Chapter 18: The Merchant's Bargain

After waking up the next morning Lucian glanced at his new creation thinking it would make a name for himself in the world but before fame there was business to attend to.

Lucian had prepared 20 smaller vials, each holding just enough of the potion to be both tantalizing and luxurious. He carefully packed these vials into a small, sturdy wooden case, lining them with soft fabric to prevent any damage during transport. With the case secured, he set out towards the merchant district of the nearby town, his mind already on the potential profits and the new connections he could make.

The streets of the town were bustling with activity as Lucian made his way to the merchant's shopThe shop he was headed to was owned by Roderick, a seasoned merchant specializing in potions known for his shrewdness and extensive network of contacts.

The bell above the door chimed softly as Lucian stepped inside. The air was thick with the scent of exotic spices and rare goods, a testament to the shop's wide array of offerings. Roderick, a portly man with sharp eyes and a shrewd smile, was behind the counter, haggling with a customer over the price of a fine silk scarf.

Lucian waited patiently, observing the scene. When the customer finally left, Roderick turned his attention to Lucian, his expression immediately shifting to one of curiosity. "Ah, young man," he greeted with a respectful nod. "What brings you to my humble establishment today?"

Lucian smiled politely and placed the wooden case on the counter. Lucian had introduced himself as Leo, an alchemist. "Good day, Roderick. I have something that might interest you—a new product I've been working on." He opened the case, revealing the neatly arranged vials.

Roderick's eyes widened slightly as he inspected the contents. "Aphrodisiacs, are they?" he asked, already recognizing the type of product before him.

Lucian nodded. "Indeed. But these are not just any aphrodisiacs. I've put a lot of effort into perfecting the formula. I believe you'll find the quality to be exceptional."

Roderick uncorked one of the vials and took a cautious sniff. The effect was immediate—his eyes widened further, and a look of surprise crossed his face. "By the gods," he muttered, clearly impressed. "The aroma alone is enough to stir the senses. This is… extraordinary."

Lucian allowed himself a small, satisfied smile. "I thought you might appreciate it. Now, I was hoping you could tell me about the going rates for such products."

Roderick leaned back, still holding the vial as if it were a precious gem. "Well, aphrodisiacs are always in demand, especially among certain clientele. Nobles, brothel owners, adventurers looking for a little extra thrill… the usual suspects. The price typically ranges between 10 to 20 gold pieces per vial, depending on the quality and effectiveness. Potions concocted by a well known Master Alchemist easily doubles it. "

Lucian nodded thoughtfully. He had expected as much, but hearing it from Roderick confirmed his calculations. "And what would you say about the pricing for these?" he asked, gesturing to the vials in the case.

Roderick considered for a moment, his merchant instincts kicking in as he weighed the potential profit against the market demand. "Given the quality… I'd say these could easily fetch 25 gold pieces per vial, perhaps even 30 if sold to the right buyer."

Before Lucian could respond, a tall, well-dressed man approached from the other end of the shop. His presence commanded attention, and Roderick's expression shifted to one of professional courtesy. "Branch Head Elgin," he greeted with a deep bow. "Have you decided on your bulk purchase items from our catalogue?"

Lord Elgin, a distinguished gentleman with sharp features and an air of authority, glanced briefly at Roderick before his gaze landed on the open case on the counter. "I was just going through it when I caught a rather… intriguing scent," he said, his voice smooth and controlled. "What is that?"

Roderick motioned towards Lucian. "Young Master Leo here has created a new aphrodisiac of remarkable quality. Would you care to take a closer look?"

Roderick introduced Elgrin to Lucian as well who happened to be the branch head of third most popular business chain in the neighbouring land of the Marquis under whose banner the Baron Lionhart served.

Lucian straightened, recognizing the opportunity before him. If he could impress Branch Head Elgin, this venture could become much more lucrative than he had initially anticipated. He observed as the man approached the counter, taking a vial and uncorking it. The expression on Branch Head Elgin's face was subtle, but Lucian could tell he was impressed.

"This is extraordinary," Elgin said after a moment. "How much are you asking for these?"

Lucian took a deep breath, steadying himself for the negotiation. "Twenty-five gold pieces per vial, my lord. But I'm open to negotiation for a bulk purchase."

Lord Elgin raised an eyebrow, clearly interested but not fully convinced. "I'm no Lord but twenty-five is steep, even for something of this quality. How about 20 gold per vial if I take the whole lot?"

Lucian hesitated briefly, but then his mind raced. He had learned that a successful negotiation often required giving the illusion of compromise while still holding onto the larger prize. He decided to counter with a tactic of perceived value increase.

"My lord, while 20 gold pieces is a fair offer, I believe the true value of this product lies in its rarity and exclusivity. What I propose is this: You purchase ten vials now at 23 gold pieces each, and you can reserve the remaining ten for your auction next month. If it sells for more, I would be willing to give you 80% of the additional auction profits beyond 23 gold as a token of goodwill for this initial purchase. If it sells for less, I will be your exclusive supplier for this aphrodisiac at 18gold pieces per vial."

Elgin considered this, his eyes narrowing as he weighed the proposal. The promise of exclusivity and the potential for profit were clearly appealing to him. "Eighty percent of the additional auction profits, you say?" he asked, testing the waters.

Lucian nodded. "Indeed. Your name would be kept in the highest regard among the other bidders for the exclusive product while your involvement would add prestige to the auction."

Roderick, who had been silently observing the exchange, finally spoke up. "It's a good deal, Branch Head Elgin. I've rarely seen such quality in all my years."

After a few more moments of silence, Lord Elgin nodded. "Very well, young Leo. I accept your terms. Ten vials now at 23 gold pieces each, and the remaining ten after the auction."

Lucian extended his hand, which Elgin clasped in agreement. "Thank you, my lord. I'll have the terms written up immediately."

Roderick quickly produced a parchment and quill, and Lucian dictated the terms of the agreement. Both parties signed, and Lucian felt a rush of satisfaction as he sealed the deal. He had not only sold his product but also secured a powerful ally in Elgin, whose influence could open many doors.

 Elgin pocketed the vials and handed Lucian a small pouch filled with gold coins. "I'll be in touch about the auction," he said, before turning and leaving the shop with the air of a man who had just made a very profitable decision.

Once the door had closed behind him, Roderick turned to Lucian with a grin. "You drive a hard bargain, young master. If you keep this up, you'll be giving the seasoned merchants a run for their money."

Lucian smiled, though his mind was already turning to the next steps. "Thank you, Roderick. I'll need your help in organizing the auction when the time comes."

Roderick nodded. "Of course. I'll start spreading the word among the right circles. By the time the auction arrives, there'll be more than a few interested buyers."

Satisfied with how the day was progressing, Lucian bid Roderick farewell and stepped out into the bustling streets, the weight of the gold pouch comforting in his pocket.

The sun was high in the sky as Lucian made his way back to the Lionheart estate. The adrenaline from the successful negotiation was starting to wear off, replaced by a growing awareness of the other responsibilities awaiting him—namely, his training.

As the son of a baron, Lucian was expected to excel not only in matters of business and politics but also in martial skills. His trainer, Sir Garrett, was a grizzled veteran with little patience for excuses, and Lucian had missed several training sessions while perfecting his aphrodisiac formula.

When he arrived at the training grounds, Sir Garrett was already there, running drills with a group of soldiers. The older man's expression darkened as he spotted Lucian approaching. "Decided to grace us with your presence, have you?" he called out, his tone laced with disapproval.

Lucian resisted the urge to roll his eyes. He respected Sir Garrett, but the man had a way of making even the most reasonable of explanations seem like excuses. "I've been occupied with other matters, Sir Garrett," he replied evenly, keeping his tone respectful but firm.

"Other matters?" Sir Garrett barked, clearly unimpressed. "The last time I checked, your father expects you to be a warrior, not a merchant. Or did you forget about the goblin culling last week?"

Lucian winced at the mention of the goblin culling. He had participated, of course, but his mind had been elsewhere, focused on his alchemical experiments. "I haven't forgotten, Sir. But I believe a man can be more than just a sword arm. There are battles to be won in the marketplace as well."

Sir Garrett snorted. "Marketplace battles won't keep you alive when a goblin has a knife to your throat, boy."

Lucian sighed inwardly but nodded. "Understood, Sir Garrett. I won't miss any more training sessions."

"See that you don't," the trainer grumbled. "Now, grab a sword and join the drills. We've got work to do."

The afternoon passed in a blur of physical exertion as Lucian threw himself into the training drills with a renewed focus. His muscles ached, and his mind wandered back to the events of the morning, but he pushed through, determined to prove that he could handle both his martial duties and his business ventures.

As the sun dipped towards the horizon, signaling the end of the day's training, one of the household servants approached the training grounds. The young man bowed respectfully to Sir Garrett before turning to Lucian. "Master Lucian, your father, the Baron, has requested your presence in his chambers."

Lucian's heart skipped a beat. His father was not a man to be kept waiting, and a summons to his chambers usually meant something serious. "Thank you," he said to the servant, before handing his practice sword back to Sir Garrett.

The old knight gave him a stern look but said nothing as Lucian turned and hurried towards the main house. He could feel a mix of anticipation and apprehension building in his chest. His father was a formidable man, respected and feared in equal measure, and Lucian had always strived to live up to the Lionheart name.

As he approached the heavy wooden doors of his father's chambers, Lucian paused to take a deep breath, steadying himself for whatever was to come. With a final exhale, he knocked firmly on the door.

"Enter," came the baron's deep, commanding voice from within.

Lucian pushed the door open and stepped inside, bowing respectfully as he entered. Baron Lionheart stood by the window, his back to the door, gazing out over the estate with his hands clasped behind him.

"You wanted to see me, Father?" Lucian asked, keeping his tone respectful but curious.

Baron Lionheart turned slowly, his piercing gaze meeting Lucian's. "Yes, Lucian. We have much to discuss."