Chapter 8 (Shopping)

And Mahi also started crying loudly that why... Why she can't be in place of Sara in his life. But she was also happy, that finally Ishan has understood her love to him even if they can't take it further.

"I am sorry... That I came in your life and you fell for me... I am sorry... I am sorry...!!!"

And they both started crying loudly and nurses came to check for Ishan, although they already get to know that the patient has waken up. And smiled that two lovers hugging and confessing.

It's a pain when someone loves someone but they can never be joined and become one together, but it's still fine if you just confessed, even if you know you both were never made for each other, but confess, tell, just say it out that it's hurting that we can't be together but it will be fine if you just confessed.

And Ishan and Mahi sitting on the patient's bed and both of them were blushing that they both confessed, even if they know they are not for each other.

Mahi was a little bit sad that Ishan couldn't be of her but was much more happy that he also cares, he also loves her even if he loves Sara more. And that's fine and enough for her. She just wanted to show and tell how much she loves him which he has realised on his own.

"Um... When did you woke up?" Asked Mahi.

"Today only at 4, I guess. By the way, what's date today?"

And the nurse replied, "It's 14 December 2033."

And Ishan was shocked.

"It's your birthday Mahi, right?!" Asked Ishan with being amazed.

And Mahi was surprised that how did Ishan knows about it, she hasn't told about it to anyone, not even to Lisa and is living with her from years but never had a birthday!

"How... How do you know--?"

"Let's go for shopping then!" Said excited Ishan and Mahi was now more shocked that Ishan wants to go for shopping with her?!

Nurse said with a smile, "Well, you can take discharge now only, but should I tell your parents and big brother?"

"No, I will surprise them once we have done for shopping." And Ishan stood and continued, "We will first go for shopping, then we will go to big brother's college farewell party and then home. How's the plan, Mahi?"

And Mahi was being too much shy and looking down but stood and said, "... Fine..."

And Ishan got discharged but doctor has threaten him that if he didn't told to his family till night, they will tell them. They are scared if Ishan ran away and they will be in a huge problem. But Ishan will be no problem for them.

And Ishan and Mahi continued their walk in the road sides and streets and Mahi was all the time looking down with being completely shy.

"Look straight, Mahi. Everyone is staring at you and gossiping. You must be a Woman World Chess Champion till now."

And Mahi blushed more hardly and turned towards Ishan with red cheeks and shouted, "You are the only one responsible for it! I... I have today only became 6th time World Champion and in this country only... How will people not know me?"

And suddenly a group of girls came in front Mahi and Ishan and started asking for a autograph from Mahi.

And Ishan took out the black marker and gave to Mahi. She was again shocked that how Ishan has the marker but signed.

"Is he your boyfriend Ishan?!"

And Ishan started laughing and Mahi shouted with still blushed, "He's not my boyfriend!!! Although... He is only Ishan."

"Oh~ well then we should not disturb you both thanks for the autograph." And the girls left.

And Ishan and Mahi continued their walk.

"Hey... Mahi, I am sorry that I broke your promise." And Mahi was surprised that about which promise but Ishan continued, "We promised that we will meet each other when we will become successful... But I still couldn't... Sorry for that."

And Mahi smiled and said, "No... Even if your name doesn't comes on news, but still, you have changed lives... I doubt that I would ever be a World Champion at age of 19 if I haven't meet you and spent time together for that week. I could be not successful if I hadn't met you... Ishan."

And Ishan got a smile.

And Mahi continued, "Here's one quote which Lisa admires a lot... When I was helping him to climb the mountain, I can remember that I was also on the peak... And it makes some sense now."

And Ishan laughed... But he liked the quote.

It was 4 P.M. now and the bell ring in the house.

"Lisa!!! I have a gift for you!"

"Gift?!" And Lisa opened the door immediately and saw Ishan and Mahi standing there and Ishan holding the bags and smiling.

Lisa was surprised that Ishan is in front of her and rubbed her eyes if she's just seeing imagination and saw again, but it was actually Ishan.

Lisa laughed and said, "When did you wake up?"

And Ishan and Mahi entered in the room and Ishan laughed and said, "Just today only."

And Mahi went to get ready for the college farewell with the new dress and Lisa came in front of Ishan.

Lisa laughed and said, "So... Are you the gift?"

"Lisa!!! Talk to him with manners!!!" Shouted Mahi and Ishan and Lisa laughed.

Ishan sat on the sofa and said, "I am not the gift, we were actually gone for shopping and Mahi also wanted to buy some dresses for you... So they are gifts, not me. But I didn't chose it, Mahi has chosen. I don't have clothing manners actually."

And Lisa sat next to Ishan and asked with being surprised, "You... And Mahi... Were gone for shopping?"

"Yeah, it's Mahi's birthday so I thought to take her for shopping and buy for her whatever she wants."