

Misty: "Now try your Fury Attack, Goldeen!"

(Goldeen uses the attack and bounces Victreebel up as it comes down and over.)

(James panics and calls it back.)

James: "Victreebel, return!"

(Victreebel is soon called back into the Pokeball.)

(Misty happily cheers.)

Misty: "Great job, Goldeen! You just showed Team Rocket why Water Pokémon are my favorite!"

(Goldeen splashes out with glee.)

(Togepi, Pichu, and even Poliwag are celebrating Misty's victory.)

(Meowth scolds To James.)

Meowth: "Why can't you train that Victreebel to battle?! It looked like a punching bag out there!"

James: "It could use some work,"

(James sheepishly says.)

(Then throws another Pokeball as he calls out.)

James: "Next, I choose you, Weezing!"

(Weezing comes out of the Pokeball.)

(Then Misty throws another Pokeball.)

Misty: "I choose you, Staryu!"

(Staryu comes out of the Pokeball.)

(But Misty and James call out at the same time.)

Misty and James: "Weezing/Staryu, Tackle attack, now!"

(Both Pokemon perform the attack and they collide, but neither one will give an inch to the other.)

(Then James calls out.)

James: "Smog attack!"

(Weezing then launches the attack, blinding Staryu in the process.)

(Misty calls out.)

Misty: "Staryu, Double Edge attack, now!"

(Staryu performs the attack and slices away the Smog.)

(Then fly towards Weezing and smack into it, sending it blasting off.)

Misty: "That's super, Staryu!"

(Misty cheers.)

Meowth: "Now you'll have to go against me!"

(Meowth says, and prepares the attack.)

Misty: "Staryu, return now!"

(Misty says and calls back Staryu.)

(Then calls out.)

Misty: "And go, Psyduck!"

(Psyduck comes out of the Pokeball.)

Meowth: "Try my Scratch attack on for size!"

(Meowth says, and performs Scratch.)

(But Psyduck doesn't move.)

(Meowth then tries biting Psyduck's bead.)

(And unable to withstand it, Psyduck activates his powers.)

Misty: "Get a headache. Get a nice, big, juicy headache,"

(Misty says to herself.)

(And right on cue, Psyduck unleashes its Psychic powers, freezing Meowth.)

(Then Misty calls out.)

Misty: "Use Confusion, Psyduck!"

(Psyduck uses Confusion to get Meowth off his head.)

(Then sends him flying into James and both of them slide into the woods.)

Misty: "You see what happens when you use your headache?"

(Misty says.)

Psyduck: "Psyduck," (Guess so.)

(Psyduck replies.)

(Meanwhile, James and Meowth are found with their backs against the tree.)

Meowth: "Ow, we usually just get beat by just the twerp,"

(Meowth says in pain.)

(James feels the same.)

James: "Now, we're getting beaten by her friends!"

Meowth: "Well, now what are we gonna do? That girl has the Poliwag AND the Salveyo weed."

(Meowth says, feeling defeated.)

(Then jumps off of.)

Meowth: "we go back without it, Jessie will be sick, of us."

James: "You think kids these days would have something on their minds besides Pokemon."

(James says, deflated.)

(Just then, Meowth has an idea.)

Meowth: "You just gave me an idea."

(Meanwhile, Misty is tending Poliwag.)

(Misty puts the cream on Poliwag and says.)

Misty: "Luckily, I always bring a little Pokémon cream along. That should take the hurt away."

(Poliwag nuzzles against Misty's leg, in the process, tickles Togepi and Pichu with its tail.)

Togepi: "Toge Toge Toge Toge!"

(Togepi says, tickled.)

(Pichu feels the same.)

Misty: "Togepi's tickled to have you with us!"

(Misty happily says.)

Poliwag: "Pol,"

(Poliwag says.)

(Misty kneels Poliwag and asks.)

Misty: "Poliwag, I've got an important question to ask you. Do you know where we can find some Salveyo weed?"

(Misty brings out the Pokedex and shows Poliwag the picture.)

Misty: "Here, look. It grows on lake bottoms."

(Poliwag then heads towards the river.)

Misty: "But, Poliwag! What are you doing? Don't go!"

(Misty calls out, but Poliwag dives in the water.)

(Soon enough, Poliwag comes out with a Selveyo weed in its mouth.)

(Very pleased, Misty asks.)

Misty: "Is there any more Salveyo weed growing on the bottom of that lake, Poliwag?"

Poliwag: "Poli," (There is.)

(Poliwag answers with a nod.)

(Then Misty calls out.)

Misty: "Let's go, Staryu!"

(And Staryu comes out of the Pokeball.)

(With that, Misty, Staryu, and Poliwag dive under the water and soon find a whole garden of Salveyo weeds.)

(And so, Misty and Poliwag begin picking the Salveyo weed.)

(After gathering a bunch, the three return to the surface and they have gather the Salveyo weed they pick.)

Misty: "This should be more than enough,"

(Misty happily says.)

Togepi: "Toge Toge Toge!"

(Togepi happily says.)

(Pichu feels the same.)

Pichu: "Pichu Pichu Pi Pi Pichu!"

(Then Misty picks up the Salveyo weed pile.)

Misty: "We have to hurry and boil this up for Mew, Tomo, and Tracey."

(Then turns to Poliwag.)

Misty: "Thanks again, Poliwag!

(Soon, the three walk away, but Poliwag begins to follow.)

(Misty turns to see it.)

Misty: "We'd like to stay and play, but our friends are sick. This plant will help them get better, and when it does, maybe we can come back and see you again."

(Poliwag then walks over and nuzzles Misty's leg.)

(Soon, Misty is beginning to understand what Poliwag wants.)

Misty: "That is, unless you'd like to come along with Togepi, me and the others and meet our friends now."

Poliwag: "Poli,"

(Poliwag happily says.)


(Meanwhile, Mew, Tomo, and Tracey are still stuck in bed.)

(Jen, Meloetta, and Eevee make sure the clothes stay damaged.)

(while Amaura uses her ice attack to help cool them down.)

(Smeargle and Stufful do their best to comfort Mew, Tracey, and Tomo.)

(Pikachu and Skwovet check out the window, so far, nothing.)

(Inside Misty's backpack, the egg glows again.)

(Meanwhile, Misty, Togepi, Pichu, and Poliwag.)

Misty: "Once Mew, Tomo and Tracey get better, we'll introduce you to Pikachu and Squirtle and Psyduck and Lapras and…"

(Misty happily says.)

(As the group walk down the road.)

(James and Meowth are following from behind and spy on her from behind the bushes.)

Meowth: "Just as I suspected. That kid got the Poliwag and the crop of Salveyo weed."

(Meowth says.)

James: "But they won't have either when they starts to sample the goodies we've got in store for them,"

(James says.)

Meowth: "They should be making a pit stop anytime now,"

(Meowth says.)

(Soon, Misty and the Pokemon stop to see a tea set in the middle of the road.)

Misty: "Whoever left this fancy tea set right in the road?"

(Misty questions.)

(Soon, they spot some makeup right next to the tea set.)

Misty: "And all this makeup?"

(Misty says, amazed.)

(Misty begins to step the tip of her foot on the blanket, and feels the ground under it give way a bit.)

(Catching on what's going on, Misty says.)

Misty: "I have to get back and help the guys!"

(A little while later, the group finds a large basket of food.)

Misty: "This is the most scrumptious looking basket of food I've ever seen in my whole life!"

(Misty fights the temptation.)

Misty: "But we can't stop and eat because they're waiting for us."

(And sometime later, they come across…)

Misty: "What beautiful dresses! Whoever uses this road has very good taste,"

(Misty says, and continues onward.)

(Meowth grows frustrated as Misty isn't stopping by for them.)

Meowth: "What gives? We put out everything a girl should want, and she didn't fall for any of it!"

James: "I think it was a big mistake to base our choices on what Jessie would have stopped for,"

(James says.)

(Then Meowth says.)

Meowth: "Maybe the kids and that blue creep saw through our little scheme this time. But next time, we'll disguise our plan a whole lot better."

(Meanwhile, Misty continues to list off her friends' Pokemon.)

Misty: "And then there's Scyther and Pichu and Charizard and Marill and Venonat and…"

(Soon, they stop to see a woman and a baby carriage in the road.)

(The woman says.)

The woman: "Oh, pardon me, miss."

Misty: "Can we help you?"

(Misty asks.)

The woman: "Perhaps. Would what you're carrying, by any chance, be something called Salveyo weed?"

(The woman asks.)

Misty: "Yes,"

(Misty says.)

The woman: "It's just. It's just that my baby inhaled Vileplume's Stun Spore."

(The woman says sadly.)

Misty: "Why, that's terrible,"

(Misty says, surprised.)

(Then the woman says.)

the woman: "My poor, precious, honey child hasn't been able to move even one little old bitty muscle for days. But the worst of all is my sweet pea can't smile. Oh, if I could only find a hunk of that Salveyo weed, I'd boil it up, my precious angel could drink it down and I could see that smile one more time."

(And begins to tear up.)

(Tearing up as well and disguised as the baby, Meowth says.)

Meowth: "That's the saddest story I ever heard. We gotta do something to help that baby."

Misty: "That baby…"

(Misty says surprised.)

(Then gives them a suspicious look.)

Misty: "Sounds like Meowth!

(James and Meowth panic.)

(Then James says.)

James: "Well, at least I fooled you!

Misty: "That's cause you're a fool! "

(Misty says.)

(Then Meowth jumps on the carriage and is still wearing the bonnet.)

(And begin to do the motto.)

Meowth: Baby or not, prepare for trouble!

James: Lady or not, make it double!

Meowth: To protect da woild from devastation!

James: To unite all people within our nation!

Meowth: To denounce da evils of truth an' love!

James: To extend our reach to the stars above!

(With that, Meowth takes off the bonnet.)

Meowth: Meowth!

(Then James takes off the hat and removes the makeup.)

James: And I'm...James!

Meowth: Team Rocket, Blast off at da speed of Light!

James: Surrender that Salveyo weed, girlfriend, or prepare to fight!

Meowth: Dat's right!

(Then Meowth says.)

Meowth: "We need that Salveyo weed to help our friend Jessie to recover from some Stun Spore and we're gonna do whatever it takes to get it!"

James: "Weezing, go!"

(James says, and throws his Pokeball.)

(Then Weezing comes out of the Pokeball.)

(Misty gasps in surprise, but Poliwag gets in front of Misty.)

Misty: "Poliwag!"

(Misty says, surprised.)

(Weezing charges in and tackles Poliwag.)

(but Poliwag retaliates with rapid fire slaps from its tail.)

Misty: "Poliwag's Double Slap attack is amazing!"

(Misty says, amazed.)

Pichu: "Pichu!" (Go Poliwag!)

(Pichu cheers.)

(Weezing is sent crashing to James and Meowth, and they end up falling into the carriage.)

(Then the barrage itself goes down the slope and when it hits a rock, the three go tumbling out.)

Misty: "That was great, Poliwag!"

(Misty complements.)

(Poliwag is pleased.)

(Some time later, James and Meowth climb their way back up, battered and beaten.)

Meowth: "Now how are we gonna help Jessie?"

(Meowth asks.)

James: "Beats me,"

(James answers.)

(Just then, both of them see and crawl over to see some Salveyo weed, and suspect that Misty left some of them behind for them.)

James: "It. It's Salveyo weed!"

(James says, surprised.)

Meowth: "That girl must've left it for us!"

(Meowth says.)

(Meanwhile, Misty explains to the Pokemon.)

Misty: "I know they wanted to trick us, but they were only trying to help Jessie. So I think they deserve a break for once. Don't you?"

(The Pokemon agree.)

(As for the two, James and Meowth have teary eyes and are surprised by the kindness shown to them.)

Meowth: "And after all we done to them!"

(Meowth says.)

James: "I must admit that a little red head is as good as gold!"

(James says with tears.)

Meowth: "Those four twerps are pretty lucky to have such a kind hearted, caring, generous twerp like her for a friend,"

(Meowth says.)

(Meanwhile, Pikachu and Skwovet are waiting outside and soon see Misty, Poliwag, Togepi, and Pichu.)

(Misty calls out.)

Misty: "Pikachu! Skwovet!"

Pikachu: "Pikachu Pi!" (Misty!)

(Pikachu cheers.)

(Skwovet cheers.)

Skwovet: "Skwovet!" (You made it!)

Misty: "Let's hurry and boil this up!"

(Misty says.)

(Everyone hurry inside and get to work.)

(In no time, the Salveyo weed is boiled and is now ready to be served.)

Misty: "Here you go,"

(Misty says, and hands Mew a cup.)

Misty: "Don't burn yourself."

(Mew takes the cup.)

Mew: "Thank you."

(Then Misty hands Tracey a cup.)

Misty: "Careful, it's hot."

Tracey: "I knew I could count on you,"

(Tracey says.)

(Then Misty hands Tomo a cup.)

Misty: "Here you go, remember to be careful."

Tomo: "Thank you Misty,"

(Tomo says.)


(Meanwhile, in Team Rocket's cabin, James and Meowth are boiling the Salveyo weed as well.)

(Jessie walks over to them and practically begs.)

Jessie: "Isn't it ready yet? Come on! Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!"

Meowth: "We're boiling as fast as we can!"

(Meowth says.)

James: "The least you could do, Jessie, is be a little bit more appreciative!"

(James shouts.)

(Jessie shouts back.)

Jessie: "Well, I do appreciate what you're doing. But do it faster, now!"

(Sometime later, Jessie drinks the beverage and back to full strength.)

Jessie: "I'm me again!"

(James and Meowth sigh with relief.)

Jessie: "That whiny wimps must've been looking for Salveyo weed by herself because the other four twerps are sick. So this is the perfect time to attack them!"

(James and Meowth are shocked.)

(Then Jessie says.)

Jessie: "Both of you have already wasted valuable time, but if we move fast, maybe we can triple team the girl and capture Pikachu and Eevee.

James: "But, Jessie,"

(James says.)

(But Jessie gets up and stretches.)

Jessie: "I can see that you two are totally lost without me. Come on, let's go."

(and walks out the door.)

James: "I can't believe she wants to attack the kid responsible for helping her get well,"

(James says, stunned.)

Meowth: "That's Jessie. Keeping up the old Team Rocket tradition,"

(Meowth says.)

(Meanwhile, Mew, Tracey, and Tomo get their strength back as well.)

Misty: "How do you feel?"

(Misty asks.)

Mew: "Just fine!"

(Mew says.)

Tomo: "I feel a lot better now,"

(Tomo says.)

(Suddenly, a glow appears from Misty's backpack, and it's glowing bright that it catches everyone's attention.)

Jen: "What's that?"

(Jen asks.)

(Misty rushes to her backpack and opens it up.)

(She then takes out the Pokemon egg that's glowing and flashing.)

(Soon, the egg begins cracking.)

Mew: "Your Pokemon Egg,"

(Mew says, surprised.)

Misty: "It's hatching,"

(Misty says, surprised and excited.)

(Everyone watches as the egg glows and cracks, and soon bursts as a blinding light appears.)

(Soon enough, the light disappears, and the baby Pokemon is born.)

(The little Pokemon is a light-blue, penguin-like Pokémon, which is covered in thick down to insulate against the cold.)

(It has a dark blue head with a primarily white face and a short, yellow beak.)

(The dark blue feathers on its head extend down its back and around its neck, which causes it to appear to be wearing a cape.)

(There are two white ovals on its chest and a small, light-blue marking resembles a crown above its beak.)

(It has flipper-like arms and yellow feet with three toes each.)

(The little Pokemon happily says.)

Piplup: "Piplup!"

Misty: "Aww, it's cute,"

(Misty happily says.)

Tracey: "It's a Piplup,"

(Tracey says.)

Misty: "Piplup, huh. It even sounds cute,"

(Misty says.)

(Piplup turns to Misty and happily says.)

Piplup: "Piplup." (Mommy.)

(Mew giggles.)

Mew: "Piplup called you her mommy."

Jen: "Aww,"

(Jen says.)

(Mew brings out her Pokedex and Dexter says.)

Dexter: "Piplup, the Penguin Pokemon. A Water Type. A poor walker, it often falls down. However, its strong pride makes it puff up its chest without a care."

(Misty smiles and says.)

Misty: "Hello Piplup, it's nice to meet you.

(Suddenly, Arbok burst through the wall, but everyone ducks their heads.)

(Then everyone rushes outside and sees Jessie.)

Jen: "Jessie!"

(Jen exclaims.)

Mew: "So, it's you!"

(Mew says.)

Jessie: "Yes, and I imagine you're too stunned to battle,"

(Jessie says.)

Mew: "That's what you think!"

(Mew says.)

(Then Pikachu says.)

Pikachu: "Pika!" (Bring it!)

Eevee: "Vee!" (Yeah!)

(Eevee says.)

(Then Jessie calls out.)

Jessie: "Go and get em, Arbok!"

(Arbok charges towards them.)

(Then Mew calls out.)

Mew: "Pikachu, Eevee, go!"

(Pikachu and Eevee charge.)

(Jessie calls out.)

Jessie: "Arbok, Poison Sting attack!"

(Arbok launches the attack, but Pikachu and Eevee are too fast.)

(Jessie gets angry.)

Jessie: "Come on, Arbok! What's that matter with you?! We have to beat those kids!"

(Meanwhile, as Jessie rants, James and Meowth are hiding behind a nearby rock.)

James: "Wanna crawl under this rock?"

(James asks.)

Meowth: "Yeah,"

(Meowth says.)

(Jessie turns her head and shouts.)

Jessie: "Why aren't you two helping me out here!"

Meowth: "We don't wanna cramp your style,"

(Meowth answers.)

(And James nods in reply.)

(Then Mew calls out.)

Mew: "Pikachu, Eevee, Thunderbolt!"

(Pikachu and Eevee perform Thunderbolt and send Arbok flying into Jessie.)

(Ultimately, the Thunderbolt causes Jessie to become paralyzed all over again.)

(Jessie weakly says.)

Jessie: "Wonder if that weed will cure a Thunderbolt."

(Then James and Meowth rush in.)

James: "I think what you really need, Jessie, is something that'll cure a terminal case of ingratitude!"

(James says.)

(Then James and Meowth pick both Arbok and Jessie up and run away with them.)

Meowth: "Thanks again! I mean, we're blasting off again!"

(Meowth calls out.)

(That leaves the group in shock.)

Mew: "They keep getting weirder,"

(Mew says.)

Jen: "No kidding,"

(Jen replies.)

(Misty then says.)

Misty: "Looks like everyone recovered from the Stun Spore."

Tomo: "Yeah,"

(Tomo says.)

Tracey: "That Salveyo weed tea really did the trick,"

(Tracey says.)

Mew: "And we owe it all to you, Misty,"

(Mew says.)

(Misty shakes her head and turns to Poliwag.)

Misty: "We owe it all to Poliwag."

Mew: "I guess it was a team effort,"

(Mew says.)

Misty: "It sure was, wasn't it?"

(Misty replies.)

Poliwag: "Poli," (Sure is.)

(Poliwag says.)

Tracey: "And you two make a great team,"

(Tracey says.)

Misty: "Yeah. And great friends, too,"

(Misty says.)

Poliwag: "Poli" (Yes!)

(Poliwag happily says.)

(By defending Poliwag from Team Rocket, Misty has won a new friend and a new Pokemon.)

(And because of her dedication to helping Mew, Tomo, and Tracey has earned their gratitude.)

Mew: "Thanks, Misty. Thanks for helping us,"

(Mew says.)

Misty: "It's no problem,"

(Misty says.)

(And later on, the group continue to head out to sea, and with renewed strength in body and spirit.)

(Mew and her friends head for the Orange League and the challenges that awaits them there.)

(And now, Misty has two new Pokemon friends.)

[To be continued...]


Mew's Files

Pokemon On Hand: Eevee (Female). Pikachu (Male). Squirtle (Male). Bulbasaur (Male). Charizard (Male). Castform (Male). Tyrogue (Male). Aerodactyl (Male). Porygon. Wartortle (Female). Pansear (Male). Ledyba (Female). Lileep (Female). Magneton. Makuhita (Male). Clefairy (Female). Skitty (Male). Red Sunkern (Female). Miltank (Female). Tauros (Male). Shiny Ditto. Shiny Dratini (Female). Igglybuff (Female). Magby (Male). Elekid (Male). Smoochum (Female). Blue Shellos (Male). Omanyte (Male). Kabuto (Male). Ivysaur (Female). Meditite (Female). Floette (Female). Gengar (Male). Gastly (Male). Dreepy (Male). Pidgeot (Male). Wooloo (Male). Cutiefly (Female). Yamask (Male). Diglett (Male). Haunter (Male). Gyarados (Male). Shaymin (Male). Primeape (Male). Weepinbell (Female). Younger Mewtwo (Male). Plusle (Male). Minun (Female). Baby Lapras (Male). Drowzee (Male). Snorlax (Male). Grubbin (Male). Blipbug (Male). Fomantis (Male). Shiny Eevee (Male).Muk (Male). Shiny Feebas (Female). Burmy (Male). Burmy (Female). Jumpluff (Female) Emolga (Female). Furret (Male). Slowpoke (Male). Lucario (Male). Archen (Female). Fearow (Male). Chatot (Male). Shiny Lapras (Female). Ursaluna (Male). Shiny Hisuian Zorua A.K.A. Zo. (Female). Shiny Hisuian Lilligant (Female). Elgyem (Male).

Pokemon in Professor Oak's Ranch: Papa A.K.A Zeraora (Male). Tsareena (Female). Wave A.K.A Alolan Raichu (Female). Arcanine (Male). Poliwrath (Male). Roserade (Female). Galarian Rapidash (Female). Liepard (Female). Beautifly (Female). Cinderace (Female). Shiny Glaceon (Female). Kingler (Male). Shiny Dewgong (Female). Cloyster (Male). Mawile (Female).Fraxure (Male). Ursaring (Male). Beedrill (Female). Meowstic (Male) Lunatone. Sandslash (Male).

Released: Butterfree (Male).

Temporarily: Sneasler (Female).

Special Item: Rainbow Colored Feather. Moltres Feather. Zapdos Feather. Articuno Feather. Lugia Feather A.K.A Silver Wing. Lugia Egg.

Items: 3 Heart Scales. 2 Soothe Bells. 1 Amulet Coin. Eeveelution Keychain. Marill Doll. Pokemon Grooming Kit. Pokemon Medical Kit. Pokeblock kit. Poffin Case. Super Rod. Key Stone (Bracelet Ring). Charizardite X (Metal-plated Collar). Silph Scope. Mysterious Dragon wing Teal Crystal. Mysterious pale blue snowflake crystal. Mysterious pink crystal with fairy wings. Mysterious white crystal with circles. Mysterious magenta pink crystal with strange symbols. Cherish Ball. Pokeflute. Gengarite. Pidgeotite. Beedrillite. Aerodactylite. Gyaradosite. Blastoisinite. Venusaurite. Mewtwonite X, Mewtwonite Y. GS Ball.

Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Love Ball.

Evolution Items: 2 Fire Stone, 3 Thunder Stone, 2 Leaf Stone, 3 Moon Stone, Sun Stone, Shiny Stone, Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone, and 4 Ice Stone. Deep Sea Tooth. Deep Sea Scale.

Badges: Coral-Eye Badge. Sea Ruby Badge. Spike Shell Badge. The Jade Star Badge.

Misty Files

Pokemon: Staryu. Oddish (Female). Golduck (Male). Magikarp (Male) Masquerain (Female). Snover (Male). Sobble (Male). Wingull (Male). Psyduck (Male). Whooper (Male). Pink Shellos (Female). Tentacruel (Male). Marill (Female). Feebas (Female). Panpour (Female). Snorunt (Female). Ducklett (Female). Chinchou (Male). Mudkip (Female). Jigglypuff (Female). Togepi (Male). Vespiquen (Female). Tirtouga (Male). Clefairy (Female). Shiny Buizel (Male). Pichu (Female). Goomy (Female). Goldeen (Female). Pink Frillish (Female). Slowpoke (Male). Fomantis (Female). Dewpider (Male). Sizzlipede (Male). Volbeat (Male). Illumise (Female). Red-Striped Form Basculin (Female). Blue-Striped Form Basculin (Male). Wimpod (Male). Wurmple (Female). Budew (Female). Delibird (Male). Eevee (Female). Pancham (Male). Anorith (Male). Swanna (Female). Cramorant (Female) Lapras (Male). White-Striped Basculegion (Female). Solosis (Female). Poliwag (Male). Piplup (Female).

Pokemon at Cerulean Gym: Mantyke (Male). Lumineon (Female). Primarina (Female) Starmie. Shellder (Male). Vaporeon (Female). Luvdisc (Female). Lotad (Male). Clamperl (Female). Clamperl (Male). Horsea (Male).

Items: Fishing Rod. Mystic Water Necklace. 4 Heart Scales. 1 Soothe Bell. 2 Ice Stones. Swampertite. Slowbronite.

Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball. 1 Dive Ball.

Evolution Items: 2 Water Stones. 1 Dragon Scale.

Tomo Files

Pokemon: Kangaskhan (Female). Eevee (Male). Doduo (Female). Growlithe (Male). Kanto Ponyta (Male). Abra (Male). Cubone (Female). Tangela (Female). Staryu. Delibird (Male). Stantler (Female). Smeargle (Male). Sealeo (Male). Kecleon (Male). Natu (Female). Buneary (Female). Tyrunt (Male). Larvesta (Female). Snom (Female). Meloetta (Female). Voltorb. Shiny Umbreon (Male). Skwovet (Male). Galarian Slowpoke (Male). Shiny Riolu (Female). Zorua (Male). Shuppet (Male). Deino (Male). Munchlax (Male). Caterpie (Female). Joltik (Male). Bulbasaur A.K.A Sage (Male). Wooper (Male). Barboach (Male). Shinx (Male). Blitzle (Female). Girafarig (Female). Rufflet (Male). Bidoof (Male). Clobbopus (Male). Cranidos (Male). Skarmory (Male). Mandibuzz (Female). Wyrdeer (Male). Deoxys (Male).

Item: 1 Soothe Bell. 2 Ice Stones. Banettite. Kangaskhanite. Lucarionite. Alakazite.

Tracey Files

Pokemon: Venonat (Male). Marill (Female). Blue Frillish (Male). Scyther (Male). Sewaddle (Female). Smeargle (Male). Stufful (Female). Mankey (Male). Eevee (Male). Fire Darumaka (Male). Ice Darumaka (Male). Phantump (Male). Mienfoo (Female). Kabuto (Male). Hawlucha (Male). Kleavor (Male). Clefairy (Male).

Jen Files

Pokemon: Amaura (Female). Braviary Hisui Form (Male). Overqwil (Female). Hisuian Zorua (Female). Unova Zoroark (Female). Hisuian Growlithe (Male). Hisuian Voltorb. Hisuian Lilligant (Female). Lucario (Male). Riolu (Male). Shiny Cleffa (Female). Shiny Igglybuff (Female).