Chapter 7 (The Morning)

"... I want to exist with everyone... I want them to grow with me as well. I couldn't even see Era, Eiro and most of them. And if I compare it with my new life... Even if I didn't had a love like Mahi, but... At least they will exist. Big brother would be married... Everyone would have got love..." And Ishan smiled and looked straight, "And I would continue my struggle to grow and get happiness in myself."

And all the three Gods got a smile.

The cat ear one was impressed and said, "Very well... I guess I have chosen the right one for it."

But Ishan still doesn't knows about another god and she herself introduced, "I am Emi, current Goddesses Of Time. I manage all the timelines of all the universes in the multiverse of God of Everything. I was the one to show you the fake System and I was the only one who send you back to time."

"Oh... Nice to meet you."

Emi explained, "From the world you just came from was actually your previous life if you didn't died soon. Although that timeline was almost erased but I saved the portion of that one single day to answer your question and to also have a question."

And Ishan got a smile again and stood and said, "Thanks for that single day... It was lovely and peaceful which I would chose if the System would be real."

And Emi, Yuki and Yuzui laughed.

"And... Now that timeline will be completely erased... What do you think about it?"

And Ishan replied, "... I have its memories of that single day... I don't mind anything else but actually happy that you all gave me that time. Thanks again."

"You are welcome." Said Emi and the timeline was now completely erased but it will be never erased from Ishan's memories.

Yuki said, "And this is the time to goodbye... You are going to wake up from your coma soon, Ishan."

"Oh... I see."

And Ishan was going to wake up soon on Earth, but it will take days on it but minutes for Ishan.

And Yuzui said her last words, "And... I will like to give you a small piece of advice, Ishan. Never ignore someone who loves you... Love him or her back. We don't know that with whom you will like to end up with, Sara or Mahi or anyone, never leave someone else and just confess back, that I also love him/her, even if you can't marry with her, even if you can't have a romantic relationship with her, even if you can't love as much you do to other. But still... Love, love back. And... Never die with a regret like I am dying." And she laughed.

And Ishan understood that what he needs to do.

And Emi said, "Yes, like I loved Ichiro, big brother as his sister, Yuki as a friend, Nobela as like a brother, God of Everything like his creation, Goddess Of The Beauty same as a friend and... Yuzui loved him... For actually no reason. But he always loved us like we wanted... Goddesses Of The Beauty also wanted to marry him--"

"Just shut up Emi!" Shouted Yuzui and everyone started laughing.

"So, yes this was our way. We actually loved to talk with you, but don't forget the promise, you will not tell about us to anyone." Said Emi and now much time was not left.

And Ishan's body started glowing which means he is going to wake up.

And Yuki forget to say the tell thing and said before it could be too late, "And yes! When you will wake up, Nobela must have kept the present, it's just a costume. It will be in your hospital room."

And Ishan disappeared but was able to hear everything and said thanks for everything they gave.

And Ishan opened his eyes and it was early morning when the sun has not even raised and the sky was looking dark blue.

"Ma'am Mahi! How does it feels to become a World Woman Chess Champion in a strike of 6 times?!"

"Uh, sorry but I have to go for now. Let's talk tomorrow at ceremony."

And she left.

The woman in white dress continued walking to the hospital room in hospital, but her way of walking was not normal, she was limping a little bit. And she is... None other than... Mahi!

'Huff... I am now 6 times World Woman Chess Champion and maintaining the title since I was 19... Just think what will happen if Ishan wakes up and he gets to know?' thought Mahi and started overthinking and started blushing in her dreams with continuing her walk.

'Uh... I shouldn't over think too much.' thought Mahi and came in front of the hospital room.

Mahi took a deep breath and opened the door a everywhere light and the light started removing and Mahi saw something suspicious.

Someone, wearing a black long overcoat with black trousers and black t shirt and looking himself in the mirror.

Mahi looked at the bed and no one was there!

And the man turned back and said, "Mahi...!"

And Mahi was stunned to see the scene and was not believing that it's true.

It was Ishan who just woke up and shaved his beard and get ready in a classic and great black costume!

Mahi rubbed her eyes to make sure that whatever she saw is not true and looked again but nothing changed! It was actually Ishan who has just wake up around 3 to 4 hours ago and it's currently 8 A.M.!

And tears came in Mahi's eyes and she started crying and said, "Thank... Thank goodness you are back... Ishan."

And Mahi soon stopped crying because it's not time to cry but to be happy.

"How was your life in coma--?"

And Ishan suddenly hugged Mahi and said, "... Just stay... For a while."

And Mahi remain calm.

And suddenly Ishan's tears started dropping on Mahi's shoulders and Ishan with crying said, "... I am sorry... I am sorry Mahi... I am sorry! I am sorry... That I could never give you that love which you give me... I am sorry that I could never be yours... I am sorry that I could never replace you in place of Sara... I am sorry that we both can't become Life partners... But I just wanted to confess... I love you, I love you from my heart, even if a little bit, but I do."

And Mahi... Also started crying after hearing it that finally Ishan realised that how much she can love him.