Chapter 3: Baron Lionheart

The office of Baron Lionheart was a reflection of its occupant's status—richly decorated, yet somber. The walls were lined with dark oak bookshelves, filled with tomes and scrolls that spoke of generations of governance and strategy. The baron's imposing desk was a testament to his authority, covered in maps, ledgers, and a few personal trinkets. A large window allowed a slant of sunlight to illuminate the room, casting long shadows across the polished wooden floor.

Lucian was summoned to this room, his mind a whirl of anxiety and anticipation. His father's summons were always significant, and this was no exception. As he entered, he tried to suppress his nervousness, straightening his tunic and squaring his shoulders.

Baron Lionheart, a man in his late fifties with a stern but thoughtful expression, looked up from his desk. His graying hair and weathered face spoke of a lifetime spent in leadership and conflict. He motioned for Lucian to come forward, his gaze sharp and assessing.

"Sit down, Lucian," the baron commanded, gesturing to a chair across from him.

Lucian complied, his heart racing as he took his seat. The baron didn't waste time with pleasantries.

"I've been informed of your current predicament," Baron Lionheart began, his tone grave. "Our family's legacy is built upon the sword, and it's essential that you uphold this tradition." 

Lucian nodded, trying to keep his expression neutral. "Yes, Father."

 The baron leaned forward, his fingers steepled. "It has come to my attention that you are not suited for the sword in the traditional sense. You possess an aptitude for magic, specifically the enchanter class. However, given our family's expectations, it would be wise to present yourself as a swordsman for the time being."

 Lucian's breath caught in his throat. Hiding his true class would be a challenge, but it was necessary. He had no intention of disappointing his father or his family's legacy.

 The baron continued, "To aid you in this deception, I've arranged for you to train with a seasoned swordsman. You will undergo rigorous training to develop your skills and present a convincing facade. In the meantime, you'll need to keep your magical abilities concealed. Your enchanter class will only be revealed when you have proven yourself proficient in it.

 Here," the baron said, handing Lucian a worn-out book, its cover cracked and faded, "is a manual on basic enchantments. It belonged to a past enchanter of our family. Use it for your studies, but remember, you are to appear as a swordsman in public."

 Lucian accepted the book with a nod, feeling the weight of both the physical and metaphorical burden. The book's condition spoke of extensive use and long years of practice. It was clear that mastering his enchanter skills would be no simple task.

 "Thank you, Father," Lucian said, his voice steady despite the storm of thoughts in his mind.

 "Don't let me down, Lucian," Baron Lionheart said, his eyes narrowing slightly. "Your future and our family's honor rest on your shoulders."

 With a final nod, Lucian left the office and made his way to the training grounds, where he was to meet his new mentor. The grounds were expansive, featuring various training equipment and areas dedicated to different forms of combat training.

 His trainer was a tall, broad-shouldered man in his early forties, dressed in simple yet sturdy training attire. He had a weathered face and a no-nonsense demeanor that spoke of years spent honing his craft. The trainer's name was Garret, and he was renowned for his skill and discipline.

 Garret greeted Lucian with a nod. "You must be Lucian. I've heard you're here to train as a swordsman. Let's start with some basic exercises to build your strength and endurance."

 Lucian followed Garret to an open area where they began with bodyweight exercises. Push-ups, squats, and sit-ups were first on the list. Garret's instructions were clear and precise, and Lucian did his best to keep up despite his unfamiliarity with the physical demands of the training.

 The exercises were grueling, pushing Lucian's body to its limits. Sweat dripped from his brow as he struggled to maintain proper form, his muscles burning with exertion. Each repetition was a test of his endurance and determination.

 Garret was a stern instructor but fair. He corrected Lucian's form when necessary and offered words of encouragement when he saw potential. "Keep your core tight," Garret advised during a set of push-ups. "Focus on your breathing. The strength of a swordsman comes not just from his muscles but from his mind."

 Lucian nodded, focusing on Garret's words. The physical training was taxing, but he knew it was necessary for maintaining his cover as a swordsman. He was determined to master this role, even as he continued to study the enchanter class in secret.

 As the sun began to set, casting a golden hue over the training grounds, Lucian was exhausted but satisfied. He had completed his first day of training and was beginning to understand the demanding nature of the role he was to play.

 Garret clapped him on the back as they finished. "Not bad for your first day. Keep this up, and you'll be in shape in no time. Remember, it's not just about strength; it's about discipline and perseverance."

 Lucian smiled wearily, grateful for the encouragement. "Thank you, Garret. I'll do my best."

As Lucian retired to his room, he changed his training clothes and started going through the enchanter's book given by his father. Apparently classes related to enchanting with mana typically focus on imbuing items with magical properties. These classes often have specialized skills and knowledge that allow them to create powerful artefacts enhance mundane objects and utilize a deep understanding of magical theory and practical application.


Some of the mentioned skills associated with enchanting were:

Mana Infusion

 - The ability to channel raw mana into objects to create enchantments.

Rune Carving

 - Skill in inscribing runes onto objects to imbue them with specific magical properties.

Elemental Binding

 - The ability to bind elemental forces (fire, water, earth, air) into objects.

Spell Transference

 - Transferring spells from one medium (scroll, book) to an object.

Magic Detection

 - Identifying and analyzing magical properties within objects.

Energy Stabilization

 - Ensuring that enchanted objects maintain their magical properties without becoming unstable.

Glyph Creation

 - Designing and applying glyphs that confer various magical effects.

Enchanting Rituals

 - Performing complex rituals to create more powerful or permanent enchantments.

Artifact Repair

 - Repairing and restoring the magical properties of damaged enchanted items.

Mana Manipulation

 - Fine-tuning and manipulating mana flows to achieve precise enchantment results.

Protective Warding

 - Enchanting objects with protective spells and wards.

Material Knowledge

 - Understanding which materials best conduct or hold different types of enchantments.

These classes and skills form the foundation of enchanting, allowing enchanters to create, enhance, and utilize a wide range of magical items.