Chapter 2: The Reincarnation

After paying his dues,Alex exited the brothel reminiscing the lingering feelings of his passionate time. A sudden commotion at the entrance shattered the night's calm. Alex's attention was drawn to the disturbance—a man, clearly agitated, had stormed into the room. He was disheveled, his face twisted in a blend of rage and desperation. The man's eyes were locked onto an escort, and his voice was a harsh, accusing growl.

 "You're mine, Jesse! You promised me—"

 Jesse's demeanor shifted from seductive charm to stern resolve. "I've told you before, you can't buy me. I work for my own choice."

 The man's frustration boiled over. He reached for her, and as he did, Alex's protective instincts flared. He stood up, moving to intervene. "Hey, calm down, pal. You can't just barge in here and make demands."

 The confrontation escalated quickly. The man's anger turned violent, and he shoved Alex aside, his gaze never leaving Jesse. In a blur of motion, he pulled out a knife, its blade gleaming menacingly under the dim light.

 Alex tried to wrest the knife away, but the man was surprisingly strong. The blade slashed through the air, and Alex felt a sharp, searing pain as it cut across his side. He gasped, stumbling back, his hand instinctively pressing against the wound. The room erupted into chaos as staff and patrons rushed to contain the situation.

 The last thing Alex saw before the darkness closed in was Jesse's terrified face, her hand reaching out to him. The pain was immense, a fiery torment that seemed to consume everything else. His vision blurred, and he could hear the distant sirens, the murmurs of concern, but it all became a disjointed haze. Regrets and fears flooded his mind—his unfinished business, the life he had built as an entrepreneur, and the knowledge that it all might slip away.

 As the life drained from him, Alex's consciousness fractured, and he was enveloped in an overwhelming sense of nothingness. There was a moment of disorientation, a void where time and space seemed to lose meaning.

 When awareness returned, it was to a strange new sensation. Alex found himself lying on a bed, but it wasn't the luxurious bedding of the brothel. The room was modest and unfamiliar, its wooden walls adorned with simple tapestries and the flickering light of a candle. The scent was earthy, a far cry from the perfume-soaked air of the brothel.

 He sat up, his head spinning with confusion. The reflection in the small, dusty mirror revealed a young man with an unfamiliar face. Panic surged through him as he realized he was not in his own world anymore. His attire was that of an aristocrat—a fine tunic and breeches, nothing like the modern clothing he had worn just hours before.

 The door to the room creaked open, and a a middle-aged woman entered, her expression a mix of concern and irritation. She was dressed in a modest gown, and her demeanor suggested she was used to handling domestic affairs.

 "Are you awake already?" she asked, her voice tinged with exasperation. "You're supposed to be resting. You're lucky your brother found you in time."

 Alex struggled to make sense of her words. "What do you mean? Where am I?"

 The woman sighed, setting down a tray of food on a nearby table. "You're in our manor. Baron Lionhart's estate. You're the second son, Lucian. I know you've been under a lot of stress due to awakening of your class, but you need to pull yourself together."

 The mention of the name Lucian jolted him. He was Alex, but this was not his world. His mind raced, trying to piece together the situation. The memories of the brothel, the pain, and the knife were vivid. It was clear he had somehow been transported to another realm.

"The baron's estate?" he repeated, his voice trembling. "I don't understand. I must be dreaming."

The woman's eyes softened slightly. "It's understandable to be confused. You've been through a lot. But this is no dream. As per instructions received, you are being summoned to Baron's office. Get ready and make your way."

'Is this like a reincarnation that happens when you get hit by truck kun? But I wasn't hit, but stabbed and murdered. Damn! She said something about awakening. Does this mean I get a system...'

Suddenly a screen popped up in front of my eyes!

 Character: Lucian Lionheart 

Class: Enchanter

*Level: 1*



- *Strength:* 8 

 Effectiveness in physical tasks and combat.

- *Agility:* 7 

 Speed, dexterity, and reflexes.

- *Constitution:* 9 

 Physical endurance and resistance to ailments.

- *Mana:* 15 

 Resource for casting spells and enchantments.

# Health Points (HP): 50 

Total health available for sustaining physical damage.

# Mana Points (MP): 30 

Total mana available for casting spells and enchantments.



 Level 1 : Mana Manipulation

 Description: Basic control over mana, allowing for simple enchantments and spellcasting. Enhances ability to channel and utilize mana for magical effects.



- Strength: Essential for physical activities and combat scenarios. 

- Agility: Affects movement speed and precision in actions. 

- Constitution: Determines overall resilience and health regeneration. 

- Mana: Critical for performing magical abilities and sustaining enchantments.


Training Recommendations:

- Practice mana control: To increase proficiency in Mana Manipulation and unlock advanced magical skills.

- Physical conditioning: Engage in bodyweight exercises to improve Strength, Agility, and Constitution, maintaining a balanced approach to both physical and magical training.


Lucian's mind raced. If he was truly in a fantasy world, perhaps this was his opportunity to redefine his existence. The enchanter class, while unconventional for his family's lineage, could offer new possibilities. He had been given a second chance, and perhaps he could forge a new path in this unfamiliar realm.

 As he processed the information, Lucian's resolve began to solidify. He would have to learn about this new world, adapt to its challenges, and make a name for himself in ways he had never imagined. The pain of his previous life would remain, but he had been granted a new lease on life, and he intended to use it wisely.

'Let's start by setting some ground rules First: Don't try to be a hero and save a damsel in distress. Will come up some others as I go along. For now let's get ready to meet my father.'